Here is a text of the online assistance that I received today. The update after reboot ate my USB drivers and a few files in the BIOS. So after this conversation it was 3 hours of fixing files and a re-flash. After all that still no ring through on incoming, busy on voicemail, will not connect with certain 888 numbers, call forwarding website was not working, and that is all I could take today, but read the tech responses, perhaps these may help some of you as it was from beginning to end and of course, all they did was reboot the file on their end.....
General Info
Chat start time Apr 18, 2008 3:21:08 PM EST
Chat end time Apr 18, 2008 5:15:04 PM EST
Duration (actual chatting time) 01:53:56
Operator Harold
Chat Transcript
info: Please wait for a site operator to respond.
info: You are now chatting with 'Sabrina'
Sabrina: Hello, how may I help you?
Brian Meyer: not connecting with the computer
Brian Meyer: downloaded update
Brian Meyer: rebooted computer and computer crashed
Brian Meyer: had to reload a driver for windows 2000 just to get it back up again
Brian Meyer: now there is no connect at the usb
Sabrina: Okay.
Brian Meyer: also could not receive incoming calls prior to reboot or voicemail
Sabrina: I apologize for the inconvenience that you are having Brian.
Brian Meyer: idaes?
Brian Meyer: sp ideas
Sabrina: May I know if your using windows 2000?
Brian Meyer: XP
Sabrina: Is it on service pack 2?
Brian Meyer: have no idea why I had to reload a 2000 driver
Brian Meyer: yes
Sabrina: Okay.
Sabrina: Is the bluelight on?
Brian Meyer: yes
Brian Meyer: just replugged it in
Sabrina: May I know if your done with the registration process?
Brian Meyer: did that before and nothing is coming up
Brian Meyer: no screen to sign on and when I click the icon it tells me to plug it in
Sabrina: I see.
Sabrina: Please click the link to download and run the magicJack upgrade (applicable for both XP & Vista):
Brian Meyer: did the upgrade already
Sabrina: After running the upgrade please unplug your magicjack and plug it back again after 10 seconds.
Brian Meyer: did that twice this is the third time on the plug in
Sabrina: Okay.
Brian Meyer: nothing
Sabrina: Click Start tab and open your control panel... Go to internet options.. under privacy tab.. Slide the bar down to "allow all cookies" under security tab click on "trusted sites" then click the "sites" button.. Type the following address into the text bar.. click the "add" button.
Brian Meyer: https/::
Sabrina: You may type on the textbar.
Brian Meyer: says that sites added to this zone must start with https://....
Sabrina: Yes Brian.
Brian Meyer: ok
Brian Meyer: you had http
Brian Meyer: np
Brian Meyer: ok closed
Sabrina: Thanks
Sabrina: Now type in the following address.. and click "add". Uncheck the box at bottom left of window that says "require server verification..." click "ok" then click "apply" close the internet options. Unplug the magic jack and plug it back into a different usb port.
Brian Meyer: ok
Brian Meyer: lite bleeped on for a second then turned off
Brian Meyer: now back on
Brian Meyer: not showing anything plugged into the usb port
Sabrina: Please go to My computer and locate the drive named Vista Only, Phone, or removable disk (make sure it is the magicJack drive). Right click that drive, click format, and click start. Unplug magicJack, wait 15 seconds, and plug magicJack back in.
Brian Meyer: cannot find Vista only, phone or removable disk
Brian Meyer: nadda
Brian Meyer: also now cannot find my thumb drive
Brian Meyer: or my USB camera
Brian Meyer: this is great
Sabrina: I apologize for that Brian.
Brian Meyer: I have no USBs at all that work
Brian Meyer: 8 and none respond
Sabrina: Please try to unplug your magicjack and plug it back again. Have you followed all the instructions that I have given?
Brian Meyer: followed them all
Sabrina: Okay.
Brian Meyer: blue light flashed on then off again
Brian Meyer: that was a different port also
Brian Meyer: no blue light
Brian Meyer: for some reason now I have NO USB support since the install of the upgrade
Sabrina: Okay.
Sabrina: Download and run the Recover Tool from the link below. After running the tool, unplug your magicJack, wait 15 seconds, and plug it back in.
Sabrina: ... _setup.exe
Brian Meyer: no device found
Brian Meyer: did the install and states no device found
Brian Meyer: and there is no blue light on
Sabrina: May I know if your using USB extension cord with your magicjack?
Brian Meyer: yes
Sabrina: Please try to plug it directly on theports Brian.
Brian Meyer: directly in port
Brian Meyer: blue light is on
Sabrina: I see.
Sabrina: May I know if you have your softphone on your screen?
Brian Meyer: no
Brian Meyer: not in toolbar wither
Brian Meyer: either
Sabrina: Okay.
Sabrina: Ay error message on your screen?
Brian Meyer: no
Brian Meyer: but the light is on!!!
Brian Meyer: should i reinstall again as it gave error that there was no divice found on the last install?
Sabrina: Yes Brian. THank you for your cooperation. I appreciate it.
Brian Meyer: Still no device found
Brian Meyer: the USB is not reading the device as being there and I have tried three different ports. As I said I have nothing on the ports showing working now
Brian Meyer: thumb drive vanished and camera vanished
Sabrina: Do you have an AC powered USB hub?
Brian Meyer: direct
Brian Meyer: this is on the motherboard
Brian Meyer: and in the case
Brian Meyer: I am running a pretty high end server
Sabrina: Okay. Please hold on for a moment.
Brian Meyer: after install I cannot find any of my USB drivers
Brian Meyer: that is interesting
Brian Meyer: the light is working for power on the magicjack and thumbdrive but they are not being read
Sabrina: Thank you for patiently holding Brian. I really appreciate it. I escalated your issue to our shift head team. He said that he once encountered an issue that you have right now with magicJack. That issue was fixed by connecting the device to an AC Powered USB Hub. However if you really wish to use the magicJack he suggested that you have to plug in the device to an AC powered USB hub.
Brian Meyer: that does not explain why there is now no communication with the USB bridges in the computer after the upgrade
Sabrina: Have you tried it to a different computer Brian?
Brian Meyer: no
Brian Meyer: did not happen to purchase one of those also
Sabrina: I may suggest to please try to plug your magicjack to another computer.
Brian Meyer: guess I will have to take it to service on Monday and there will be no business for a few days. Oh well save on the phone bill spend it in repairs
Sabrina: Please have a try Brian.
Brian Meyer: sure, let me take down the server, then plug up another one
Brian Meyer: are you under the impression that I have several computers online?
Brian Meyer: I do not
Brian Meyer: I have to plug into the USB port with the laptop to get on the internet and the USB ports do not work NOW
Sabrina: I undertstand your concern Brian. Please do not hesitate to chat us back again.
Brian Meyer: alrighty then, now how do I get USB connectivity back after the upgrade install that has my system buggered
Brian Meyer: everything worked fine until the upgrade so perhaps someone in software development should take a look at the program and find the delete files and replace files
Sabrina: I apologize for the inconvenience Brian. I may suggest to contact your computer provider and help for some assistance.
Brian Meyer: I am the computer provider
Brian Meyer: anyway my suggestion to take a look at the replace files batch commands in the upgrade should have come with my IT certification?
Sabrina: I mean the computer manufacturer Brian. My apologies.
Brian Meyer: I have been manufacturing computers for 20 years, and I know that the USB ports have power it is a software clash with the upgrade and the USB drivers
Sabrina: Thank you for your patience. I will transfer you to a higher level of support. Please hold while I transfer you.
Brian Meyer: the upgrade made the drivers disappear or delete upon reboot
Brian Meyer: thank you
info: Please wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.
info: You are now chatting with 'Harold'
Harold: Hi, this is Harold.
Brian Meyer: Hello
Brian Meyer: seems that when I updraded today then rebooted the computer I lost all USB drivers
Brian Meyer: still have power on the ports but no connectivity
Harold: May I know if you are already registered?
Brian Meyer: yes
Brian Meyer: and that screen did not come up either
Harold: Please right click on “My Computer” and hit “Properties”, then tell me the exact “System”.
Brian Meyer: Sytstem:
Brian Meyer: Microsoft Windows XP Version 2002 Service Pack 2
Brian Meyer: 76487-OEM-0084261-87083
Brian Meyer: Intel [R] Celeron [R] D CPU 3.2 GHz
Brian Meyer: 3.19 Ghz, .99 GB RAM
Brian Meyer: Physical Address Extension
Harold: Thank you so much.
Brian Meyer: Device Manager has an exclamation mark for Cirrus Logic PCIC compatible PCMCIA controller and also for M-Systems Diskonchip 2000
Brian Meyer: first one under PCMCIA adapters and the second for PCMCIA and Flash memory devices
Harold: Please try to insert the magicJack to 6 or 7 USB ports that you have.
Harold: You may locate that at the back of your CPU, you would see more USB ports there.
Brian Meyer: tried them all so far
Brian Meyer: have to use cable on 4 due to case
Brian Meyer: there has been no "welcome" on any of them or new hardware found
Harold: Is your magicJack blue light on?
Brian Meyer: yes
Brian Meyer: how about if I try the other one that I have
Brian Meyer: hold on
Harold: Thank you for your cooperation, I really appreciate it.
Brian Meyer: well blue light is on
Brian Meyer: still does not recognize
Harold: Please try this new link of recovery tool.
Harold: ... _setup.exe
Brian Meyer: device not found
Brian Meyer: install aborted
Harold: How about this one.
Harold: Download and run the Recover Tool from the link below. After running the tool, unplug your magicJack, wait 15 seconds, and plug it back in.
Harold: ... _setup.exe
Brian Meyer: nothing
Brian Meyer: no screen nadda zip
Harold: OK, let's proceed.
Brian Meyer: k
Harold: Please try this again.
Harold: Please click the link to download and run the magicJack upgrade (applicable for both XP & Vista):
Brian Meyer: this is what crashed the system on reboot, glad I have a recovery disk for this
Harold: Please update me when you are done.
Brian Meyer: done
Brian Meyer: Warning: You must plug magicjack into USB
Harold: Please try it on all another vacant ports.
Brian Meyer: ok nothing
Brian Meyer: blue light is on
Brian Meyer: but no one is home lol
Harold: Is the error message gone?
Brian Meyer: no
Harold: Go to control panel in Windows and click on Add/remove programs;. Check for anything called musicmatch, musicmatch Jukebox or Yahoo Jukebox, and Roxio or Nero. If you have any, please uninstall them.
Brian Meyer: I have none of them installed
Harold: Go to "My Computer". From menu bar go to Tools and select Folder Options. In there click on the View tab. In there make sure the option "show hidden files and folders is checked". Now click OK.
Brian Meyer: opk
Harold: Done?
Brian Meyer: yes
Brian Meyer: also checked mcaffee and program has full access on ports
Harold: Now double click on your hard drive (usually called C:\). In there double click on "documents and settings". In there double click on the folder that has the username you use when logging in to Windows. In there double click on "Application Data". In there double click on folder called "mjusbsp". In there double click on folder called "ug00000". In there double click on the icon called "setup". See if your magicJack starts.
Brian Meyer: there is majicjack.dll, magicjacksplash, warningmjcoundnotbefound, waningno device found, clicked on splash and nothing
Brian Meyer: hidden files are off and there are only four items in ug00000
Harold: I see.
Brian Meyer: this is bizarre it worked find until the upgrade, other than I could not get to voice mail or take incoming calls. Then do the upgrade and now no USB communication with any USB device
Harold: Open task manager (control+alt+delete) and click the tab named Processes. Locate and end the following processes: UTSCSI, NEWNET_SETUP, MAGICJACK, and MAGICJACKLOADER. If one or several of these are not listed, do not worry. Now unplug your magicJack, wait 15 seconds, and plug it back in.
Brian Meyer: blue light on nothing popping up
Brian Meyer: I knew the earthquake here was going to cause problems today.......but computer problems
Harold: Please go to My Computer and locate the drive named Vista Only, Phone, or removable disk (make sure it is the magicJack drive). Right click that drive, click format, and click start. Unplug magicJack, wait 15 seconds, and plug magicJack back in. You will need to download the magicJack upgrade again.
Brian Meyer: and there are no lsitings for the two thumb drives inserted in other USB ports
Brian Meyer: just pulled them out in case this thing flakes out
Brian Meyer: do not need to loose 8 gigs of files
Harold: Are you using an AC powered USB hub?
Brian Meyer: no
Harold: I guess that you have a lack of power supply Brian please use this... as it will boost the power.
Brian Meyer: and if I had one how would you plug it into the USB port that does not work?
Harold: t looks like this:
Harold: A USB hub is a device that allows many USB devices to be connected to a single USB port on the host computer or another hub.
Brian Meyer: none of them are working and the only thing plugged in at this time is madicjack
Harold: Please visit this link.
Harold: Please visit that link.
Brian Meyer: ok, looked and yes I have one
Brian Meyer: it will take me a few minutes to go to the showroom and pull one
Harold: Do you have another computer? because we really need to re-format the magicJack drive Brian.
Brian Meyer: sure have three, and they ALL have USB connection for the internet
Brian Meyer: they are not working as you can imagine
Brian Meyer: just put a voltage tester to the USB and it has enough power to run the cell phone without a battery
Brian Meyer: it should have enough power in the port to run the magicjack or a thumbdrive
Brian Meyer: it is not recognizing the port hub either and it is plugged in now
Brian Meyer: sooooo
Brian Meyer: this appears to be a software problem
Harold: Did you try to reformat the drive Brian?
Brian Meyer: my hard drive?
Harold: We really need to reformat it.
Brian Meyer: if it does not appear you cannot format it can you?>
Brian Meyer: again the USB ports are not recognizing anything now
Harold: May I please have your magicJack number?
Brian Meyer: 1-202-239-XXXX
Brian Meyer: and
Harold: Thank you.
Brian Meyer: 1-636-465-XXXX
Harold: Which magicJack number are you using now?
Brian Meyer: 202
Harold: Please unplug your magicJack for 15 seconds, then plug it back in to another USB port, I am done refreshing your account here on our end.
Brian Meyer: Perhaps since the USB is not recognizing that anything is plugged in there is a problem with the driver recognition software along with my USB drivers being blasted out of the registry?
Brian Meyer: plugging it back in
Brian Meyer: plugged in
Brian Meyer: blue light is on
Brian Meyer: system has not picked up on plug in
Brian Meyer: no screens
Harold: It should work fine, please restart your computer and router now for 5 minutes, the refresh here on our end would recognizes it and thank you for your patience with me.
Harold: Is there anything else I may help you with today?
Brian Meyer: that will do it, hope it works. If not I guess I will get ahold of you......thanks.
Brian Meyer: bye
Harold: Thank you for stopping by to chat, I hope I did a good job at addressing your concerns. Please take a second to answer a one question survey about the service I provided. Please click the "close" button on the top right of this screen and the survey will appear. Thanks again!
Brian Meyer: ok bye
Harold: Have a nice day.
Harold: Goodbye.
info: Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat.
Moderators: Bill Smith, Pilot
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