Should I get another year?
Moderators: Pilot, Bill Smith
Should I get another year?
Since the Magicjack people are saying that they will officially introduce the Magicjack this year, the prices will most likely go up. Do you guys thinks I should purchase another year about 9 months early, or do you think I can wait and still get another year for $20. I made a small poll to see if what are your opinions on the pricing. Ends 2/29/07
If they can get their act together and improve the service, I'll gladly sign up for another year. But if they keep causing me grief and croaking every darn day, then it may not be worth the aggravation. Especially when you need to spend the money to keep a PC running 24/7. Once you manage to get the MJ running, you're not too keen on ending the process in order to put your PC in Standby mode for the night because it may not work again in the morning.
Thanks Gary, I'll check out those free macro programs sometime. For now, I just created a batch program Standby.bat that contains 2 lines.
taskkill /f /im magicjack.exe
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
Then I created a desktop icon for it. At night I just double click the icon to terminate MJ and go into standby. It seems to work just fine.
taskkill /f /im magicjack.exe
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
Then I created a desktop icon for it. At night I just double click the icon to terminate MJ and go into standby. It seems to work just fine.
Excellent solution for manually turning magicjack on and off or setting suspend state. You could also use a batch file to just kill magicjack or just to reload it.
The only thing my suspend macro adds that a batch file doesn't is that macro express has a function counter that keeps track of how much time has elapsed since last keypress or mouse move. That way I can have the computer auto-suspend or auto-hibernate after set time of inactivity by first killing magicjack and then activating the suspend or hibernate function.
The only thing my suspend macro adds that a batch file doesn't is that macro express has a function counter that keeps track of how much time has elapsed since last keypress or mouse move. That way I can have the computer auto-suspend or auto-hibernate after set time of inactivity by first killing magicjack and then activating the suspend or hibernate function.
Here is an option, have it run while screen saver becomes active: ... 196567.php ... 196567.php
God Bless America
Nice Tip on RunSaver. From the download page linked to there is an autohotkey script called Idle Mute that is intended to mute sound after a certain period of inactivity. Looks like that script could be easily modified to run the kill magicjack activate suspend/hibernate batch file (autohotkey could execute those commands directly also without having to run a separate batch file).
A modified IdleMute autohotkey script would mimic what I do with macro express it would seem, but for free.
A modified IdleMute autohotkey script would mimic what I do with macro express it would seem, but for free.