Trouble Loading MJ on Vista

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Trouble Loading MJ on Vista

Post by BrianScott2000 »

I've loaded MJ on my Dell desktop running on Windows XP and it works great.

I've tried to load it on my Compaq V6000 laptop running on Vista Home Premium,
but when plugging it into a USB port, the MJ does not start any type of program
download. Instead the PC recognizes a new device and it tries to search for
the software to make it run, which results in a failure.

Prior to trying to load MJ on the Vista laptop, I went online via the working XP
desktop and did the Vista upgrade (which I assume upgrades the firmware or
programs on the actual MJ unit).

From the Vista laptop, I've gone online to the MJ web site and went through the
trouble shooting process and it appears that MJ trouble shooting process doesn't
recognize the MJ as being plugged in.

All of my USB ports are 2.0 and I've tried connecting them both directly into the
laptop and also through the HP noetbook expansion base/docking station USB
ports, and in all cases I can't get the MJ to download the softare in the MJ unit.

I tried the online support with MJ, but only reached people that didn't really
understand my problem.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Post by strndedinalska »

Have you tried the magic fix? That's the updated Vista drivers.
Windows Vista and Laptop with XP SP2 on the road. Occasionally, a Mac if my Windows machine isn't working.
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