Using CallSoft as a service for MJ

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Using CallSoft as a service for MJ

Post by dntknwhw2b »

I have this program called CallSoft. It's a real nice phone service program. It lets me do all kind of nifty things with a regular phone service that is running through a phone modem. So I figure on running the phone line that is coming out of MJ and plugging it into the phone modem that is plugged into the PCI slot in my PC. Then a log of all incoming calls and a answering machine (With a lot more) will be added to the MJ. It even has a dialer of its own. Speed dial too.
The program will run other programs and it will run as a service with just a click of a button. I just hope it works. So I guess I will find out if you can plug MJ into a phone modem or not. Heck I haven't even got the dang thing in the mail yet.

I do have one question more. I have family in Germany and I live in Texas. I looked at the international rates and for Germany it costs 0.22 cents a minuet. While the country right next to it. (Luxemburg) only cost 0.02 cents a minuet. Why the big difference? Does anyone have an answer to that question. :roll:
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Post by Stewart »

Calling European mobiles is very expensive because the caller pays airtime and there is no real competition. If your family has a landline in Germany, you can call that on MJ for only $0.02/min. (look closely at the MJ rates). If you must call a mobile, take a look at . I haven't used them personally, but they are well reviewed; you can call for ~13 cents per minute.
MagicJack Newbie
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Post by dntknwhw2b »

Thanks ! !
magicJack Apprentice
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easy fix

Post by paulc21269 »

Get them a mj. Set it up here for them.

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