Help with making calls over my computer?
I am a computer idiot in most cases and heres what I have and what I want to do.
I have vista, which one? I dont know it was already installed when I bought my computer BTW it is a cheap emachines computer.
My internet service is earthlink. Its strange because I had a land line with high speed earth link. Then without thinking I canceled my landline (verizon) and my high speed still worked for like 2 mos with no home phone service. Then when it stopped working I went to earthlink home page and saw they had a service that you dont need a land line for high speed, but I still needed my modem plugged into the phone jack. I got the service and now I have high speed with no land line.
I want a home phone and saw the magic jack.
will MJ work with vista? will MJ work with the strange internet service I have? All I want is a home phone. If I have to deal with a little less sound quality thatsOK
I will never call international all of my calls will be local with a couple long distance, but all in the US.
Is there a way to pruchase MJ with out a CC or checking account? Like send a money order
Will MJ work for me?
Moderators: Pilot, Bill Smith
Go to and test to San Jose. If you get a good score without any warning messages, MJ should work fine with your PC and Internet connection.
If you have a friend that you trust, give him/her the cash and have them buy MJ with a credit card. That way, should there be a problem, you can return the device and if necessary, dispute the charge.
If you have a friend that you trust, give him/her the cash and have them buy MJ with a credit card. That way, should there be a problem, you can return the device and if necessary, dispute the charge.
OK I tried the site and I got a low score for san jose of 1.7, but no warning msg, So then I tried boston becuase I was ciriuos and I got a 3.6 but this msg
"The test agent could not connect to Boston using the standard SIP port (5060), but was able to connect and run a test to another location via an alternate port (6000). This indicates that one of the following may be true:
* If you have a VoIP Service, your VoIP/Phone Adaptor may have reserved the standard SIP port and is filtering out our SIP packets. Consider temporarily removing the Adaptor from your configuration and re-running the test.
* Your Personal Firewall, if you are using Windows XP, may be filtering the SIP port used for communication.
* Either your home firewall or your broadband provider's firewall is blocking the SIP port used for communication.
You should consider investigating these settings and trying the test again.
Quality Between You and the Target Location"
So is this a no go for me on the MJ? what do you think?
"The test agent could not connect to Boston using the standard SIP port (5060), but was able to connect and run a test to another location via an alternate port (6000). This indicates that one of the following may be true:
* If you have a VoIP Service, your VoIP/Phone Adaptor may have reserved the standard SIP port and is filtering out our SIP packets. Consider temporarily removing the Adaptor from your configuration and re-running the test.
* Your Personal Firewall, if you are using Windows XP, may be filtering the SIP port used for communication.
* Either your home firewall or your broadband provider's firewall is blocking the SIP port used for communication.
You should consider investigating these settings and trying the test again.
Quality Between You and the Target Location"
So is this a no go for me on the MJ? what do you think?