Create your own VOIP service

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Dan isn't smart enough to hire me
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Create your own VOIP service

Post by richardtaur »

1. Your own firm
2. Your prefered ATA device with your own logo
3. Have ATA connect to the SIP switch
4. Get all kinds of VOIP plans and also the SIP info for each service.
5. Advertise your own VOIP service plans to everybody.
Such as Free US, Canada calling, and choose your own desire International calling rate from any plan.
6. Sell the ATA to cus
7. After cus got the ATA, advise cus to wait for 24 hurs to activate by itself.
During the activation ~ Configure the SIP switch board based on customer's desire.
8. Charge cus monthly fee.

Nice business plan.
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Dan isn't smart enough to hire me
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Post by strndedinalska »

I wish I could put one of these in up here. I'd be as rich as all get out on long distance alone.
Windows Vista and Laptop with XP SP2 on the road. Occasionally, a Mac if my Windows machine isn't working.
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