wecatchem,wecatchem wrote:I went thru all the fixes I tried the resistors this worked but had other problems like not hanging up I also bought a powered hub ,but after all the hours on with MJ tech support 2x they make like this never happened before They told me to get a new phone like a panasonic. I told them it can be done I will let them know when I figure it out "its going to be a long night"...
I figured a way to do this I used a old caller ID box in line with the uniden cordless phones and everything works perfect This takes the extra power from the ringer and thus no resisitors are needed.It goes from the MJ to the caller ID to the uniden and the ID works perfectly on the phones.Im sure you can use an old corded phone in the line as well.
Are you 100% sure you used a 100,000 ohm resistor? What color bands are on the resistor you used? It is for all practical purposes impossible for a 100 K resistor to hold a phone line off hook.
A powered USB hub has nothing to do with solving the caller ID problem.
Nothing takes it's power from the the ringer voltage. The only thing the ringer voltage does is signal you phone to ring and you phone, caller ID box derive their power from the phone line carrier voltage which I believe is around 35 - 45 volts.
By putting the third party caller ID box on your system you effectively did the same thing the resistor alone does. The 3rd party ID box just presents a modest (probably around a 100 K resistive load) resistive termination just like the resistor itself would have done if you used the correct resistor (no insult intended).
The resistors (metal film made in china) color bands are next to impossible to read. So unless you pull the resistor out of a bubble pack that said 100 k Ohm only God and an Ohm Meter knows for sure what value the resistor is. It is all part of a Chinese conspiracy to thwart the U.S. hobbyist effort to succeed.
The only reason I responded to your post is it would indicate to many that the 100K Ohm resistor is not a viable solution and I would like to make it very clear that if you use the correct value resistor this fix has never been known to not fix the problem.
So, I don't want to upset you or start an argument but until proved wrong I am going to say that you must have used the wrong values resistor and it must have been much to low a resistance if your phone would not hang up. I am sure one of the Telco people will jump in hear and tell us what the off hook current had to be to hold the phone off hook.
PS - 100K Ohm resistor should be color coded "Brown = (1), Black = (0), Yellow = (0000)" reading from left to right. all the other bands, if any, are for other parameters and mean nothing in this application.