Suncom cell phones can't call me
Moderators: Pilot, Bill Smith
Suncom cell phones can't call me
This is a weird problem... Suncom (soon to be Tmobile) customers can not call my MJ number. They get an error message tg33, and are told that they must first dial an area code to place the call. They ARE dialing the area code. I have chatted with MJ customer service who tell me that it is a Suncom problem, and I have a support ticked in with Suncom who say that the tg33 means invalid number. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? It happens when ANY Suncom customer tries to call me, not just a few phones...
I have a similar problem, my cell phone service Hargray Communications does the same thing. Magic Jack, has told me to contact them. I didn't know suncom was the same way, but I would have found out sooner or later, because I have several friends who use suncom. I almost sent it back, but my Mother lives in a different State, and she can call me, so it might be worth it just for that. I don't know what else can be done if Magic Jack does not feel compelled to correct the problem, or can't.
I have heard of other providers such as Cricket having the same issues. MJ insists it is on the end of the carriers. I don't exactly know how they interface so I can't make any sort of educated guess where the problem lies. I currently use Skype which runs about $90 a year for the same services, and have had no similar problems, all cells call me just fine. I was hoping that MJ would work and save me even more, and for the minimal investment I will probably hold on to mine and hope they iron out the glitches before my year expires. If not, I guess I will stick with skype and my D-Link usb to phone line adapter.
DCLIFTON - Please post and let me know if you have the same problems from Suncom subscribers.

I did come up with a work-around which works. I have a local number with I put my MJ number on my GC list of phones, and then called it through a Suncom phone. Went through to my MJ number like a charm. It might be better handing out my GC number anyway, that way no one actually knows my home number. I will use this method at least until I can get the bugs sorted out.