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by thirty5tech
Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:21 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: One PC - 2 MagicJacks
Replies: 9
Views: 6653

Maybe if someone here have actually tried it with success or no success post the outcome instead of users guessing and spaming without even trying it.

hey guys slow down, was ot in the board..

what i mean, is that is you see where the files are pointing to at your user profiles on your computer ...
by thirty5tech
Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:44 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: One PC - 2 MagicJacks
Replies: 9
Views: 6653

That's odd...... I had a TechChat with MJ this week and they said that you CAN run 2 MJs on one PC. I haven't tried it yet though.....

Technically, it's possible to have more than 1 MJ device in the same PC only if:

- the MJ softphone app allows itself to run concurrently with another instant of ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:51 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: VISTA SP1 - blocking MJ - I give up for now
Replies: 57
Views: 35290

I had not been able to receive any calls on my MJ system. I called the Chat three times and they agreed it is not my system but in the MJ system and their engineers would fix it immediately ;-) . That was on the 13th of April. I tried everything I could think of and the next morning I tried ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:42 pm
Forum: magicJack Reviews, Rants and Raves
Topic: DONT GET JACKED!!!!!!
Replies: 50
Views: 40934

Re: I Guess I Have the Only Units that DO Work

>>...i just want people to know that this company is set up to get your money, not have a working product...

Ordered my two MJ units, and received them within a week.

They each installed flawlessly on my Mac and Vista machines.

I needed to edit the 911 address on one account - I was connected t ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:33 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: magicJack has encountered a problem and needs to close
Replies: 4
Views: 6429

Re: I've had exact same problem with the only MJ but fixed i

My MJ Softphone kept crashing after Vista SP1 Installation.
But the problem did not start until I've switched from one User Profile in Vista to another.

On the second User profile Softphone would load to almost 90% then crash erroring out and quitting.

Shortly after the same problem would ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:50 pm
Forum: magicJack Tips and Tricks
Topic: SIP password
Replies: 4
Views: 5923

Don't get me wrong! This piece of device is great, unfortunately, it is just not for me! There are two reason that it is not for me! It doesn't have my local phone number! Second, it cannot run on PowerPC Mac!

I hate the fact that the "STICK" a old post on top of this page, which really mislead ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:47 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: WOW - I love it!!!!
Replies: 2
Views: 2631

Re: WOW - I love it!!!!

Just got my very own MagicJack. I'm up in Canada, so you know the story with the area codes, but WHO CARES!!!! Had no problems setting it up, caller ID works on all the phones I tried (a cheep handset and a Panasonic 2.4 GIG extreme cordless). Sound quality is great, set up my message manager and ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:42 pm
Forum: magicJack Reviews, Rants and Raves
Topic: Renewals can only be done with credit card
Replies: 14
Views: 11365

Come on, what's so dangerous with trusting magicJack with your credit card information? :twisted:

I wonder thats as well, But if you dont used your CC online, then that is understandable , but if you do used your CC online but dont want to with magicjack why is that, If you dont trust them with ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:26 pm
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: Wondering if anyone here has an 750i sli board?
Replies: 4
Views: 3040

Re: I have one

I have this one Gigabyte 750i board and a Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe
Do you have problems when playing a video? Mines shows rainbow artifacts when playing a video... I am blaming the board.

that is a driver issue yo are having, what windows version are you running and what drivers version do you have ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:04 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: VISTA SP1 - blocking MJ - I give up for now
Replies: 57
Views: 35290

Re: SP1 Vista

Thanks to all for the sympathy -

By chance I had installed the MJ just before installing SP1 and installed the mj again after SP1 was on the machine - had the same issues. I have tried switching to menu to headseat and have had no luck in correcting the problem. One of the first things I did was ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:03 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: VISTA SP1 - blocking MJ - I give up for now
Replies: 57
Views: 35290

Re: Installed MagicJack after Vista SP1 without a Vista Issu

I installed MagicJack this week. I've been running SP1 on Vista Home Premium since it became available.
I did not have any issues with Vista itself. On the other hand, I am running Kaspersky Internet Security 7.0 and they don't like each other.
Every time Kaspersky scans startup files, it hangs up ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:57 pm
Forum: magicJack Tips and Tricks
Topic: new device, how to use old number
Replies: 2
Views: 4071

is not posible, You have to talk about MJ chat suport about that .

is cause your Mj is register with a serial just for that MJ jack you have.
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:20 pm
Forum: magicJack Tips and Tricks
Topic: SIP password
Replies: 4
Views: 5923

Re: SIP password

There is just no ways to get this work! Cain took millions years to find the password (which I am not sure is 12 or 20 digit). I bought this MJ just because of the SIP. I want to use it at my home phone rather than through computer!

I make this post just to let other people know that it is not ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:11 pm
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: Wondering if anyone here has an 750i sli board?
Replies: 4
Views: 3040

I have one

I have this one Gigabyte 750i board and a Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:08 pm
Forum: magicJack Reviews, Rants and Raves
Topic: Fresh MJ install, first post
Replies: 8
Views: 6563

I totally agree. They say the same thing to me. Your voice is too low. Thats my only complaint. It sounds just like a regular phone

well if all the setting are correct and apply everything others have offer, then is a good chance is probably your phone you are using, Have you try to used a ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:27 pm
Forum: magicJack Tips and Tricks
Topic: recording calls
Replies: 85
Views: 58774

Recording Phone Calls with your PC

Recording Phone Calls with your PC
source from

There are plenty of reasons to record a telephone conversation. One of the most fun may be recording a call to customer service for purposes of maintaining your own quality ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:19 pm
Forum: magicJack Tips and Tricks
Topic: re-up discount
Replies: 6
Views: 6698

I bought a brand new MJ and got a 5 year option for an additional 50 bucks. :)

I order three of them with a 5 year plan for 176.75

But remember, this service is still in beta, and they could close in one year if they wanted and you wont get any refund for the remainer of your service.

So if ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:00 pm
Forum: magicJack Tips and Tricks
Topic: connecting 2 or more phones to one MJ
Replies: 24
Views: 16589

I went out and bought a Uniden phone syatem that has a base unit with a phone and a slave phone for another room and now I have no problem because I am only using one line to the MJ, I am not using a phone splitter at all now.I was even able to plug my old wireless phone into a different wall jack ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:39 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: Talking to Dan the Man today and Got Some News on Audio
Replies: 23
Views: 10896

OK Guys-Dan just wrote back this -

There is two things

1.We are going to be using VAD soon,which uses half the Bandwidth regardless of which codec we use.

2.We will introduce low bandwidth, high quality codecs like 729 e and GSM

You may post that.Most of the work was being done for evdo rev ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:28 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: Unable to complete registration
Replies: 12
Views: 6894

Finally got it to work. Reloaded windows operating system and voi·là! Works like a charm. Plugged phone cord from unit into a phone outlet and now I can place and receive calls from all my phones.
I bet if you had deleted your cache, cookies, empty temp folder and allow cookies for the sites ...
by thirty5tech
Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:25 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: Sounds like underwater after vacation
Replies: 1
Views: 1896

could be cause of alot of reason

most comman ones is cause the internt connection, and being you are behind a router, sometimes you tend to get a bad connection with MJ,

so try without the router and see if the quality is better or the same.
by thirty5tech
Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:00 pm
Forum: magicJack Tips and Tricks
Topic: Keep app from popping up.
Replies: 105
Views: 183997

this is what I used

hey all

well there are a few programs out there to do what you looking for, But the only one that came out best and work very well for me is call TweakWindow , I install it on my Vista 64bit OS and when it restarted, Magicjack was automaticl loaded to the tray, So give it a try , and hope it all ...
by thirty5tech
Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:46 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: Installation problems on desktop
Replies: 3
Views: 2690

could be alot of reason why you will get that error

but to troubleshoot the fix for your MJ installation try this

download , and saved it to your desktop

after that

go to start then run and type in


when the config windows open, click on the startup tab,

once in the startup tab ...
by thirty5tech
Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:03 pm
Forum: magicJack Tips and Tricks
Topic: magicjack work oversea?
Replies: 18
Views: 15139

as long your MJ is activated yes

if you have activated MJ here in the USA with a area codes from the states, Then yes, you could used it over see, Just as long you used the same technic used here and that is a Fast Broadband Connection , A PC/Laptop with a USB port , and of course, any phone that that plugs into the Jack on the USB ...
by thirty5tech
Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:02 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: MagicJack
Replies: 3
Views: 2329

Re: MagicJack

BillyH wrote:I would like to know is a Phone number for MJ?

Have a Good Day:
if the Main number to MJ you are reffering to, There is none that im aware of only a chat support .
by thirty5tech
Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:32 pm
Forum: magicJack Tips and Tricks
Topic: Dissapointed with the product
Replies: 5
Views: 6098

I think the easiest thing would be to change the number at for free and see if its just the number. chances are you don't even have a number you want with MJ anyway

No, its not free... its a few bucks i just checked... the best way is to talk with tech support, say that your jack ...
by thirty5tech
Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:27 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: Has anybody else been unable to receive calls or check VM?
Replies: 6
Views: 4575

Re: Has anybody else been unable to receive calls or check V

Just frustrated and wanted to vent (again) as well as make sure I am not the only one experiencing this - which my money says I am not.

For all of the satisfied users, good for you. Seriously, it's a great thing if (when) it works. For me, it's just not worth the frustration.

All I can say is ...
by thirty5tech
Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:25 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: Installation problems on desktop
Replies: 3
Views: 2690

try this

when you plug in your USB MJ, to another usb, does it start up ?

If yes, Have you disable your firewall temporally ?

also make sure you dont have any extra usb device during the installation ...
by thirty5tech
Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:51 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: Solved. Can't Register, Sayes "No Serial Number Passed
Replies: 10
Views: 9664


OK , Ordered and got second MJ ( Dumb Me ! ) and it's doing the same thing :(
at registration screen says "No Serial Number Passed" even after doing a System Restore and starting from scratch.
Any Ideas .....

what OS are you running ?
is vista, do you have SP1 install ?
Have you disable all ...
by thirty5tech
Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:46 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Replies: 3
Views: 2749


I ordered it more than a month ago. Thirty day trial is over and I still have no trial and no Magic Jack. The money came out of my account last week, or two.

I cant think of any good reason why customers are left hanging like this and with no Customer Support.

Your best bet will be to call MJ ...
by thirty5tech
Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:30 pm
Forum: Magic Jack Technical Support
Topic: What are the minimum computer requirements to use MagicJack?
Replies: 2
Views: 3391

it should work fine

as long you are not running to much application on the background, you should do good.

also make sure you have also a fast broadband connection to make the best out of magicjack.