I kept fiddler running through all the rest of this, except for turning off the capture when actually going to a site or downloading, but starting it right back after it was done (some reason I cant go anywhere on the web with capture running). Well anyways, I was reading the post by Gregg here and noticed that in the info he provided, he actually left me a link to downgrade magicjack...which is with this file which is the 9-21-07 upgrade. So I installed that and magicjack started up and mentioned it was going to do an upgrade, so I unplugged it. I decided I was going to stop the upgrade from happening, so I pinged the ip address that fiddler said magicjack was trying to do the upgrade from and resolved it to a hostname ns1.talk4free.com, so I put and the hostname in my hosts file for windows...pinged it to make sure it was translating to Now since I'm on vista and not everyone is, this may be a little different, but I went to Administrative Tools and Windows Firewall. I created an outbound rule to block all connections to for all programs, all ports. Now we can continue without worrying about the upgrade running (BTW, this messes up magicjack from fully working, it still does its thing, but the program says it doesn't work and that I need to connect to the internet, just mentioning it so people don't freak)
I then went back to fiddler and saw a reg.talk4free.com entry, so I looked at session inspector and WEBFORMS and got a LOT of information from that, including a pw of 4 characters (not just numbers). Ok , so thats great, copied all that down using RAW in the upper box and copy paste in notepad then made it readable so each line of webview was a new line in notepad (left the ampersands [&] at the end of each line). Then I went and checked out 911.talk4free.com again, and this time everything was filled in, like nonce, serial, chkval, so I copied the textview to notepad (open in notepad makes it unreadable for me, so I did copy and paste). Then I decided to use cain to see what else I can find. It took me a while to figure it out, but pushed the 2nd button to setup the sniffer, then clicked the button again to start the sniffer, started magicjack, went to Sniffer -> sip and got more info. At some pojnt I allowed the upgrade to go through, but it was only when using cain, so first try cain without upgrade see if you get info, if not, then start cain sniffing and initiate the upgrade, and if that doesnt work then just start cain and have it sniff when you restart magicjack...Anyways this is what I was able to pull
from reg
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
l_vecParam.length = 0;
l_vecParam.length = 0;
Code: Select all
sip:[email protected]
we have the user domain which I translated to proxy1.newark.talk4free.com which I think would be the proxy domain
Im assuming the port is gonna be 5070 and we have the pw which for me is ABq1
Please note that I have never done any of this, this is just my attempt at trying to help everyone out. I dont know if it is right, but it may be a start to get a working solution.