Can't determine whethere problem exists in laptop or in magicJack device.
I've successfully used the device for 6 months, suddenly it stopped working as it usually worked. Why would this happen? The laptop still functions but the device seems to be faulty; basically I cannot toggle between telephone and headset/other after clicking on MENU on the softphone. I've tried everything evenly remotely relevant in magicjack"s knowledge base.
Do you have another machine you can test it on? I hate to suggest this because MJ leave a lot of software be hind but if you do not have another machine try it on a friends machine.
- George -
HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
Jayare wrote:I've only one computer. Magicjack has agreed to send me a replacement. I'll let you know if it works and I can conclude it was a faaulty device.
Well that is very good, I don't know how you talked them into sending you a new one but now you will be able to tell if it is the MJ or not and you will also have the latest hardware version of MJ.
I believe there has been one hardware upgrade in the last six months or so. If this fixes your problem you will win in both arenas, newest hardware and a working MJ, what more could you ask for.
- George -
HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
wardhealer wrote:MJ Tech support is a waste of your time. Read the many transcripts of Tech "chats" and you will see that the agents are essentially clueless. You will find the same stock answers given for a variety of problems. I don't know if they actually even understand the instructions they are giving you. They probably have hotkeys on their terminals to send you each stock answer. Considering that these tech folks are in South Asia, I doubt if any of them have ever used or attempted to install an MJ themselves.
You are better off browsing this forum for answers to your problem. You will be learning from folks who have already gone through the tech support "chat" hell and from those who have REAL technical expertise and have come up with solutions on their own.
Absolutely correct, thank God some people did some research on their own like this blog that I found on the net. I was able to set up my firewall and router ports correctly.
I think you're right, they're hiring agents with no technical back ground. I have the ability to fix issues but they terminated me? Poor 611, they lost one of their valuable agents. Ask me here if you want something about magicjack.
wardhealer wrote:MJ Tech support is a waste of your time. Read the many transcripts of Tech "chats" and you will see that the agents are essentially clueless. You will find the same stock answers given for a variety of problems. I don't know if they actually even understand the instructions they are giving you. They probably have hotkeys on their terminals to send you each stock answer. Considering that these tech folks are in South Asia, I doubt if any of them have ever used or attempted to install an MJ themselves.
You are better off browsing this forum for answers to your problem. You will be learning from folks who have already gone through the tech support "chat" hell and from those who have REAL technical expertise and have come up with solutions on their own.
I think you're right, they're hiring agents with no technical back ground. I have the ability to fix issues but they terminated me? Poor 611, they lost one of their valuable agents. Ask me here if you want something about magicjack.
You should be ashamed of yourself. if you were that good, why were you terminated? Attitude maybe? Don't know about 611 but i don't think that saying or telling "Poor 611" will help you increase your reputation. well you're wrong son. every establishment is indeed rich in their own way. I think you should say "poor lil me" because you got terminated. you don't even have a job. breathe it in..a 2nd hand smoke.. get a life..
U sure you are a valuable agent? lol you should Evaluate yourself before saying those lines... people who survived there are the best compare to those who were kicked off...
I think you're right, they're hiring agents with no technical back ground. I have the ability to fix issues but they terminated me? Poor 611, they lost one of their valuable agents. Ask me here if you want something about magicjack.
Your abilities did not work so better accept the fact that you're nothing instead of claiming that you have what it takes to be a part of the company, huhuhuhu
i hate to highjack but how do you just order service, i have a new jack but they wanna sell me one in all the links i use. i just wanna give em the cash (credit card) and have the service. thanks......
What a surprise. I go to the Tech link and the site isn't working. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
magicJack will soon be in Guinness Book of Records for highest number of Better Business Bureau complaints. Is anyone surprised? I tell my friends to stay away.
I love the MJ. had one for a year.
very few problems.
Originally, it would cut me off after talking an hr. so I chatted with them.
reinstalled and didn't have that trouble until I talked for about 2 hrs. then it cut me off... reconnecting lt me get several busy signals and evenatually worked again. so ... I chatted with them... and they "helped" but ... it still did the same thing after 2hr.
Then I paid for another year... seemed like after that things were getting glitchy. and acting up.
then It wouldn't start up properly ... so I chatted again... they offerd remoted in and "fixed" stuff.... DON'T LET THEM .
I didn't as Dell did that and eventually I crashed.
so it took longer and I tried all kinds of thing slight of getting into the registry ( don't do that eiher) over several day and almost 4 hrs of chatting ... nothing wass getting better. they finally told me to buy another MJ... excuse me... they offered me a free one for s&H of $10. asked them if I could just go to the store and get one... they said sure... but you have to pay the $40. I thought I might ask them for a refund and bag it then decided to let it ride.
I took it to another comptuer... before plugging it in.. I opened mycomputer and the task manager so I could view them both. plugged it in. MJ loaded, created the 2 drives... and worked... so it was not the MJ.. but something messed up on the computer. and their support only made it worse. I also set the virus checkers to a slightly less secure setting to see if that helped.
then, I shut it down, unplug mj rebooted and plugged in mj and it worked.
Went to my computer ran my easyclean program ( deleted cookies and temp internet file) ran the mjremove program MJ keeps sending me ( I have it on my computer so I don't keep downloading it)
then hit run and typed application data made sure the MJ folder was gone... searched my entire hard drive for Majic and found only a few prefetch files listed and Icons that weren't directly involved with MJ loading.
rebooted and instead of plugging into my comptuer I plugged mj into my monitor.. it loaded and worked. rebooted.. removed mj before rebooting... then plugged it in where it was... and all is well.
hope this helps.. it wasn't worth the time spent with chat support
they don't know anything except what there cheat sheet book says in front of tehm
if the assure you somthing will work... ignore them
if the say they will email you.... they lie
If they drop you from the chat.. you cannot get the same person back... even if they tell you to ask for them.
if they give you a phone number that works... let us know..
and if the tell you after it is working, to call someone with mj to see if it works... isn't it oddd... they cannot call you or you call them... you now.. if they did , the caller id would let you know their number hehe.
QuiGonJohn wrote:Thanks Dan. What is SIP? I've seen this mentioned, and a possible router setting when one has problems. So it might be helpful to know what that is as well.
Who's Dan?
SIP = Session initiated protocol, a standard method to do call setup (signaling) and delivery over the internet. Most VOIP service providers (including MJ) use SIP method.
Some newer routers support ALGs (application layer gateway). ALGs are special embedded functions to help make routers more friendly to users. For example, VoIP/SIP ALG in the router would help open/close SIP ports (5060/5070) as needed. QoS (quality of service) ALG would give higher priority to VoIP traffic, online games, etc over normal internet traffic (http, ftp, etc).
Some routers make these ALGs selectable, you could turn these ALGs on or off as needed. Other routers may only provide ALGs automatically without requiring user's manual settings.
LM(not Dan )
I chat with MJ online service for five days now and the last one they told me to contact my ISP(currently located overseas)) and ask them to allow MJ to conect and creat or open 5060/5070 SIP port with UDC. I was about to do that when I either miraculously or accedentally (LUCKY ME)read your post about 5060/5070. Do you think this will help solve the problem of my MJ that since I received it six days ago I still can't make a phone call. There is a dial tone and the people that I am calling gets the call but when they picked it up we can't hear anything. They returned my calls, my MJ rings but when I picked up the phone nothing in there...please advice....
i hope someone can help me to get my phone working it a magic jack i am unable to even call out it show an error 6 message so i took it all out so if you can get me with the right person to do this it would so helpful
angelbaby6712010 wrote:i hope someone can help me to get my phone working it a magic jack i am unable to even call out it show an error 6 message so i took it all out so if you can get me with the right person to do this it would so helpful