No bandwidth

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No bandwidth

Post by gabrielle »

I have my RMA to return the magic Jack,I have two weeks to do it in.. I would like to keep it and get rid of Vonage. This is my problem, I live in Baja, Mexico so not sure if I am to far away or not except a couple of my friends have mj working great down here. . When I was on live chat today they had me check out My download was 866 upload 58 they said I need 128 to make mj work. I have no idea how to change or increase what I need. Reading about changing the router is so foreign. Can you make it so a very new person can figure out what your saying.
When I have tried MJ they can't hear me, I can't hear them.
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Post by HendersonMike »

Things folks will need to know in order to assist you:
Operating system
ISP Provider

AS far as I can tell, you need to swith ISP provider if that's all they are offering and if possible.
Router may also have a firewall.
Call this number and when connected start talking and your voice will be repeated back to you. 909-390-0003
Your provider almost sounds like a dial-up which if is the case, MJ won't work.
Go to and run some tests to the various sites there.
Maintenance of YOUR machine IS everything
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Joined: Fri May 16, 2008 5:44 pm

Post by gabrielle »

My system is XP
My ISP is Prodigy Mexico
My router is Belkin just got it last week
I am on DSL, my neighbor has MJ working just fine
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