magicJack Android App - is the number free too?

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Dan isn't smart enough to hire me
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magicJack Android App - is the number free too?

Post by greenman »

I just installed the magicJack Talk Free app on my android device, which is not a phone, but rather a small tablet.

When I logged in at magicJack to change my device settings for the android device, the first thing I noticed is that it looks like it's telling me I can have a free number with the device. As far as I know, I haven't paid anything. Has anyone used the app and then added a number free?

If this app really is free and it's not going to cause my credit card to ask for money, I'm likely to keep it. If it's just 'introductory', and my credit card is going to be charged at the end of a 'trial' month, I'm likely to dump the app.

What experience have others had with the iOS app? Does this thing cost money if you already have a physical magicJack device?

What can I reasonably expect from magicJack regarding unexpected charges and the app?

If I choose "US phone number - free" - will I really get a new free phone number for the app?

Dan isn't smart enough to hire me
Posts: 498
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:10 am
Location: Southwest Florida

Post by SteveHC »

You've got 3 alternatives - 1) attaching the app to an already paid-for, "regular" U.S. number from MagicJack - at no additional charge; 2) attaching the app to a free "magicNumber" - but you'd better read up on that 'cause it's NOT a "regular" U.S. number but is instead a special MJ number that requires calling into a particular MJ access number - that will probably not be local to them or you; or 3) attaching the app to a NEW, app-only "regular" U.S. number from MagicJack - currently at $10/year (unless they've already raised it but I don't think they have raised it YET). CHOOSE WISELY, because it's possible the app may not allow you to change its assigned number once you've made an initial choice (this has been the case with the iOS app).
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