Magic Jack dropping the internet connection ??
Moderators: Pilot, Bill Smith
Magic Jack dropping the internet connection ??
Magic Jack sits idle on PC - then drops the internet connction. The internet is good when I look at the connection (and works with other PCs in the house) so only MJ is not connected to internet anymore. Happens frequently. I disabled McAfee thinking messgaes they send are interferring, but made no diff. Any other suggestions?? Thanks!
Re- root hubs
I am not sure how I would know if it is doing that to my USB hubs...what would I look for exactly? Thanks!
Dan you rock!
Dan you Rock! THe USB was indeed set to 'save energy'! I would not have known this - MJ central should put this on its FAQ, it is such a simple fix and a BIG problem!! I have Windows XP, so 'saving energy' is probably likely with XP. Thanks!