You've got to be kidding me?!?!

Post your reviews of magicJack. Include items such as call quality, feature usage, fax sucess, EULA thoughts, price considerations, support issues, etc.

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You've got to be kidding me?!?!

Post by DennisGerik »

I can't believe the incredulity, and absolute genuine mis-trust people seem to have regarding this cool little product... It seems like a lot here are of the "guilty until proven innocent" mindset.

I mean really... if you really think about,

This little device is incredible!!!

I got mine in about 5 days after ordering, plugged it into a free USB port on my PC, then plugged my vTech Cordless phone in to it, got a local phone number, and began calling anywhere and everywhere I could think of in the US and Canada...for "FREE" using my regular old phone.

Ok, technically not free, as it does cost approximately $50 bucks to get started ($40 plus shipping and it includes the 1st year of service @ $20/yr). And additional years are $20 unless you take advantage of the upsell (which I strongly suggest doing as it is only an additional $50 bucks for 4 additional years).

So for a little more than $100 dollars ($100.80 to be exact), I get 5 years (1,826 days) of VoIP phone service that is VERY good (better than cellular quality and as clear as my traditional land-line used to be).

So, here's a different perspective...

For about one stinkin' nickel a day!!! ($100.80 / 1,826 days)
I can talk as often and as much as I like to anyone in the US or Canada...

I used to pay Comcast $44.28 per month ($39.95 + taxes) for the same ability. And before that, I used to pay Verizon $31.73 per month ($27.95 + tax) AND "10¢ per minute for long distance" (if you can believe it).

The way I figure it... At $100.80, I will be in "black" in less than 3 months. And then I will be talking truly for FREE for the next 4 yrs and 9 months.

Even if MagicJack goes belly up in 4 months or 5 years... I'm still better off than using a "traditional" phoneline.

How many times have you just wasted away $100 bucks...and have absolutely NOTHING to show for it...

Heck, these days, it's EXTREMELY easy to do... As a matter of fact, I did it just yesterday...with dinner and a movie for my family of 4!!!

* $50 for Dinner
* $35 for the movie
* $20 for popcorn & drink

$105 for the memories

And, I can only imagine many that are screaming MagicJack is a FRAUD, SCAM, CROOK, etc, etc, etc... have done something very similar (if not the exact same thing) within the past 30-60 days.

So, come on people... lighten up... look at this objectively... and enjoy this cool little gizmo.

Is this product and company perfect, heck no!!! Do I expect them to be perfect, heck no!!! But to call it a fraud, scam, etc...I think is VERY UNFAIR!

Now, I am certainly not prepared to make MagicJack my one and only source of Telephone service, as I think that would be completely irresponsible...but for $100 bucks, I will certainly have it available to use while at home (and or traveling) and I don't want to use my cell phone.

In fact, I'm getting everyone I know, their very own MagicJack for this is such a better gift than that cheesy tie I got last year... :shock:

Ok, enough...time to jump off the "soapbox"... :D
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Me too!

Post by krieg »

Could not have said it better myself. Love this little thing. :D
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Post by Darkman90808 »

I'm with you! I love my little bundle of joy (trademarked by Magicjackjoe). It just warms my black little heart to be able to screw, uh, I mean, bypass the phone providers who've been robbing me blind for years.
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Post by maine-iac »

Yea, I like MJ too, but actually we just trade paying the phone company and give our money to the ISP instead.
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Post by caangel »

I love my MJ I still use a cell so when I go out but always use MJ at home dont know how I could live with out it saved me alot of money
just me
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Post by lymon »

maine-iac wrote:...and give our money to the ISP instead.
I was giving my money to the ISP long before MJ came along. Now at least I can do something more productive than streaming youtube :wink:
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Post by bigboffo »

MagicJack rocks :D
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Thank you for your calm and reserved appraisal

Post by magicjackjoe »

You done good :D I am proud of "my little bundle of joy".
What you think of me is none of my business.
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Post by AlaninKY »

lymon wrote:
maine-iac wrote:...and give our money to the ISP instead.
I was giving my money to the ISP long before MJ came along. Now at least I can do something more productive than streaming youtube :wink:
Right On! :wink:
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Post by tloe »

I wouldn't be so quick to heap praise upon the device.. while it works for most people and does what it advertises for me personally, I have doubts as to its longevity. I decided to hold off on the 5 year plan because frankly, I don't expect the device and/or company to last that long. Cheap electronics like the MJ are poorly made, and it if dies, it seems like you're SOL and would have to purchase a new one. Also, the comapny itself employs some sleazy practices that I don't care for and that speaks louder than any post by Dan or claims they make. I'm hoping it will last at least for the year-long subscription, and then I'll decide if renewal is a viable option. I like the device and hope the company improves their customer service, but fly-by-night operations are all too common these days, and as such caution is urged.
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