Dialing Canadian numbers not working again yesterday evening

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Dialing Canadian numbers not working again yesterday evening

Post by sweenie »

[size=12][font=Arial]There was a glitch late last week which prevented calls dialed to Canada and it was subsequently fixed. Now it is back with a vengence. I can call U.S. #'s without a problem. Anyone else having this problem please post a reply. If we make enough noise maybe the MJ techs who monitor sites like this will act.
Thanks, Other than the outages this is a fantastic product. I do hope that MJ throws enough money at a fix for this very quickly before it loses credibility!
BTW Great Forum thanks![/font][/size]
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Post by Stewart »

I just tried ten calls to a 416 Toronto number. Results: 8 OK (though quality mediocre), 2 reorder tone, 0 fake ring. So, much better than before, though not yet wonderful.
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Canadian numbers

Post by sweenie »

Tuesday evening and it is working on Canadian numbers only intermittently again!
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Post by neecy »

I just talked to one of their "agents" online and they said they are still upgrading the international servers. She couldn't tell me when they'd be finished, and said they don't have a status page to check. I'm going to email MagicJack and request they at least put some kind of "notification" or "status" page up so we're not left in the dark.
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Wednesday morning

Post by sweenie »

Canadian numbers still not ringing. I get a fake ring then a click and a fast busy after several fake rings
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Fake Ring

Post by alanwa »

I wish that there would be a fast busy reorder, a recording or some such thing when circuits are busy. For $20 a year I expect only the quality of one of those 1 cent/minute phone cards. If you want to check for calls going though to Canada without bothering anyone needlessly try 306-757-7111 or 306-244-6411. They are time announcements.

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Post by danryanfl »

I just installed my magic jack today. I called long distance US fine, but when I tried Toronto (416 area code) it would ring normally for 47 seconds then disconnect. I called the number with another phone and the person I was trying to reach picked up right away and said that the phone had not been ringing before... (is this called fake rings?).

Anyway... how has the service to Canada been in the past? Has it always been bad, or is it a recent issue?
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Post by Scotty »

I haven't had any luck either in local calls.... did dial without the area code, and got some lady in Amherst Mass... LMAO... she called me back to see why I had called her in the first place..!!!

800 's work fine also.
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Post by Stewart »

Scotty wrote:I haven't had any luck either in local calls.... did dial without the area code, and got some lady in Amherst Mass... LMAO... she called me back to see why I had called her in the first place..!!!
Have you tried dialing as described here http://www.phoneservicesupport.com/cana ... t1256.html ?
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Canadian & International Calls Erratic and Unreliable

Post by XiNA »

I sent a MJ to my son who is travelling in Europe. He’s having the same problem as I am. Calling Canadian and international numbers is just plain erratic. Sometimes it manages to connect but mostly it’s forwarded to the “fake” ring. He’s having a lot of trouble calling other European numbers. We thought it would be a great solution to a European cell since the international rates are so competitive and he moves from country to country often. Unfortunately it’s too erratic to be of any use. How long can you sit in a Greek Starbucks redialling numbers hoping to complete a call? MagicJack customer support offered no solution or explanation. Unplug, plug is all that they can offer which does nothing whatsoever.
Dan Should Pay Me
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Post by Stewart »

To Canada, try the alternate dialing format described here: http://www.phoneservicesupport.com/cana ... t1256.html

I don't have a solution for other countries, but you might give Yahoo! Voice a try. http://voice.yahoo.com/ . I've found quality and reliability to be outstanding. Rates are quite aggressive, e.g. London $0.01/min.; Paris $0.015; Berlin $0.015. Complete table is here http://voice.yahoo.com/phone_rates.php . You can test the system without paying anything (calls to US toll-free numbers are free). Then, you can buy minutes for $10 or more. You can use the Yahoo! softphone with a computer headset, or you can talk on a real phone by configuring Messenger to use your MJ hardware (though you'll still need to dial or answer from the softphone).
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Post by XiNA »

Thanks for the prompt reply. Your suggestions and work-a-rounds are indeed useful but I still feel that the MJ should work “as advertised”. I forwarded your suggestions to my son. Unfortunately, he's already purchased minutes from MJ and Skype (voice quality less than desired) for international calls and is hesitant to continue purchasing services from new providers until he finds one that is reliable. I fully understand that there will be issues to resolve with any new product or service but MJ’s customer service should be more forthcoming. I would feel much more comfortable with an acknowledgement that they have a problem with international calls and are dealing with it rather than the ol’ “unplug, plug” routine. Very tiresome.
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