I have a strange problem. The first of the two MagicJacks I bought has stopped responding to voicemail dial-ins. Whenever I call it (my number, from MJ itself or cell phone) the VM just chimes in with "Good Bye..." in that annoying "buh bye" kind of voice and hangs up on me "presto".
There is absolutely NO way I know of to get to the Voicemail inbox/system. What is going on? The second (newer) MJ doesn't have that problem.
P.S. I think I made it sound like I expect the device to hold/respond as a voicemail system. So I correct myself, I know that voicemail resides on the server somewhere. But, I still can't access it.
If you have one that works and one that doesn't it would appear to me to be something on their end and/or you have forgotten your correct password. Have you changed your password from the original 1234?
OK to the rest of the world - I never changed mine and you are welcome to listen to my voice mails if you can find my MJ telephone number. It is a price I am more than willing to pay for one less item in my life to attempt t memorize. PS - I am a Roboform user so that will give you some insight about my love of passwords and my inability to remember them all.
I am not trying to be patronizing but password have been a continual sore point with me especially in a corporate environment. I have been called out in the middle of the night and waste 2 hours because of some damn password "I thought I knew" problem.
Tabaks - please post back what finally resolves you problem. This forum it a bad about post back what fixed the original problem. You get answers like "yup it is OK now, thank" and they are gone. so no one benefits from the fix whatever it might have been. (2 cents).
- George -
HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
HolmanGT wrote:
Tabaks - please post back what finally resolves you problem. This forum it a bad about post back what fixed the original problem. You get answers like "yup it is OK now, thank" and they are gone. so no one benefits from the fix whatever it might have been. (2 cents).
Not posting back a resolution is not solely a phenom in this forum... seems like it occurs in many others as well...
As for use of RoboForm... excellent choice... has rescued me numerous times from the effects of the backward slide of my aging brain
And the not posting back the "The Fix" is definitely a problem on most of the technical forums. I intentionally left that aspect out of my request in an attempt to put more pressure on the folks posting here primarily because if you can't find the MagicJack answer here you will probably not find it anywhere.
- George -
HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655