DSL Service & Magicjack whole house wiring

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DSL Service & Magicjack whole house wiring

Post by Route66 »

Here's a question..and I think I know the answer but i'm looking to double check..

I know how to do the whole house wiring for voip (where you unplug the master line from the telco in the box, then plug the magicjack directly into the phone jack and since their all daisy chained they will all work). However, since I have DSL service...I don't believe I can unplug that master line from the telco as it would disconnect my DSL service. Just looking for a way to activate an extra phone jack (for my fax). I've got cordless phones w/ extension bases for voice..just tryin to figure out a fax solution.
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Post by AlaninKY »

My own experience is magicJack isn't good enough to use as a fax for business as I have too many failed faxes. However, some have been successful enough to use magicJack for faxing.
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Post by LikeMagic »

You can look at the following discussion for tip to put MJ on Line 2, leave your existing Line1/DSL alone:

http://www.phoneservicesupport.com/whol ... -t457.html
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Post by JohnnyFreightTRAIN »

You could always just buy a wireless phone jack.
I havent tried using one before with the magicjack, but I can't see why it wouldn't work.

I've heard someone mention something about separating the DSL signal from your analog phone service and using a dedicated jack for your DSL signal. I'm not sure how that would work, but if you did that I think that you would be able to disconnect the phone company and hook the magicjack up to your wall jacks.

I honestly have no clue, maybe you can do it. I'm not sure how to disconnect the telco from outside or if you can JUST disconnect the telco and not your DSL. Nor do I know weather or not connecting your magicjack to your phone jacks would work with your dsl connected as well... I am pretty sure you'll find something searching/browsing the forum. Someone on here must know the answer to this. Please post your results.
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Post by Jibu »

If you disconnect (or don't have) home phone service from your telephone company, but keep their DSL, this option is called Dry-Loop DSL (without phone service). In order to have this, plus the rest of the house wiring available for MagicJack home wiring, you need to have a splitter installed (if not already) on your Network Interface Device (NID), which is located outside, which connects your house to the telephone company. This splits the signal from the telephone company (one is the Dry-Loop DSL & the other was the phone service). The DSL line should go directly to one jack in the house, dedicated to DSL. The other phone line will be connected to the rest of the phone lines within the home. Disconnect the non-DSL phone line in the NID in order to prevent outside current from flowing through the in-home wiring and potentially damaging the Magic Jack. Connect your MJ wire from the MJ to any of the other non-DSL outlets in the house and you should be set for an active phone line through your home.
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Post by maine-iac »

See this.
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