I have this program called CallSoft. It's a real nice phone service program. It lets me do all kind of nifty things with a regular phone service that is running through a phone modem. So I figure on running the phone line that is coming out of MJ and plugging it into the phone modem that is plugged into the PCI slot in my PC. Then a log of all incoming calls and a answering machine (With a lot more) will be added to the MJ. It even has a dialer of its own. Speed dial too.
The program will run other programs and it will run as a service with just a click of a button. I just hope it works. So I guess I will find out if you can plug MJ into a phone modem or not. Heck I haven't even got the dang thing in the mail yet.
I do have one question more. I have family in Germany and I live in Texas. I looked at the international rates and for Germany it costs 0.22 cents a minuet. While the country right next to it. (Luxemburg) only cost 0.02 cents a minuet. Why the big difference? Does anyone have an answer to that question.
Calling European mobiles is very expensive because the caller pays airtime and there is no real competition. If your family has a landline in Germany, you can call that on MJ for only $0.02/min. (look closely at the MJ rates). If you must call a mobile, take a look at http://www.future-nine.com/ . I haven't used them personally, but they are well reviewed; you can call for ~13 cents per minute.