Post your reviews of magicJack. Include items such as call quality, feature usage, fax sucess, EULA thoughts, price considerations, support issues, etc.

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Post by HiredGun1 »

[font=Ari :( :x al Black] [/font]
I have had this piece of junk for over two months and have had nothing but problems. The last time I was on the Tech chat for 2 and a half hours and now they won't even reply.
The chat must have dropped just like their calls uning MAGICJUNK!

I just want to know where to send it back and how to warn others of this scam.
Thomas M Keane
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Post by gary »

If after two month it is still a piece of junk then it belongs in the garbage can as you are way past the 30 day trial period!
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Post by teyong »

Where is it that you voiced your problem and asked for help?
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Post by Mark »

HiredGun1 wrote:[font=Ari :( :x al Black] [/font]
I have had this piece of junk for over two months and have had nothing but problems. The last time I was on the Tech chat for 2 and a half hours and now they won't even reply.
The chat must have dropped just like their calls uning MAGICJUNK!

I just want to know where to send it back and how to warn others of this scam.
Maybe you're incompetent. If you can't get magicJack to work in 2 months then either you're incompetent, have a defective magicJack, or you have a P.O.S. for a computer.
Tim Me
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Post by Tim Me »

Mark wrote:
HiredGun1 wrote:[font=Ari :( :x al Black] [/font]
I have had this piece of junk for over two months and have had nothing but problems. The last time I was on the Tech chat for 2 and a half hours and now they won't even reply.
The chat must have dropped just like their calls uning MAGICJUNK!

I just want to know where to send it back and how to warn others of this scam.
Maybe you're incompetent. If you can't get magicJack to work in 2 months then either you're incompetent, have a defective magicJack, or you have a P.O.S. for a computer.
Hey, my magicJack works fine on one computer but I get nothing on the laptop.
I don't think it is a piece of sh*t but there may be something else running or some software I installed previously that is causing a problem.

Anyone know if dual boot machines work with this product?
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Post by mphixson »

depends on the machine. 85% of my machines can run it, 15% can't.
dual booting: got a xp pro 64 - vista ultimate 32 works fine both sides; a xp pro 64 - vista ultimate 64 works fine;
got a xp pro 32 - vista business 32, works on the xp pro side, not on the vista business side.
got a vista ultimate 32 / vista home prem 32 laptop works fine.
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Post by ergonoid »

You are probably "out of luck" since MJ has a 30-day free trail period. I'm returning mine today. Never worked properly and kept crashing my system. Had to constantly download the Vista upgrade too. The aggravation wasn't worth it working only now-and-then and keeping me from accessing my computer. Caveat emptor. (But I hope MJ will be honorable and accept your return anyway.) :? (Have you noticed a lot of negative emoticons available to use on this site? What's the message in that?)
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