jeffnyc wrote:Yes, I think Verizon got smart and fixed the issue....
Try removing the area code from local calls. I saw that tip from Stewart & it works for me when calling my cell & POTS #s (both Verizon accounts in the same metro area as you), & also works for calling my own MJ# (which never had spoofed when using 10 digits.)
Edit, 4-24: The 7 digit method for local area code calls seems to be a bit sporadic, I guess sometimes it causes routing through a compliant carrier & sometimes it doesn't.
Last edited by HobNob on Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
That's weird. Mine has never even worked by NOT using the area code. I must always use 10 digit dialing. It's no big deal for me once you get used to it, you don't even think about it.
One tip that I have found to be useful and so far stable.....try using the proxy in the spoofer of the city that is closest to your MJ number. Like my MJ # is out of Dallas, so I set the spoofer to use the proxy for that city.
I just restored my 2 laptops and redownloaded calleridspoof.exe and re-edited my hosts files, but magicjack refuses to use the spoof proxy and continues to call directly, even tho the host file is edited... freaky.
Like I mentioned in another post. My MJ downloaded an update and then stopped working.
I'm wondering if they are blocking that ability now?
Just a thought.
I have tried EVERYTHING discussed and still can't get it to work.
Changed proxies, etc.
This worked instantly the day I installed it and just all of a sudden QUIT....
I work on this stuff for a living and I THINK I know what I am doing...
Can't say that ALL the time though!!!
I have one I bought b/4 March 8th and one after March 8th, 2008. That's s'posed to be the "magic" date when the new hardware version came out. There is a picture of the two different configurations somewhere here on the forum; sorry, I can't point you to where.
Don't know how the different config affects performance, or even if it does, but my "new" one seems to work better. But, of course, that could just be my imagination.
I'm a new MJ user and registered on this forum today! What a great thread!!! My MJ arrived just two days ago, so I'm guessing I have a new model. I used the version 1.1 spoofer and updated my hosts file with large list posted on page 19 of this thread by snafu2.
It worked WONDERFULLY, as far as spoofing my Grandcentral number in my limited testing. I did the *67 thing from my Sprint cell phone and called in and it came in as a private caller. I'll take a look at this thread to see if I can find an answer for that one, but I couldn't be more thrilled with this great little fix!
I downloaded the perl script and installed it, and tested and it appeared not to be working, when I called my cell phone. I looked carefully and all seemed good in the code. I even checked that the script was running on my machine, and it was. Then for reasons that make no sense to me, I decided to call another number, and it worked.
It appears that when you call Cricket, my cell provider, that they must be using the ANI since the spoof does not work, but when I call other vendors, it does.
It looks as though this is what people have been talking about with verizon in the previous pages. Does this make sense.
Spoofing stopped working for me. My real number shows up on caller id. I had it working fine. I didn't make any changes to anything. The Nashville proxy was working fine for me. Then, the other day my real magicjack number started displaying on caller id units.
Last edited by boggled on Thu May 01, 2008 2:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
would it be possible to run the spoof script on a router with say dd-wrt running on it. Would be nice to have the ata dial out and the router inject the spoof info so there would be no need for a PC. Has anyone attempted this or know if possible?
Ugh, I read all 21 pages so far and didn't see anything about my situation. I used Wireshark to find out that my MJ is using Nashville. So I have only that turned on in my hosts file and I'm using the corresponding IP address. I can spoof the caller ID just fine (using my GC number) when I call out to my AT&T cell phone and my Qwest home phone. However... I can't receive incoming calls on the MJ. When I call the MJ directly from my cell phone, I don't hear any ringing in the earpiece of the cell phone. The phone hooked up to the MJ doesn't ring. It just goes straight to MJ voicemail after about 10 - 20 seconds of silence.
Without doubt they have made some changes. As some state, this used to work religously, now not so. Even with some of the work arounds. I have two units, one which was recently upgrade now totally ignores the spoofing program.
How so?
I run the spoofing program and put bogus IP addresses in it and run it with unit A. Dials out fine and does not spoof. I would expect it to die when it tries to dial. I replace with unit B which has NOT been upgraded and it can't dial out with the bogus info ip addresses because it is trying to use use the spoofer it and dies when it tries to dial via the bogus addresses.
I move A and B to different PC, same symptom.
Very strange. Question. Is it possible to backup the data on the unit that it does work and restore on the other one and not force another update? I wonder how that works. I can try but curious if anyone has try. Maybe a good idea to firewall block the updates to prevent it.
Poo619 wrote:does your phone work correctly if you arent spoofing?
Yes, it does.
Your problem sounds like a NAT association is being lost. If you are running a software firewall other than Windows firewall, test with it off. If incoming is then ok, you'll need to find the correct setting. Otherwise, the spoofer might be failing to pass the keepalive packets (and your router is timing out UDP in less than the 3 minutes between REGISTER requests), or a port forward that you set up is now incorrect (because the spoofer listens on 5070; the softphone on 5060). Try forwarding UDP port 5070 to your PC. If no luck, test without router to see where the trouble lies.
I can't get my spoofer to work correctly. All my outgoing calls have a caller ID of the normal MagicJack number. No matter what I type in the spoofing program, it always comes up as the original number that was assigned to my MagicJack.
Does the hosts file need to be edited for something else? Or is there something else going on?
diamond45 wrote:I can't get my spoofer to work correctly. All my outgoing calls have a caller ID of the normal MagicJack number. No matter what I type in the spoofing program, it always comes up as the original number that was assigned to my MagicJack.
Does the hosts file need to be edited for something else? Or is there something else going on?
Got it fixed.. looks like the new one edits the hosts file for you on the fly.
I'm still using the old spoofer its always worked well but today after the magicjack upgraded automatically when I call someone it doesn't ring and cant hear them and they cant hear me but it does spoof. When I turn the spoofer off everything works perfect. Any work around for this problem?
slappydan wrote:I'm having the same problems as snowigloo and I tried everything I could think of to fix it.
Same problem here. If I edit my hosts file and remove the proxy server, everything works fine (of course, no spoofing). Wonder if MJ did this during the upgrade to prevent spoofing.
I am experiencing the same problem. I am running MagicJack on Windows Vista Home Premium with the latest Spoofer. It was working fine and now it is not working at all. MagicJack will work fine if I disable the Spoofer.
Howdy guys, I have downloaded and installed both CallerIDSpoof and and have been unable to view my blocked cell # when I call MJ nor have I been able to block or spoof my MJ # when i call my cell phone (Sprint). Does anyone know if there are limitations to CallerIDSpoof use? Also I would love to know how to save or enter the active perl script to my PC.
Thanks for your help and guidance, Paul
I downloaded the new spoofer again and the back up files. The problem was something kept making both proxy's the number. The local mj ip stopped changing to any of talk4free ip's. You might want to check those settings and see if that is the problem. New download w/backup works fine.
I downloaded the new spoofer again and the back up files. The problem was something kept making both proxy's the number. The local mj ip stopped changing to any of talk4free ip's. You might want to check those settings and see if that is the problem. New download w/backup works fine.
wtf is going on, my magicjack spoofer is placing calls, but I can *NOT* hear the audio, when I shut the spoofer down and edit the host file out and call direct audio works. SO I download the NEW spoofer and have no idea how to use it, but it ain't working for me, my # is just going through gosh I am teh hating right now
I'm using Stewarts perl script on the first page on a freebsd machine. I have MJ on a xp machine pointing to my freebsd machine. It works great. Thanks Stewart.
when i input my host i have also tried to directly specify with as well with little to no luck
basically what happens is i get the internet 3 error code and i can not connect at all to the magicjack service??
decadude wrote:when i input my host i have also tried to directly specify with as well with little to no luck
basically what happens is i get the internet 3 error code and i can not connect at all to the magicjack service??
magicJack/YMAX are making significant changes to their servers -- so I suspect that spoofing will no longer be allowed. For most of yesterday I had the error 3 condition and I do not use spoofing --- but I did have a chat with the magicJack people and I was told that the servers are undergoing significant changes. My suggestion is to forget spoofing since that forces you to make Hosts adjustments ,,, the kind of changes that they are implementing will as I stated earlier not permit that kind of activity and remember I said I suspect.
David Mozer IT-Expert on Call
Information Technology for Home and Business <---- basically to specify the IP address of my proxy of and now the connection is working
downside is spoofing is still not working but i will play with this at least i can make a connection through proxy....probably some dns issues going on there with their servers or maybe just my proxy
i will update if i can find a work around on the spoofing as i still have not got it to work "yet"
after some major tinkering i finally got it working. i was able to change to the specified ip address, then back to teh proxy
then i upgraded to 8 megger then downgraded back to the 7 meg upgrade tried the new spoofer and it magically works again
thats what i host file looks like. i dont know the exact sequence i wen tthrough to get this thing working but upgrading downgrading swapping to the then back to the actual domain name worked... for what its worth this was all luck as i had no clue what i was doing other than trying different things
im sure it will stop working again though as i think that dan doesnt want this on his service and i hear talks of congress outlawing caller id spoofing making it illegal..
sucks us tech nerds never get to keep cool stuff like this.
hrmm, I can get it to call out with the NEW spoofer, but I can not hear the party and they can not hear me :/ RTP packets are lost. I'm gonna try w/o a router later, but I don't think the router is the problem
this is a carrier routing issue. not a spoofer ver issue. MJ uses 2 major carriers One will pass spoof caller id the other has made changes to block this. It depends on where your call routes if this will work or not
dan wrote:this is a carrier routing issue. not a spoofer ver issue. MJ uses 2 major carriers One will pass spoof caller id the other has made changes to block this. It depends on where your call routes if this will work or not
You obviously have in-depth knowledge of MJ's infrastructure. There is the obvious perception one could make based on your username, but then this is cyberspace and reality here is what you envision in your own mind. I'll just ask you point blank, and maybe we will get an honest answer. What is your affiliation with MJ, or its affiliated companies?
WIN_55,212-2 My new best friend on the recreational playground. It's a gas!
diamond45... a number of us have tried to downgrade and block the upgrade per Stewart's instructions without success. Is there something you can suggest? I like my MJ but I love it with the spoofer working!!
Darkman90808 wrote:diamond45... a number of us have tried to downgrade and block the upgrade per Stewart's instructions without success. Is there something you can suggest? I like my MJ but I love it with the spoofer working!!
Do you have more than one computer on your home network? If so you can run the spoofer on a second computer instead of the one where the MJ is installed and it works fine! I am still running Stewart's original perl script on a thin client here. Perl minimum install is only 40 megs as I recall so no problem if you have more space than that available.
Just mod Stewart's script as his built in instructions indicate. You then just modify your hosts file on the MJ computer to point to the ip of the computer your running the perl script on and voila! MJ may find someway to block this method also but for now it works. And you can just MJ upgrade it's little heart out.
I use a simple .bat file to load the spoofer perl script on boot up by placing a shortcut to the .bat file in the startup folder.
@echo off
START "Spoofer Ctrl-C to Exit" /D\Perl\scripts /MIN /ABOVENORMAL
I of coarse have Stewart's script located in the C:\Perl\scripts folder. When the .bat is run it will go to the system tray and say "Spoofer Ctrl-C to Exit". So of coarse to terminate the spoofer you do just that.