Outlook integration?

Features that are coming "soon". Area Codes, Caller ID blocking, Follow me, etc.

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magicJack Apprentice
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Outlook integration?

Post by jlieberman »

[font=Arial] [/font] The magicJack website claims that they offer integration with MS Outlook. See: http://help.magicjack.com/SupportFaq/Se ... rm=outlook

Is this so? If so, how well does it work?
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Post by curiousgeorge »

http://www.phoneservicesupport.com/outl ... ht=outlook is just one of a few post on this subject.

on the search tab type in outlook and you will find more info.
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magicJack Apprentice
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Post by jlieberman »

Thanks curiousgeorge. I will move to that tread after this post.

I consider myself an Outlook power user. I currently dial out of it dozens of times a day using the Skype Email Toobar for Outlook. Skype's Outlook integration is superb, with delightful innovations. I would probably continue to use it exclusively, but Skype recently changed its packaging to eliminate Skype Unlimited.

The best bundle that they now offer is Skype Pro, which limits calls out to 3000 minutes (50 hours) per month. This is enough for many users, but not enough for power callers like myself. After Skype users exceed the 3000 minute limit in one calendar month, Skype starts charging a connect fee for each call to POTS and they charge per minute fees. Their fees are about $0.04 and more per call, and about $0.02 and more per minute. I calculated that if I were to call 100 hours a month with Skype (25 hours per week), the fee would come to about $77 per month. Despite my repeatedly pointing out to them what a bad a deal this is for me and other power callers, Skype has not acted on my requests for them to offer an unlimited plan, even at a higher price.

Hence why I have decided to try magicJack. I hope that magicJack's Outlook integration is as good as Skype's. I will post my Outlook-specific comments on thread you re-directed me to. Thanks.
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