How does the call forwarding work?

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How does the call forwarding work?

Post by aone999 »

Suppose I enable call forwarding on the portal. I will put my GrandCentral number as the forwarding number. My GrandCentral forwards calls to my Cell Phone.
Now, If somebody calls me on my MJ,
  • * What number they'll see on their phone?
    * What number I'll see on my cell phone?
magicJack Apprentice
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Post by dssman »

Grandcentral gives you the choice of whether you want to see the original callers telephone number, or if you want to see your grandcentral number on your cell phone when someone calls the magicjack that has been forwarded. As far as outgoing calls, the people you call will still see the magicjack number.
Dan Should Pay Me
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Re: How does the call forwarding work?

Post by testing123 »

aone999 wrote:Suppose I enable call forwarding on the portal. I will put my GrandCentral number as the forwarding number. My GrandCentral forwards calls to my Cell Phone.
Now, If somebody calls me on my MJ,
  • * What number they'll see on their phone?
    * What number I'll see on my cell phone?
AFAIK, Call forwarding is for the incoming Calls. So:
Incoming: You see either the Original Caller's Caller ID OR "Grand Central" depending on your GrandCentral Account settings.
Outgoing: They will see your MJ # unless you are masking it somehow.
MagicJack User
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Post by aone999 »

Why I have asked this question is, I have a T-Mobile MyFavs plan on my cell and GrandCentral number is in my favs. All calls from GrandCentral will be free.

So, I want to know incoming calls from MJ-->GrandCentral-->MyCell will be free or not.
Dan Should Pay Me
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Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2007 2:36 pm

Many of us are wondering the same.

Post by testing123 »

aone999 wrote:Why I have asked this question is, I have a T-Mobile MyFavs plan on my cell and GrandCentral number is in my favs. All calls from GrandCentral will be free.

So, I want to know incoming calls from MJ-->GrandCentral-->MyCell will be free or not.
Oh, I understand, believe me -- a lot of us are doing that mental math with some setups like that.

I really don't know for sure ... I THINK so (because the last part of the inbound call IS GC -> YourCell), but hopefully someone can answer.

I am going to actually test some of these setups to see what shows up on the bill. Tedious and slow but the only sure-fire way I know (sometimes calling the provider is of no use :x )

Here is a great reason why: Free Anytime Minutes Proof Of Concept
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