Registration Fails (Resolved)

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Registration Fails (Resolved)

Post by r2r »


I just got my MJ today, hooked it up and then spent about an hour chatting with an MJ Tech. The problem is everything went well on the install but when the registration window opens, it's totally blank and stays that way. The Tech walked me through about 20 things and nothing works. I can ping and I've reset the internet options to allow cookies, etc., I've installed the update and still have problems. Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?

By the way, I have to say that the Tech person was very nice and helpful--he just couldn't solve this problem.

Last edited by r2r on Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LikeMagic »

Tell us about your PC & internet setup (hardware router, firewall, etc). Any software firewall, proxy server, ad/spyware filtering software, etc? Do you have any issue with internet in general? With browser? Can you visit any web page using secured https:// such as banking online? The more details, the better.
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Post by r2r »

Thanks for the prompt reply, LikeMagic. For a couple of reasons, I believe the problem lies within my computer. I am going to reformat. If that doesn't solve the problem, I'll return.

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Post by gooney »

In internet explorer, add "*" and "*" without the quotes to "Trusted Sites" and try again.
Chat with me LIVE!!! :arrow:
gooney - Salt lake City, UT (801)
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Post by r2r »


I already did that while on the phone with MJ Techie. In retrospect, I've had issues with 2 other programs (RSS Feedreaders--they won't connect either) doing the same thing and I've not been able to figure out what the problem is. I believe the answer is reinstalling windows.

Thanks for all the help. This is a very good forum and I'm sure I'll be here often once MJ is up and running.

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Post by saxman »

Well, don't feel alone, I may have to do a total format and re-install myself. I just added the Hawking Broadband Booster and a internet switch and now I keep getting the dreaded blue screen of death with the message KB893803V2 Access Is Denied-also I can't get the Windows Installer 3.1 to install and other updates. I have no idea if this is related to the MJ and the other gear I just added, but I hope not as the phone is working great since adding them. Hopefully it's not a ram problem. Just don't know but I'll just reinstall XP and hope it solves the problem. I have run virus scans and it's clean and no spyware but I did do some driver updates and I think I installed a bad one.
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Post by r2r »

I'm busily backing up my data right now, preparing to reformat and reinstall XP. I've known for quite some time that there was a problem, but until now that problem really wasn't a big deal. MJ provided the impetus to get off my rear and make things right with my computer. :cry:

I appreciate all of the feedback and look forward to utilizing the knowledge available in this forum.

You guys have a good one!

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Post by saxman »

I was told once that with Windows you need to reinstall it about twice a year to get rid of all the junk files it hides and to do a general cleaning. So, he was right in that I do it about twice a year. When my system gets to the point where it won't do the updates and gives me the blue screen of death, it's easier to just start over then chase down solutions that can take days to find and implement.
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Post by r2r »

Yeah, I think this install made it about ten months and, as I mentioned previously, I've really had a persistent problem for a few months. Here's hoping that Vista will eventually exhibit a bit more stability in that regard. Windoze--you gotta love it!

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Post by saxman »

Yea-Windoze sometimes reminds of those old VWs I used to drive in the 70s-they run good when they run but you had to constantly tinker with em. Someday I'll save up and get a Mack. Maybe one of those new ones that are about an inch thick. Amazing. Better chain it down. That thing will grow legs quick once the neighbors see it-lol-I just got done doing a total reinstall of XP. I just reinstalled MJ and it took a little while but it set up just fine. Now I gotta spend two days putting all my bootleg (oops, I mean Bit Torrent software back in) I may have lost some of those codes and cracks but hey, it's working like new again. No blue screen of death and the phone's working again. I haven't tried it yet to see if it sounds like I'm calling from Thailand or not but hopefully It will be nice and clear. So far the thing works good most the time but at other times it's like that old VW-gott be jump started! lol
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Post by r2r »


After reformatting my hard drive and reinstalling XP, MagicJack works beautifully! Exceptionally clear reception at this point. Thanks again to all who helped.

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Post by saxman »

I agree! The reinstall worked great on the audio as well as the other problems. The Broadband Booster is keeping the whole system running fast and smooth!
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