SP3 & MJ??????

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SP3 & MJ??????

Post by Ariesjill »


This system is not on MS auto updates, I do not trust them fully---but I visit them on Tuesdays to check. I just saw SP3 in their U gotta get this. This system, on which I hadda do a clean install to get my beloved MJ to work ,runs XP Pro/SP2 and is fully patched with all hotfixes post SP2.

Why do I (or you) need this 3?????? Wut will it mess up???? :shock: Is answer, "Yr MagicJack, fool"? :roll:

I did just email MS.....will take time to hear back, I am sure.

Did anyone get this? If so, wut broke? Does yr MJ still work?
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Post by HendersonMike »

From the research I have done, SP3 is a waste of time and quite possibly be a bad install with reference to other programs all ready existing on your machine. Personally, I will wait quite awhile b4 considering a SP3 install.
As far as any (if) added security SP3 might bring, it really is moot because I use IE for updates and to visit one other site, otherwise, everything else concerned with browsing the internet is done thru FireFox. And I don't use Microsofttee email.
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Post by teddy_b »

Basically, SP3 is just a collection of all previously released post-SP2 fixes and patches. It does not include any major new features or improvements, the only new features probably are not important and do not mean anything to most customers: Network Access Protection compatibility, product Key-less install option (it is not activation-free install, it just means that new XP with SP3 installs can proceed without entering a product key during Setup), Kernel Mode Cryptographics Module and "Black hole" router detection algorithm. You can find all the details in a short PDF from Microsoft.

So if you already have all/most post-SP2 patches installed, SP3 will be just a minor update. However, if you are reinstalling XP SP2, it would be much easier to apply a single update (SP3) instead of 100+ patches and fixes.

By the way, I applied it today to one of my machines, and so far everything - including MJ - works as before.
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Post by HendersonMike »

teddy_b wrote:
By the way, I applied it today to one of my machines, and so far everything - including MJ - works as before.
Good to hear, teddy_b
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Post by Ariesjill »

Thank you everyone!

While it's nice to hear that someone downloaded the giant glop and nuthin blew up and MJ still functions along with everything else.......I agree now that my unwillingness to get it was just fine. Again, given I am fully patched. I also resent, given Genuine Advantage, and their validating stuff....that their software doesn't recognize when you are fully patched and still tells U you should get this and it is critical.

My default browser is also FX and I only retain IE for getting patches.

I appreciate this input very, very much. :D
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Post by TOF »

Ariesjill wrote:Thank you everyone!

While it's nice to hear that someone downloaded the giant glop and nuthin blew up and MJ still functions along with everything else.......I agree now that my unwillingness to get it was just fine. Again, given I am fully patched. I also resent, given Genuine Advantage, and their validating stuff....that their software doesn't recognize when you are fully patched and still tells U you should get this and it is critical.

My default browser is also FX and I only retain IE for getting patches.

I appreciate this input very, very much. :D
If U dn't need it dn't bther.

Works well for me with MJ and all browsers (Firefox and IE7).

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Post by Ariesjill »

Again, good to know. And, unless I hear back from MS telling me SP3 has some vital element i am missing.....I won't, in fact.....bother.

I'd still like to know, for people who downloaded this.....or had it come in by auto update.....who among them was already fully patched post SP2 and who was not?

Also would like 2 know if fully patched, if the glop replaces/deletes the individual post sP2 hotfixes or not.....and cleans up the residue.

I guess I could try.....and if I hate it, do a system restore. But I ain't gonna, given wut I learned in this thread.

My take....how shameful is this if so---is, when the newly discovered, infinite holes and patches written to plug them....reach triple digits, they bundle them into a service pack. yhen, they move the abacus to zero again with the new, infinite holes and patches......until new triple digits.

Is this disgusting? Is Hillary out of toufch with REALITY?

is is any wonder they are gong down the tubes finally? And were briefly rabid to ingest Yahoo, also failing...at beond wut it is worth?

I learned the hard way, if only on one of my 3 systems, it is this my main one---MJ works fabulously as long as it sits on a healthy OS. The most enervating lessons are often the most precious ones.
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Post by Ariesjill »

Hi again.


I had wut I first thought was a weak or paranoid moment and decided to download the glop. I later realized I did it because I was AFRAID of SP3, thought it would mess things up including my MJ....and I hate living in fear of anything. Note: first thing I did was make custom restore point NAMED "BEFORE THE GLOP". Just in case.

I am happy to report positive things, tho it took WAY TOO LONG given this very fast system and my warpspeed broadband, it was sickeningly complex and creeped me out:

1) It did not foist things on me I had demurred, i.e., IE7 & W Media Player 11; their software read and responded to my installations

2) It does expunge post SP2 hotfixes since it incorporates all and also SP2.

3) When I ran my diagnostics (Astra 32, trial version, NEVER EXPIRES)....I saw the above and it now says XP Pro, SP3

4) It also cleans up after itself.....tho as I expected, when I ran the reg cleaning module in CCleaner, I saw all the uninstaller references for all the individual hotfixes....dumped all.

5) Most important, first thing I looked for when it rebooted my system---tried to seduce me back into auto updates--loaded XP & my startup apps loaded.....was my MagicJack, which loaded normally.

So, I will do download the glop to my other two systems.....and I thank those who said they got the glop and nothing exploded and mainly, their MJ functioned normally.

I think it's shame. I do. This way you forget how many hotfixes comprised each SP.....so they look less sleazoid. And, I guess, people who enjoy slipstreaming---I would rather Merengue, thank U--- can integrate it with their original OS disks.....on a new disk.

Too bad Hillary can't roll up all her emerging creep U out shameful character holes :twisted: in a service pack to hide them. No....actually, that is a GOOD THING. :wink:
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Post by Ariesjill »

Addendum 2 Above:

Well! It appears SP3 does indeed include things beyond all the post SP2 hotfixes! And a LOT!

I am insane about keeping my systems clean. One of the freeware apps I use is "Find Junk files" It is fab and comprises 4 separate apps, FJF is just one:
http://www.download.com/Find-Junk-Files ... 56053.html

I configure it to get rid of EVERYTHING...from temp files to log files.....dozens of boxes to check. I got em ALL CHECKED.

I assumed, after I ran all my cleaning apps, got rid of all but the last restore point, defragged with the amazing JK defrag, (the GUI version is the best) optimized my hives after buzzing with the bees in the registry, that I would see no change in the occupied space in my main drive.....after getting the glop.

But lo and behold....I now have almost a whole additional GB occupied!!!! (For me, still almost nothing on a percentage basis.)

Could only owe to SP3. Unless there is something redundant....this means it does have more stuff than I thought. And MS never responded to my email asking the details. Cause they are ASHAMED. Is why. :P

So, for whatever it may be worth to anyone consider this.
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SP3 Killed My MagicJack

Post by mutedmajority »

After installation, my telephone keys did not work (didn't break the dialtone) So I uninstalled SP3. Still same problem. Now I have to dial the first number on the onscreen softphone before the telephone keypad will enter. What sucks is that I tried it on a different computer and it still doesn't work. SP3 may have tinkered with the MagicJack Drive? Maybe it was just a coincidence that it failed at the same time. Anyways, I was past the 30 day trial which I find is ALL the warranty. I got a month of crappy phone service for $40. Guess it was too good to be true. I'm not gonna use it like it is, and I don't think I will be getting another. I had turned several people on to it. Now I am worried they are all lemons. I think the DTMF tone decoders are weak. I've seen models of electronics that every one of them go bad because of a defective part. I bet many of these will be duds. I think it's nothing to do with SP3. It's just a crappy design. Tech support told me to try a USB powered hub. They can try keestering this thing for all I care.
Last edited by mutedmajority on Tue May 27, 2008 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ariesjill »

Hi, David,

I am so sorry you are having these issues. I must say, my MJ works well now on all 3 systems. I also sometimes get issues with the on screen touchpad.....but the actual phone I keep hooked up to the device, given I mainly use it with my go-to desktop, always works. What is the deal with that in your situation? An actual phone???
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Post by mutedmajority »

Yeah, I never use the onscreen phone, except to constantly minimize the annoying thing. My god the programming is terrible. Try to use your computer, somebody picks up the phone in the other room when you are typing, then all your typing goes into the number entry when it steals keyboard focus. I hope you have better luck than I did. If it fails, you are beat!

The phone company had been working on the lines the same day, it is possible that they hooked up their "butt-set" to the magic jack line which was actually available in the outside phone box, but not connected to incoming dsl line. I wonder if the stronger dtmf tones from a butt set could have burned out the MJ's dtmf tone decoder. The thing never did work well for recognizing key entries such as "press one for english" I had to go to the onscreen keypad for that while on a telephone call. Everybody check that on yours because 25 years of electronics service intuition tells me that these devices are lemons. I have heard others mention the telephone dtmf tone entry issues where they had to go do it on the softphone. I advise to return any device that displays errors with hearing the number keys from the telephone. Best do it before 30 days or your burnt.
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Post by Ariesjill »

Hi again, David,

Well, I think you know far more about signals and ringones apart from downloading them and related stuff than I. But....honest, in no way does MJ resemble any citrus fruit. In this case I think that is understandable sour grapes. So all this is a matter of identifying each fruit and making sure none is a BHO. WUT? :shock:

Reading thru the specifics of your anguish, one thing stood out: that you have DSL. I think that's the issue. I get MJ is engineered to employ it, but that it is phone line based is carved in cement.....meaning, any issues with it are naturally going 2 impact yr not citrus fruit MJ.

I have coaxial broadband via ethernet connectivity.....so my MJ is impervious to any phoneline related issues.

But, I am clueless re troubleshoting DSL issues ....cause like 2 yrs ago, I had it for 11 mins. It made me throw up so I sent it back and realized I gotta pay the bigger dead Presidents....tho I am V lucky to have two major cable providers to choose from.

Tell me, did you run speed tests on your DSL connection? Just intuitively, that is what I would do. Also pare any devices connected to your main phone jack to the bone. Also make sure you use those digusting filter things they give you. Just the need for those tells us a great deal about DSL. Also do test with ONLY YOUR DSL HOOKED UP AND NOTHING ELSE TO SEE IF THAT IMPACTS THE Magic Jack. Also factor in how far you live from stations which emenate deadly rays re your DSL carrier. I have no idea wut I am saying. But U never know.

So now....I think someone who knows something about DSL issues should weigh in.
I think it unfair to impugn yr MJ at this point given the possibilities re wut may be compromising it. Remember, David, one thing whichdistinguished MJ is that the Dan person gestated his OWN NETWORK. So this lesds me even more to think your DSL is messing things up.

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Post by mutedmajority »

No, DSL is just fine. Tried it on friend's computer on cable same problem. I get 2mbps on speed check. Funny how I told the guy on youtube about the same thing you just told me.... before mine quit. I really tore him a new one for picking on my beloved magic jack. Heck it's only 20 bucks a year I know. But hopefully you will evade any karma. Good luck, you'll need it, becaues there's no warranty past the 30 day trial period. I noticed I couldn't enter number tones for automated calls from phone, the computer would misread it. then would not read anything at all later.
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Post by mutedmajority »

I found another magic jack from a shipping auction. I don't know the password or registered owner, but his address is on it. When I plug it in, and plug my phone into it, while my existing defunct mj is plugged in also, then the new one starts working fine on my old #. These things are shit. (not in the good way) Can I erase a magic jack # and enter my own? At least I know my own password. I got some poor idiot's lost return. He's probably gonna be pissed when they don't refund him. I paid for it and it's mine now.
David Livings
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