Settings are not being saved

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Settings are not being saved

Post by FunnyQQ777 »

Settings are not being saved, everytime i start Magic Jack I have to pick use headset and pick the correct settings for it

if u know how to fix that then please let me know how
MagicJack Expert
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Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:25 pm

Post by astro46 »

i have noted this problem in several posts on this forum. i have written mj, owner, and underlings about this software deficiency. they don't respond. obviously they don't care. this isn't the only problem with the mj software/softphone. it is crude in a number of ways. the outlook addin is equally undeveloped.
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Post by Stewart »

If you don't use a telephone, just disable the "USB Internet Phone" (under Sound ...) with Device Manager. Then, when you start MJ, it will select the headset automatically. To go back to using an analog phone, re-enable the USB Internet Phone (you will have to restart MJ).
MagicJack Expert
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Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:25 pm

Post by astro46 »

in my case, i have two sound cards, one usb and the other on motherboard. one is for the computer speakers, the other for a voip headset (previously i was with skype). since mj, insists on using the computer audio settings rather than voice settings for the headset, it meant clicking on headset and then changing the sound card also.

retaining software settings would be an expected and normal thing for software to do, unless maybe it was written 15-20 years ago.
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