
Post your reviews of magicJack. Include items such as call quality, feature usage, fax sucess, EULA thoughts, price considerations, support issues, etc.

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Post by Ghettoman »

I just ordered magic jack this past sunday, and i have yet to get a conformation e mail. It said i would recieve one in an hour, but it's been a day plus, and i have yet to get anything. I checked my spam and all that? how long does it usually take?

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Post by caangel »

I got mine in 20 min so not sure why yours is taking so long
just me
Max ODrive
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Post by Max ODrive »

I didn't get my confirmation until the next day, so it probably depends on how backed up they are..
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Post by Rocker-Mtl »

i bought mine with paypal (no trial) paypal confirmed in seconds been 3 days i still did not get confirmation that they even received my order ! Will post again when and if i do get it , did get the runaround on the chat , can't find order , reorder she just could not understand i already paid in full and if i reordered through the website i would be charged again , so im waiting.....
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Post by Mark »

I didn't get any confirmation email but a MJ arrived about 4-5 days later.
MagicJack Newbie
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Post by Rocker-Mtl »

i recevied my MJ but no confirmation ,got it 1 day ago sorry i did not post before , install went smoothly, tried my first call went perfectly , now i have multiple problems
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E-mail Filters?

Post by Road_ »

You are experiencing a problem I like to call "Operator Error" Magic Jack probably sent you a confirmation e-mail to the address you provided. It's up to you, to make sure your filters allow MagicJack e-mails through.

There are so many reasons why you might not have seen a Confirmation Email
I ordered my on June 15 at night, and received a confirmation the next day. I also purchased the express delivery option.

Check your Bulk Email folder.
Did you register with Magic Jack using your correct e-mail address? If your like me, you have 5 e-mail addresses, are you checking the correct address?

Some E-mail Servers might see Addresses from as spam.

Good Luck.
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Re: E-mail Filters?

Post by Rocker-Mtl »

Road_ wrote:You are experiencing a problem I like to call "Operator Error" Magic Jack probably sent you a confirmation e-mail to the address you provided. It's up to you, to make sure your filters allow MagicJack e-mails through.

There are so many reasons why you might not have seen a Confirmation Email
I ordered my on June 15 at night, and received a confirmation the next day. I also purchased the express delivery option.

Check your Bulk Email folder.
Did you register with Magic Jack using your correct e-mail address? If your like me, you have 5 e-mail addresses, are you checking the correct address?

Some E-mail Servers might see Addresses from as spam.

Good Luck.
Thanks for the response , yes i did check my email accounts , btw i ordered through canadien site , anyway now i have it in my hands , next step is to find out whats causing me to have problems dialing out , 1 out of maybe 50 times works and the other times false ringing , i will test different phones and see as far as receiving calls i have no idea so far since i have a florida number , no one to call me to test it with , but seeing the lucky ones that are running well for a few months means the problem is at my end , just a little note i noticed that on the website fix where it tests compability everything gets a green check except the last one , server something , i had to disable windows firewall for it to work , don't know if that is normal
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