Very LOW volume on outgoing

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Very LOW volume on outgoing

Post by FreeRange »

:( Well, I think I have tried everything. I have spent more hours that I care to say with tech. support to no advantage. I have used three different computers and even had a MJ exchange from the company.....and still the receiving party has to strain to hear me. I have increased the Mic. level, done all of the upgrades, tried different phones and straight Ethernet to modem and I don't know what else to try.

How do any of you manage a decent call? When I compare the call quality to Skype....there is no comparison. My Skype is clear, loud and always goes through. I was just hoping to be able to use the MJ for the 5 year term but I'm beginning to think I'd have better quality with a string and two cans. If there is some secret to getting all of this to work....PLEASE pass it on to me because I'm baffled.

Do you really get decent sound volume and decent quality calls from MJ? Please be honest as I have to make a decision very soon.

Thanks for your help.
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Post by Stewart »

What audio device(s) do you use with Skype? If computer headset, is MJ audio weak when you use the same headset (and turn up the mic volume)? If some sort of phone adapter, does MJ let you select that adapter and use it? If so, what are the volume levels like?

I don't know much about Skype. Does its softphone see the TigerJet audio device? Can you select it and talk/listen with the phone plugged into the MJ? What are the volume levels?
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Post by FreeRange »

What audio device(s) do you use with Skype?
Uniden cordless phone. I've tried wired and wireless....makes no difference.

Everything is turned to max. The computer is dedicated to MJ with nothing else running.

I have no use for this device if it has to be used with a headset and mic.
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Post by Stewart »

The Uniden Skype device that you refer to, does it plug directly into your router (runs completely independent of your PC), or does it connect to the USB? If the latter, MJ may be able to use it. What model is it?

Try this diagnostic program: ... up1312.exe . With MJ plugged in and running normally, kill the magicjack.exe process with Task Manager, start the TigerJet program, wait for it to recognize your MJ device, click on Audio Test, follow instructions, report whether volume, clarity, etc. are ok.
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Post by norml jack »

I'm not sure this solution is applicable, but I had a similar problem with the received audio I was hearing until I patched it through my Marshall JVM410H. Now the sound is incredible!
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Post by strndedinalska »

Did you adjust your device volume in your control panel? That's how most of us fixed our low volume problem. Just open the control panel and turn up the microphone portion in the volume controls and that should do the trick.
Windows Vista and Laptop with XP SP2 on the road. Occasionally, a Mac if my Windows machine isn't working.
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Post by asmithee1 »

Stewart wrote: Try this diagnostic program: ... up1312.exe . With MJ plugged in and running normally, kill the magicjack.exe process with Task Manager, start the TigerJet program, wait for it to recognize your MJ device, click on Audio Test, follow instructions, report whether volume, clarity, etc. are ok.
STEWART!!! You are a frickin' genius. Thank you! That TigerJet program was just what I needed. No matter what I tried, my control panel mic options would only allow me to increase my volume up to about 75%... the TJ audio test app appears to have overridden that and I am now at 100%... people can hear me!!!

THIS post/tip should be stickied with a big fat shiny star next to it.
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Post by FreeRange »

:D :P :lol: That TigerJet program is FANTASTIC. Thank God for this forum and all of you geniuses out there. Now everyone hears me loud and clear AND no more snap crackle and pops.

Love it! Thank you and please make this a sticky for those other poor MJ'ers that are about to go nuts.
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Back to square one

Post by FreeRange »

Well....I was sure that the TigerJet program worked....and it did...GREAT....until I closed it down and opened MJ back up and it's back to where it was. It seems that once MJ is closed down and reopened it goes back to default. Doesn't anyone know of a way to set the volume up and keep it there with that TigerJet program. It seems there should be some way of setting the max volume as the default either in MJ or the TigerJet program to keep it where you set it. Boy this is discouraging. :(
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Post by TMikk »

Exact same story as FreeRange. Done it all... tried it all... and the TigerJet SDK demo was the only thing that would do the trick... UNTIL... MagicJack was re-started, and mic levels were once again capped around 75%.

Is anyone aware of any by-pass or fix for this that I've yet to discover?
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Post by briann6 »

I found an application called "Volume Lock" It's supposed to "lock" your volume so other applications can not change it. I think what it actually does it run a constant loop setting the volume. I think MagicJack is also running some kind of loop doing the same thing. Using Volume Lock I set my TigerJet sound to 100% and it worked great until I started MagicJack. Then it seemed as if both were fighting to change the volume because it was jumping up and down rapidly between the magicjack cap (75%) and 100%. I tried making a call and it just locks up magic jack. So... it looks like once magic jack is started, there is no way to keep it at 100%.
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Post by Stewart »

briann6 wrote:So... it looks like once magic jack is started, there is no way to keep it at 100%.
I have a fix, but have not yet released. See my post here ... 98-33.html for the reasons.
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Post by Cybersys »

If they can get the volume fixed we will buy a dozen more units.
As-is, it's not a reliable (volume) service for frequent callers.
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low volume

Post by dlpmpls »

I'm no expert but I had a low volume problem, and now all is well. What I found was if you turned up mic level more then 69 (on Vista) and rebooted it would revert back to the lower setting or if you adjusted the mic level on your softphone it would change the level or your handset also. At 69 no one complains that they can't hear me anymore.
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One more day

Post by FreeRange »

One more day of barely audible voice. Stewart....if you'd really like to do a good deed and service, PM me because I'm ready to send this second MJ back also :( . I really can't recommend something I'm unhappy with.....and at this point, that's an understatement. Too many on this list with the same problems. How many hours have all of us combined wasted trying to correct what should rightfully be corrected by the company. Weakest link in the chain I guess.....good ideas not carried through are doomed to fail. :|
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