Can't even register, please help

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MagicJack Newbie
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Can't even register, please help

Post by Lecht »

I've tried millions of different things, but the soft phone always crashes when it's about 75% finished loading. I just got my magicjack today and haven't even been able to register it to get a phone number or anything. I've been to magicFix and magicFix says everything is okay. Any advice/help would be great. (Yes I've tried the mj restore, upgrade.exe, reformatting the magicJack etc etc etc).

Using windows xp pro sp2.
Dan Should Pay Me
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Post by Stewart »

Download and install this test program: ... up1313.exe .

With the MJ plugged in (but the softphone not running), start the test. It should find your MJ and show a Serial Number. When you pick up the phone, there should be a dial tone (you can't make any calls with this test) and when you press number buttons, they should appear in the Key Input field. Then, try the Audio Test and the Ring Test.

If one or more tests fail, the likely causes are:

1. Insufficient power on the USB port. Try connecting through a powered USB hub, or try another USB port on the PC. If possible, plug MJ in directly (without a USB extension cable).
2. Driver issue.
3. Defective MJ.

If possible, try MJ on another computer. If it fails the same way, use tech chat and ask for a replacement.

If the test program runs ok, do you have an mjusbsp folder on your system? It's typically C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\mjsusbsp

If you have the folder and it contains a magicjack.exe file, create a shortcut to magicjack.exe . Edit the Target of the shortcut so it reads something like:Code:
"C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\mjusbsp\magicJack.exe" /foreground /scf _magicJackPersonalDataRoot "C:\magicJack"
Of course, use your actual user name and make any other necessary changes to the path. Make sure that the test program is no longer running, then double-click the shortcut and MJ should start.
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