Cannot initialize my majic jack

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Cannot initialize my majic jack

Post by carthikraj »

I have 2 majic jacks and i cant make any one of them work.

The first one says ..error 3..waiting for proxy registration...cannot access the internet...Its located overseas...

The second one cannot be displays an error message to hook the MJ into the port....or malfunctioned..
I tried different ports....ran the recovery and upgrade files but none worked...

Can u suggest me something
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Post by omega10x »

The Error 3 could be caused by a firewall blocking one of the ports required to allow magicjack to connect to the server,
if the pc is running a firewall, you could try disabling it temporarly and testing it,(also some routers have firewalls, try configuring the firewall to forward all incoming trafic to the IP address of the PC

The one that wont intilize, id try the MacUpgrade from

Just an idea or two
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Already disabled the fire wall

Post by carthikraj »

I disabled the antivirus and firewall ....but did not work.....I tried the majic fix and upgrade too..

i use a wireless connection and dont have any router....can u suggest me how I can solve this
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Re: Already disabled the fire wall

Post by Stewart »

carthikraj wrote:i use a wireless connection and dont have any router....can u suggest me how I can solve this
Hmm, but your IP address shows that you are connecting via a cable modem. If you are freeloading off a neighbor's connection or otherwise stealing service, I'm glad to see that you are having trouble ;)
If this is a legal arrangement, contact the owner of the wireless router and ask him if you can perform the tests suggested by omega10x.

If you meant to say that the MJ overseas is connected wirelessly, please provide details.
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I use a CDMA modem

Post by carthikraj »

My internet service is through a CDMA modem....
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Re: I use a CDMA modem

Post by Stewart »

carthikraj wrote:My internet service is through a CDMA modem....
My apology. Your latest post is indeed via Verizon, but the previous two were via Comcast in the Dekalb or Chicago area, honest.

Does your computer have Wi-Fi? Is it enabled? Perhaps, unknown to you, one of your neighbors has an 'open' router that has no security enabled and that broadcasts its SSID. Your PC may have connected automatically and you didn't notice. Is this a possibility? If so, it could have caused your MJ troubles, had the router settings interfered with SIP.
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Post by carthikraj »

Hi Stewart...thanks for ur reply....The majic jack is not with me...its with my parents..outside the united states....they are using a CDMA modem..
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Re: thanks

Post by Stewart »

carthikraj wrote:Hi Stewart...thanks for ur reply....The majic jack is not with me...its with my parents..outside the united states....they are using a CDMA modem..
On your parents' PC overseas, please try these tests:

Test to Boston at . Do you get a decent score? Do any warnings appear first?

Does the PC get a public IP address? One way to find the PC's IP address is by typing

Code: Select all

at a command prompt. A public IP is one that does not begin with 10, 192.168, or 172.[16-31].

If the PC has a public IP, does it match what is shown by visiting ?

If all these check out, it should not be hard to get MJ to work. Otherwise, it might not be possible, because of restrictions imposed by the CDMA Internet service.

On your PC in the US, do you still have a magicJack? If so, and it is still not working and you would like help with it, please report:

Whether a CD-ROM and or a USB disk drive appear in My Computer when the MJ is plugged in. If so, whether you can see any files or folders in them.
Whether a 'USB Internet Phone' device appears in Device Manager under Sound, video and game controllers.
Does the blue light on the MJ come on?
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Hi stewart

Post by carthikraj »

Thanks Stewart..

I did that....The IP adress is public ...starts with 220. ...and the IPs matched...

and got a score of 3.9( boston )without any warnings.....So what can we try now....

And also the MJ i have with me shows an empty folder ......Some times it asks to plug the Mj ....and sometimes 'malfunctioned'.....So how can we fix this..
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Post by Stewart »

On the overseas PC, run Wireshark, start a capture, plug in MJ, wait for error, stop capture.
(I hope that capture from the CDMA interface works, I don't have such a modem to try. If you get no packets captured, we'll have to find another way to debug.)

Do you see any SIP REGISTER requests? If so, are there any responses?

If no request, report the last activity before the error.

If multiple requests but no replies, perhaps the ISP is blocking inbound UDP port 5060. Try starting e.g. SJphone ( ) to occupy the port, then starting MJ.
(You don't have to configure SJphone, just let it start in the default 'SIP direct' mode.)

If there are replies, report what error they show.

I'll post a separate message about your MJ in the US.
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Post by Stewart »

For the MJ in the US, download and install this test program: ... up1313.exe .

With the MJ plugged in but the softphone not running, start the test. It should find your MJ and show a Serial Number. When you pick up the phone, there should be a dial tone (you can't make any calls with this test) and when you press number buttons, they should appear in the Key Input field. Then, try the Audio Test and the Ring Test.

If one or more tests fail, the likely causes are:

1. Insufficient power on the USB port. Try connecting through a powered USB hub, or try another USB port on the PC. If possible, plug MJ in directly (without a USB extension cable).
2. Driver issue.
3. Defective MJ.

If possible, try MJ on another computer. If it fails the same way, use tech chat and ask for a replacement.

If the test program runs ok, do you have an mjusbsp folder on your system? On Win XP, it's typically C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\mjsusbsp

If you have the folder and it contains a magicjack.exe file, create a shortcut to magicjack.exe . Edit the Target of the shortcut so it reads something like:

Code: Select all

"C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\mjusbsp\magicJack.exe" /foreground /scf _magicJackPersonalDataRoot "C:\magicJack"
Of course, use your actual user name and make any other necessary changes to the path. Make sure that the test program is no longer running, then double-click the shortcut and MJ should start.
MagicJack Newbie
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Post by carthikraj »

Hi Stewart,

For the first time , the mj which was not even detected worked after I followed all those.....thanks a lot.....but it only worked once...and the next time it says connect to the internet.....i cant hear any dial tone and got stuck...

About the second mj with error 3 i'll tell you the result in a while...
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Post by tarheelbuc »

Sorry for the hijack but, I figured it would be better to put my very similar "error 3" issue here rather than start an entire new thread. Of course I am sure that I will be told to start a new thread now that I did what I THOUGHT was right.

I have had my MJ for less than a week and it has worked pretty good since I got it. Today, when I was re-organizing my desktop, I plugged the MJ into another USB port so that it would not be sticking out of the front of my computer and get damaged. Immediately after doing that, it would not work. Error 3 no matter what I do. I have ran the mj fix, ran the test to Boston (4.2), ran the test program (everything works), no firewall is or has been on this desktop. it IS connected to the Internet even though the software seems to indicate otherwise.

I have edited the reg to remove the talkforfree entries (I believe there is only one under current users?), uninstalled the two entries in the device manager and deleted the mj folder under documents and settings. When the MJ software is "installed" there are two drive entries showing in my computer. One had a couple of folders, the other has a "Do Not Use This Drive" note "inside" it. Even though I did not have to forward the ports on my Linksys wrt54g router when I first installed it, I did forward those ports while troubleshooting this today (and well now tonight)

I am pretty sure I have followed all the instructions I have been able to find on this site regarding this error and trying to get it to connect. Why in the world they did not include an uninstaller is beyond me. I consider myself reasonably smart when it comes to computers and this device and this problem are beyond me. No uninstaller? Come on, lets get out of the Windows ME era and get current! This is a great little device, why not take an extra 5 seconds and include something that should by all means be a part of this "program"

Now then, error 3 is still running wild no matter what I try. So, attempted to get into a chat with a "live" person..thats a joke. Im still waiting as far as I know.

While I was browsing for any other known fix for the error 3 issue, I noticed that my area code became available today! So, I thought about it and decided if I change my number to my correct area code, the device would have to reset and re-initialize and maybe, just maybe, that would cure my ills. Not so fast my friend!

I was able to update to the correct area code but still, error 3!

I do not wish to try this on another computer and then go in and have to remove the "program" since there is no uninstaller. I just don't trust/like having to remove things like this and tinker with the register. IMHO, anytime you screw around with the register, you are asking for trouble. So, I have decided to see if I missed or overlooked any known fixes that I can try before sending this thing back and getting another one.

Another question if I may. If you do send these back for an RMA, how does that effect your "free trial"?

Sorry to be long winded HIJACK but, I figure more details is better than less details. My apology to the OP for hijacking your thread.
Dan Should Pay Me
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Post by Stewart »

Some notes on using Wireshark to troubleshoot network problems:

The first time you start Wireshark, you must tell it what device to capture from. Usually, this will be your Ethernet interface, but it could be a wireless interface (if connecting over Wi-Fi), or a dialup interface (if using cellular modem, dialup, etc.). In Capture->Interfaces, you can select the desired interface and start it. The one you want, if it is running, should show an IP address. If no packets are captured, see Capture->Options, you may need to turn off Capture packets in promiscuous mode, because most wireless interface drivers do not support it. When the capture is running properly, you should see the number of captured packets increase when you do any accesses to the Internet.

If troubleshooting MJ startup, start a capture, plug in MJ, wait for the error, stop capture. Here is a screenshot of a normal startup:
The top section has a line for each packet. You can see an HTTPS session with This is how MJ gets configuration data for your account. Then, a lookup of the proxy, a REGISTER request, a 401 UnAuthorized response (the server requesting credentials), a second REGISTER, and an OK response.

You can click on a packet to view details in the pane below. Then, click the + in front of an interesting field to expand that further.

If there are a great many packets displayed, you can set a filter to show only those of interest. For example, if you type

Code: Select all

in the Filter box at the top of the window and press enter, only SIP requests and responses will be displayed.
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Post by Stewart »

tarheelbuc wrote:Sorry for the hijack but, I figured it would be better to put my very similar "error 3" issue here rather than start an entire new thread.
Are you still trying to use the spoofer? If so, get that out of the picture first; remove any MJ-related entries from your hosts file, shut down the spoofer, reboot. If you still have trouble, use Wireshark as shown in the post above, and report what first goes wrong.
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