HP Thin Client and Magic Jack

Discuss magicJack running on Thin Clients

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Post by PGPfan »

HolmanGT wrote:
PGPfan wrote:Seems I can 'almost' get MJ working on my 5700 256/256. It acts like it is setup just fine, opens the softphone, but won't allow me to switch to "handset" mode at all. In "Device Manager" there is a yellow 'bang' on something 'usb-related' but I can't pinpoint why it won't work. I have all the .sys files listed above installed, but I don't see anything mentioning "TigerJet" in "Device Manager". Shouldn't it show up there?

Anyone have any ideas (or the TigerJet driver I need :wink: )?

"Yellow Bang" - you must be a Forth programmer, I have not heard of an exclamation mark referred to as a "Bang" since the days I programmed in Forth. Anyway the yellow bang is probably the missing "Tiger Jet USB composite Device" under Universal Serial Bus Controllers.

I have found that when the MJ install acts funny I run the "Update.exe" for Vista from a thumb drive and it seems to repair anything that did not install correctly after that any little quirks seem to go away. Also all the system files it claims it can't find during the install can be found by browsing C:\windows\system32 and C:\windows\system32\drivers.

It sure sounds like you are close - yeah I know "horseshoes and hand grenades".
Well, no Forth experience but I'm a former software test engineer from Microsoft (now working in aerospace) and that's the only way we referred to it. :)

Finally got MJ to work using various combinations of the above suggestions. Thanks guys! I'm not sure of the steps exactly as nothing seemed to work 'immediately' but after several reboots all is up and running.

Too many toys....Too little time.....

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Taking Control of the T5710 - Creating Your Own Flash Image

Post by VaHam »

Creating your own T5710 Flash Image

1. Download onto your desktop computer HP’s XPe factory image for T5710 (was SP36064.EXE at the time)
2. Connect your USB disk-on-key (DOK) (I used a 2Gb “Kingston Data Travler R101”) to a USB port on your desktop computer.
3. Execute the file you just downloaded somewhere on your desktop system and when it asks select “USB Format” and your USB DOK as the destination.
4. After the transfer is complete navigate to the USB DOK and delete the AUTOEXEC.BAT file from the USB DOK
5. Copy the capture.bat and restore.bat files included here to the USB DOK (all the DOK files go into it's root directory) There is nothing wrong with HP's autoexec approach I just like to have more control over the process and by using seperate the capture and restore .bat files I know what is going to happen when.
6) Ok put the USB DOK aside for the time being. We'll get back to that later!
7) Now you need to gain control of the T5710 Administrator account and change the T5710's boot order so that it will attempt to boot first from the USB port and second from the ATA (the T5710's internal flash drive C:) Even though the T5710's, as far as I know, all have PS2 keyboard connectors the PS2 keyboard input may or may not work. If the previous owner has installed drivers for a USB keyboard then the T5710's will no longer respond to PS2 keyboards (even if you use a PS2 to USB adapter). Even removing the internal battery to cause the bios to return to it's default will not ket you out of having to have a USB keyboard if those drivers have previously been installed. So if you find that the PS2 keyboard doesn't work then you'll have to get a USB keyboard so that you can press F10 during power up and then go into the bios and change the boot order as described above.
8) Once you have the boot order set then your ready for the USB DOK again. Just power down the T5710 and insert the USB DOK into any USB port make sure it is the only USB DOK on the T5710. Then switch the power on on the T5710.
9) After a short delay the T5710 should go past the initial powerup screen and boot into free dos from the dongle. Just hit return a couple of time to accept the date and time and you should then be at a C:> prompt.
10) Once your at the C:> type restore to invoke the restore.bat which will flash the FLASH.IBR image data onto the T5710's internal flash drive. This will be the original full blown image you download from HP.
11) When this process is complete you'll be prompted to remove the USB DOK and reboot the T5710 by cycling the power. At this point I recommend that during this powerup you press the F10 key and change the boot order back so that the T5710 will boot first from the ATA. That way you can leave the USB DOK in place in case you want to save some of the unistall utilities temporarly there which we'll get to later down in step 18.
12) The T5710 will after some delay boot into Windows XP and log into a user account.
13) At this point we need to get into the Administrator account so we can make changes. To do this hold down the shift key while you go to the "Start" button and select "Log Out". Keep the shift key depressed! The T5710 will log out of the user account and then display a login box for you. Now you can release the shift key and login as User : Administrator Password: Administrator. The T5710 will then log you back into windows but this time as an administrator.
14) Next go into control panel andgo to the "HP Login Manager". Change the Default User Name to Administrator and the Default User Password to Administrator as well. Just leave the Default Domain blank for now and click OK
15) There are several ways to work with the EWF in commiting data and disabling it but I find it best to just get rid of it till we have the rest of the changes just the way we want them. So now insert the USB DOK and copy the three .bat files disableEWF, ebableEWF and StopEWFservice to C:\ directory. Once that is done then remove the USB DOK again.
16) Go to the "Start" button and select "Run" and type in disableEWF. This will commit any changes we have made so far and disable the EMF in prepreation for the next boot.
17) Now reboot. If all worked well you should be logged back on as Administrator. If not repeat steps 13 and 14. Observe the little pad lock down on the task bar near the clock. It should be yellow and indicating open at this point to aleart us that EWF is off.
18) If you have a eithernet cable cable connected to the internet at his point you can begin downloading the set of files to assist in removing several of the features which came with the HP image to make room for MJ. You can just install them by selecting run while downloading each one. This will install the uninstall feature but not execute it yet. Alternativly you could download them all to the USB DOK if it has room and then execute the installation of each of the uninstall utilites from the USB DOK after all have been download.
19) The list suggested by HolmanGT is good and all of these files can be found at: HP's T5710 Support Page 20) Once all the uninstall utilites have been installed they must each be run inorder to uninstall the feature they are designed to uninstall. When the utilites are installed they are placed in the C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\RIPs directory. So navigate there and execute each one. If prompted to reboot first run the disableEWF.bat as described in step 16 again so that the change will be commited to memory and the EWF set to disable in prepration for the reboot. After you run run them all toy can then delete them from the C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\RIPs directory as well.
21) You can then make any other changes you like (create desktop shortcuts or add programs to the Program Files menu by locating them in c:\windows\system32 and creating a shortcut for them in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users for instance. You can repeate this process of making changes and then running disableEWF and rebooting as many times as you like until your happy with your setup.
22) Once you think you have every thing the way you want it then go once more to the "Start" button and selecting "Run" then typing in StopEWFservice in the box. This will remove the EWF service completly in prepration for creating your own image of the setup the way you like it.
23) Now you can go to the "Start" button and do a shutdown. During the powerup following this shutdown you'll need to once again depress the F10 key and go into the bios and change the boot order back so that the T5710 will boot first from the USB.
24) Once the boot order has been reset and accepted the bootup will continue and this time the T5710 will boot back into Free Dos from the USB DOK.
25) Again hit return a couple of times to accept the date and time and then once you get to the C:> prompt type in capture. The image of the T5710's internal flash drive will be copied to the USB DOK file FLASH.IBR.
26) When complete and it takes a while! You'll be prompted to remove the USB DOK and cycle the T5710's power to reboot it. Again I would suggest you intercept this power by again depressing the F10 key and going back into the bios and changing the boot order so that the T5710 will boot first from the ATA.
27) When the system boots back up you should be in widows and logged in as Administrator.
28) Go to the "Start" button and select run then type in enableEWF to create a new SID and reload EWF.
29) Now go to C:\ and delete the three .bat files we placed there in step 15.
30) Go into control panel to the "EWF Configuration" and select "Commit Data to Volume"
Congrats you just made your first image of your own custom T5710 setup!!!!!!!

Put the USB DOK in a safe place and I would also recommend you copy the files it contains to another place as well for safe keeping.

Now that you have your clean image on the USB DOK you can any time then just change the boot order to boot from USB first, insert the USB DOK, boot up into dos, hit the return key a couple of times, and type in restore; to reflash your T5710 back to your custom setup.
Image Create Your Own T5710 Flash Files
Last edited by VaHam on Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Taking Control of the T5710 - Creating Your Own Flash Im

Post by sparkbox »

VaHam wrote:Creating your own T5710 Flash Image

I will reflash my thin client using this method and see if it will then allow me to use my mJ. Will post the results later tonight.

Dan Should Pay Me
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Re: Taking Control of the T5710 - Creating Your Own Flash Im

Post by VaHam »

sparkbox wrote:
VaHam wrote:Creating your own T5710 Flash Image

I will reflash my thin client using this method and see if it will then allow me to use my mJ. Will post the results later tonight.

That would be great sparkbox! Can you please make note of anything you see which is different or puzzling during the process. I tried to be as detailed as I could but there is always the chance I forgot something.

Best of Luck to You!
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Post by ethos »

Hi guys, I just recived my MJ 3 days ago and i think its great. Ok ive read through all the posts about thin clients and MJ and I have not decided whether that is any better than say a new 5100 or 5200 SB from walmart they have VOIP capable setup, out of box.
Thin clients are cool ive just started playing around with them though. I downloaded XPe from microsoft website with all updates and every available driver that is released for XPe made an image using nlight so i could crontrol the setup and install but i put it on a cruzer micro 2 gig and its sweet. I can use it any where even on a linux box!
But what i want to do is try 1 of these new thin client devices made for linux they are so damn small about the size of a credit card. If I find the right 1 ill costome make a small box to use for MJ.
Also today i showed every1 in my HVAC class my new MJ and used the school PC. It had xp but i had to use the update.exe file to get it to work so any1 experiencing issues should just use that. and if u still have issues use the mac update not just the vista update because the mac update will either do a firmware update for the MJ device or change config data yes it will work for PC as per dude from the MJ so called customer service. haha MJ customer service they still dont have the forum up WTF?
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Post by testing123 »

Question: Given the new popularity of these things ... is $75 USD shipped a fair price for a T5700 (1Ghz, 512MB RAM, Flash removed, includes power supply & stand). (To be used for running Linux or Freebsd).

Also, any issues with using USB RAM in lieu of Flash -- or will the performance hit be significant? (I suspect it WILL be significantly slower given the theoretically speed difference)

If you have any experience or opinion, let me know. Thanks
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Post by MrPink »

Here's an issue I haven't seen discussed yet. Now that MJ is taking off, and lots of folks here are headed to FleaBay to buy these things, the 5710's are going up in price and of course, are becoming scarcer. I wish I had found this thread about a month earlier!

But there are plenty of other TCs in that HP series that have got enough squirt to run a Magic Jack, and people want less money for 'em, too. But, they come with stuff like (gulp) WinCompromiseEdition. MJ requires XP or better, so this begs the question:

How to load up XP on one of these clients that originally shipped with CE? Can one even do that? I've never goofed around with one, so I have no experience at all, but I'd like to set one up to replace this ever-spinning computer, here.

And ya'll are buying up all the good ones. ;)

Yellow bang... LOL! Like the other gentleman, I haven't heard an exclamation point called a "bang" in a long, long time.

(BRAIN) Wow. Hmmm, I seem to recall the old Sigma7 manual calling that a "bang." (/BRAIN) Hee!

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Post by PGPfan »

Sorry to say it, but MJ won't work on a device that runs Win CE - It's a totally different OS and the programs for it are compiled specifically for it. XPe on the other hand is the 'real' Windows XP (only 'modularized') so it can run actual Windows apps like the MJ software.

If a device is using WinCE, it's likely because the hardware (the CPU of the device) won't run the XP kernel so as a result can't be loaded with XPe. As a rule, the hardware must be x86 in order to even have a chance to work with XPe.

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Post by MrPink »

I know MJ needs XP or better, and I also know that CE is a whole 'nother animal. Once, my company wanted me to port one of our apps over to it (and after reading up, I told them to go and pound sand!).

I just presumed that a lot of the TCs that look like they have enough horsepower to run XP but that came with CE did so because of licensing and other costs. Certainly if the processor can't run an x86 instruction set, then XP ain't gonna fly.

I was just wondering if our TC guru (or others) had thought about this, because there's lots of hardware out there nobody wants that might run fine for our purposes if we could get the OS we need on it.

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Post by maximvs »

This is probably a stupid question, but can I use the image on hp's site to install the XPe to an hp thin client that did not come with an OS?
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Post by HolmanGT »

maximvs - YES
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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What about HP T5710 w/ MJ w/ USB wireless adapter?

Post by tradertx »

Just a thought--is there any reason why the HP T7510 with a USB wireless adapter and MagicJack wouldn't make a great mobile communications system--assuming some 12 volt vehicle power was handy?
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Re: What about HP T5710 w/ MJ w/ USB wireless adapter?

Post by HolmanGT »

tradertx wrote:Just a thought--is there any reason why the HP T7510 with a USB wireless adapter and MagicJack wouldn't make a great mobile communications system--assuming some 12 volt vehicle power was handy?
What exactly do you mean? A USB 802.11 is not going to give you very much range. I guess it would work if you were sitting in a Star-Bucks parking lot hooking into their hot-spot stuff.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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HP T7510, MJ & a USB wireless adapter?

Post by tradertx »

Per HolmanGT:
"A USB 802.11 is not going to give you very much range. I guess it would work if you were sitting in a Star-Bucks parking lot hooking into their hot-spot stuff."

Exactly--I live in a town just chock full of such hotspots.
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Post by HolmanGT »


Well I have heard of towns like that which provide WiFi throughout the town sort of like a real life "Eureka"

In that case all you would have to do id pick up a 12VDC to 120 Volt AC converter. they sell them everywhere for Cheap these days.

You would not be able to run off of the car's 12 volts directly it is far too unstable. the the converter for $39 dollars would take care of that problem and the Thin Clients are build like a tank so you would not have to worry about them bumping around in a car.

Good luck on your adventure.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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HP T5710, MJ & a USB wireless adapter

Post by tradertx »

I already have the inverter--I've used them for years.

Actually, it's not my town that provides the free wifi (except for the library)--it's lots of small businesses, for the most part.

One other puzzle, since I've download but haven't flashed the updated XPe yet. I saw some HP T5710s pictured on eBay with stickers on the side of them that looked like a COA sticker, and the seller remarked that his units came with the "EULA license." Now I don't know if he knew what he was talking about. Does the XPe require a COA number? My HP T5710 did not come such such a sticker that I could find anywhere. Will I have a problem when I attempt to update the XPe that's already installed?
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Post by HolmanGT »


I don't know what all the acronyms you used mean but if by COA you mean the M$ Key Sticker you see on store bought M$ OS machines I too have seen that on some of the units on eBay. I have no clue what that is all about. Non of the units I have, have any of those stickers on them. So I can only guess that that some one has purchased the units from HP (naked of any OS) and then puts their own XPe and Applications on them and I believe in a case like that it would require the "Value added" vendor to post the license sticker.

I have flashed a half dozen units and (knock on wood) have never had any licensing problems. I am pretty sure that M$ has made HP pay the license fee for each and every unit that goes out the door and the software you down load from there site is not going to run on a WYSE. What I am trying to say is the software you get from HP is only good for an HP machine and M$ has already gotten their pound of flesh so I don't thing either party cares anymore about licensing.

Also the image does install an HP OEM license key and as I said if it is not an HP device I would be willing to bet the OS would refuse to function.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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HP T5710, MJ & a USB wireless adapter

Post by tradertx »

Outstanding! Thank you.

It just occurred to me--a person should be able to run Belarc Adviser and see what the COA number is, but if it's not needed any more, what would be the point?
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Post by HolmanGT »


There is a utility already in the image that you load called "HP System Information" and it will display the OEM license key so you don't even need a third party tool to get it. But like you said I think it is of no particular value because they give it to you free.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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T5700 access internet?

Post by Nail*Head »


I used “GuyOnTheAir” setup of a T5700 "Think client 192/256”. Did real good, reinstalled the new OS (XPe) and removed Multiple Components, TeemNT, Citrix ICA, and .NET Messenger. But here is where I’m confused…. Shouldn’t I be able to access the internet using IE on the Thin Client? I plug a know good LAN line, connected directly to my router, that can access the Internet (though Comcast cable), and I’m unable to connect. I’ve noticed on the back of the Thin Client that the LAN lights indicate a connection is being made. The lights on the back are signaling sent/received data (flashing green & solid org lights). What I don’t notice is an Icon for a network card. If I look under the device manage I do not notice a “?” for a missing driver or a network card. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: T5700 access internet?

Post by HolmanGT »

Nail*Head wrote:Help

I used “GuyOnTheAir” setup of a T5700 "Think client 192/256”. Did real good, reinstalled the new OS (XPe) and removed Multiple Components, TeemNT, Citrix ICA, and .NET Messenger. But here is where I’m confused…. Shouldn’t I be able to access the internet using IE on the Thin Client? I plug a know good LAN line, connected directly to my router, that can access the Internet (though Comcast cable), and I’m unable to connect. I’ve noticed on the back of the Thin Client that the LAN lights indicate a connection is being made. The lights on the back are signaling sent/received data (flashing green & solid org lights). What I don’t notice is an Icon for a network card. If I look under the device manage I do not notice a “?” for a missing driver or a network card. What am I doing wrong?

Yes you should be able to browse the WEB.

I have a question for you, have you installed your MJ yet and if so did it work?

You said that you removed "Multiple Components" do you mean the ones you listed or the removal tool called "Multiple Components"?

On the network card, what Icon are you referring to? In the device manager if you have no Network card listed that is a problem. If it is not detected by the computer the device manager will not show and error. If it does not see a network card that is not a fault (necessarily) and the system will just assume you don't have one and go on about it business.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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Post by ivanr48 »


Just wanted to say thank you for all the information in this post! I purchased an HP T5710, followed the instruction given and I am up and running. This is exactly what I was looking for! Special thanks to Heritage227, HolmanGT, and VaHam.
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Post by mjscott »

Hello all,
I just got a thin client 5700 with 512ram but no flash drive installed. The seller said booting from a usb flash drive was no problem. I dowloaded the windows xp flash from hp's website, but when it boots up the the usb in...it says....this will format your drive are you sure? i type y... it says "error...failed to get disk geometry" and then gives me a c: prompt with appears to be the usb stick. I looked in set up for a way to tell it that the usb was going to be the drive...but didn't see an option for that.

any ideas?


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Post by HolmanGT »


I saw that unit for sale, and I think I read the statement about "no problem booting from the USB" and remember thinking to my self Ya-Right!

There is a whole set of thin client tools in a package from HP to do thinks like configure a Thumb drive with a bootable image of XPe, I don't know where you an get it and I'll bet it is IT software with commensurate Corporate pricing.

Not trying to make you feel bad but why don't you try to buy a 512 flash drive of of eBay. They are as scarce as hens teeth but worth a try. If you can find one It will make your life a whole lot simpler in the long run.

If you get in a real bind let me know, PM, or preferably email me and maybe we can work a deal that will work for both of us. I have a 512 drive for the T5700 and it is brand new and was in a sealed box. I opened it to see it it was the same type used in the T5710 and it is not (I know all about static safeguards so there is no concern there). If you want it lets chat by PM or email.

I am waiting and should have my new version MagicJacks tomorrow, the reason I bring this up is that I don't want to sell you the ATA Flash Drive if what I and another Unofficial member suspicion that the new version MagicJacks might not work with the thin clients.

What does the back of your unit look like? All silver, no text = old version = OK. Printed text on on the back side = new version = potential problem with thin clients.

If you want to get crazy and attempt to deal with the IT types you can find a whole passel of them here, but when you try to work with them don't say I didn't worn you. They are a breed unto themselves. OK I will get it out of the way now, any IT folks on this forum are excluded from my general class grouping of IT people into one big lump. I know there are exceptions I just haven't run into one yet.

HP Thin Client Forum: http://forums12.itrc.hp.com/service/for ... goryId=635
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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Post by sparkbox »

HolmanGT - I think the new mJ's are not compatible with thin clients. So I am I to assume the one you are using is an older model mJ?

However after 1+ week with thin client powered down it did load the mJ but when I rebooted it did not load again and got the same usb driver error.
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Post by HolmanGT »


I thought you had fallen of the end of the Earth, it is flat isn't it :roll:

Spark, I have a new one coming tomorrow so I should know the answer just as soon as the post-person get here.

I assume I have one of the older units but in all honesty I don't know how to tell. I have made some assumptions that units that have some text printed on the reverse side are the new units and the old one like mine the back side has no printing whatsoever and is just plain silver. I don't know any of this to be fact but for the moment that is the best I can do.

Now that I hear yours worked once, I have renewed hope that we can find a fix.

Spark, does your MJ have printing on the reverse side and did you receive it after March 8th?
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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Post by mjscott »

mine does have printing on the back....so i am assuming it's the new version. Thanks for the info. I would be very interested in the ata flash....if the mj is compatible with the thin client.
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Post by sparkbox »

HolmanGT wrote:sparkbox,

Spark, does your MJ have printing on the reverse side and did you receive it after March 8th?
No writing on the back-side just a blank silver back. MagicJack logo is on the front clear plastic window. Both of my mJ's were ordered on or after March 14th.

-sparkbox (Matt)

IM'ed you over at dslreports.com
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Post by HolmanGT »

OK - forget about the writing on the back of the units. It seem we have been infiltrated with a bunch of "Minnie Pearls" that like to leave the stickers on their new hats.

The quick way to tell if you have the old or new units is:

1. New unit has a white rectangle painted on the circuit board just above the "J" in MagicJack (it is a component layout symbol or part of one).

2. Old units do not have this white rectangle on the circuit boards.

3. There is a third way to tell and for those that know what I am talking about the new units have one Crystal Can on the circuit board and the Old Units have two.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
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Post by sparkbox »

The quick way to tell if you have the old or new units is:

New unit has a white rectangle painted on the circuit board just above the "J" in MagicJack (it is a component layout symbol or part of one).


New units have one Crystal Can on the circuit board and the Old Units have two

1 CC relay

I guess I have a new one - Did you get your new mJ? Have you tried it on the thin-client? When you test it are you going to try it on a thin-client that has already installed an old mJ and on a thin-client that is clean (no mJ install)?

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Post by HolmanGT »

sparkbox wrote:The quick way to tell if you have the old or new units is:

New unit has a white rectangle painted on the circuit board just above the "J" in MagicJack (it is a component layout symbol or part of one).


New units have one Crystal Can on the circuit board and the Old Units have two

1 CC relay

I guess I have a new one - Did you get your new mJ? Have you tried it on the thin-client? When you test it are you going to try it on a thin-client that has already installed an old mJ and on a thin-client that is clean (no mJ install)?


First I know it look like a reed relay can and I guess it could be but I am an American and I don't have to be right if I don't want to be (169th amendment, I think). :?

Yes - I have tried it on a T5710 and it Blue Screens. I don't have a clean T5710 because the 169th amendment also allows me to be stupid and modify all of my units ass-uming that I will never need a clean unit for testing.

However it does run on a T5720 just fine.

I am working on a fix, work-around, hack, or as M$ likes to call it a Patch. I could use all the help I can get on this. The problem has its origins in a file named ALiGP.sys. So far my searches have produced everything from it is an unknown file, possible a virus to it is some type of USB driver. In any case I am working to find out if anything uses it and if it can just be uninstalled and done away with.

I will keep everyone posted up until I find an answer or slit my wrist. I if you hear me talking about a hot bath a glass of wine and a straight raiser you know I have come up against a brick-wall. :wink:
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
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Post by sparkbox »

This is what I know so far:

aligp is some sort of USB Hub driver

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ aligp
USB Composite Device

The driver is located in the system32\drivers\AliGP.sys

Update: ALi Composite Device Driver I believe this is a controller driver for the USB 2.0. I don't think there is a way to bypass because it would render the usb ports inactive - maybe there is an update?

I found it attached to the ALi PC to USB enhanced host controller in the device manager

:idea: UPDATE 2: Problem solved! :idea:
In the Device Manager under the second heading Universal Serial Bus Controllers disable the ALi PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller

That is it your revised version mJ should now work without a blue screen crash caused by the ALiGP.sys driver the only problem is on a reboot it re-enables itself.

:idea: UPDATE 3: to solve the Ali Enhanced Host Controller re-enabling on a reboot I just unistalled the driver. :idea:
However XPe will try to reinstall this driver and provide a prompt to find and reinstall the missing ALiGP driver but the magicjack continues to load and perform regardless.
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Post by HolmanGT »


In your solution number 2 did you perform a commit to save the new configuration in the thin client. If you did it should hold the settings unless I am missing something in your explanation.

Also if you change the "Ali USB 20 enhanced host controller" to a "Standard enhanced host controller" it takes out all the ALi (brand) drivers and replaces them with much more up to date M$ drivers and Eureka the Blue Screen of death never returns.

Don't forget to commit after you make this change or the next time you reboot you will find the old "ALi" driver back in place.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
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Post by sparkbox »

HolmanGT wrote:sparkbox,

In your solution number 2 did you perform a commit to save the new configuration in the thin client. If you did it should hold the settings unless I am missing something in your explanation.
In update 2 I did "commit" but on the reboot it would show as enabled in the GUI part of the Device Manager. But under properties the item was listed as disabled. Weird. To disable it again it would have to be enabled and disabled so the ALiGP.sys driver would not interfere.

I went ahead and loaded the hardware as standard enhanced and viola - no missing drivers or errors! - good suggestion.
Last edited by sparkbox on Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by iamtek7 »

HolmanGT & sparkbox,

WOW! Good Job! KUDOS to both of you on this!

I was beginning to worry about the T5700 I purchased w/my apparantly 'new' MJ.

Question though...

Through my haste, the T5700 I purchased does NOT have the Flash drive. It does have 512 RAM (upgraded from the 256) but in speaking w/HolmanGT in a sidebar, the one he had is gone, but searching for these, I've been a bit confused as to exactly which part will be needed:

Here is my search results:

According to HP docs, the memory parts are listed here HP T5700 as:

HP 512-MB DDR SDRAM Memory Module DG961A
HP 256-MB Flash Upgrade PQ461A
HP 512-MB Flash Upgrade PM644A

and further down the doc states:

512-MB Flash Module from Apacer (http://www.apacer.com) AP-FM512-MM002-A
HP 512-MB DDR Memory Module DG961A

Do I need EITHER the 256MB PQ461A or 512MB PM644A or the apacer AP-FM512-MM002-A?

Cant find the Apacer MM002-A so I then found this listing:


Which lists two places to purchase the FLASH drive.

Am I correct that I will need the HP 256-MB Flash Upgrade PQ461A or HP 512-MB Flash Upgrade PM644A

Is this it?

:D Again, you guys rock on getting the new MJ's working on the TC's. :D
Last edited by iamtek7 on Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sparkbox »

iamtek7 wrote: Am I correct that I will need the HP 256-MB Flash Upgrade PQ461A or HP 512-MB Flash Upgrade PM644A
Based on your post those look like the right parts but I need to research to confirm - I will get back with you later today.

- Sparkbox
ISP: AT&T DSL 768kb up / 6mb down
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Post by sparkbox »

Based on what I could find those appear to be the right part #'s. However you can buy a T5710 on ebay for ~$100 and those flash modules are roughly the same price.

- sparkbox
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Router: D-Link DGL-4500 (ALG SIP=off)
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Post by iamtek7 »

Unfortunately, my dumb ass got froggy & jumped on the T5700 w/512MB w/o Flash.

So now im in it for $60 & will have to spend the $55 for the Flash.

Due to the persistant issue's I have w/my MJ on my PC, Haste in purchasing the T5700 is my demise on this one....
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HP Thin Client B1G1 - Half Off

Post by iamtek7 »

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Post by mjscott »

i bought a 5700 off ebay with 512 ram but no flash. I guess i didn't read it clear enough. I just saw "boots fine with usb" and i assumed i would be ok. WRONG...that's only with linux. Thankfully HolmanGT had a flash for the 5700 sitting around....so right now i'm in for $120 total.....hopefully that will work.
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Question about Teamviewer Password/ID.....

Post by dims24 »

Thanks for the tip about TeamViewer.

You said,

"One setup item I would suggest is to apply a fixed password when you install it that way it will not ask you to supply the password on the remote client that it generates for each session. Which also may be hard to read if you don't have a monitor hooked up to the 5710."

But how do we apply a "fixed" password on the Thin client and I guess we need a fixed ID as well.
Are you saying; put the quick viewer on the Thin client?

I haven't loaded TV on a second pc yet so I hope you can help.
Thanks alot! Mike
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Post by HolmanGT »


First the fixed ID, you don't have to do anything special here. TeamView3 assignees a unique ID when you install it. So that piece is taken care of for you, because you won't generally have a monitor on the Thin Client make sure you write down the assigned ID number.

The fixed password is an option when you install TemaViewer3 the first time. Then when you want to log-on to the thin client you will already know the password and ID. If you don't apply the fixed password when you go to connect it will assume someone on the thin client is going to tell you the ID (which stays constant) and the password will have to be created every time you start TeamView3 so you will not have anyone on the other end to generate the password and you will not have a monitor and keyboard connected to do it your self.

Do not use QuickView it wants to generate a new or session ID and password every time you run it on the thin client (no work-around). Besides it is only a tiny bit smaller than the full blown TeamViewer so there is no advantage only the disadvantages.

So once you have TeamViewer setup on your Thin Client it will boot up automatically every time you start the system and the ID and password will always be the same. Thus you will be able to log onto your Thin Client from wherever you are whether that is on your local net or across the country on the INTERNET.

The statement above will be true for any machine that you install TeamViewer3 on. Your Thin Client or your main desktop machine whatever. Very cool because it will walk through firewalls like they didn't even exist. None of that crap of what is the machine WAN side IP, and do I have this and that port open... all those headaches go away. So for the password make it a pretty Strong password you don't want the whole world roaming about on your LAN side machines. :roll: But before you get paranoid remember anyone trying to get into your machine will have to break the Password and the Personal ID that Teamviewer3 generates. The combination of the two make your machines pretty impenetrable.

I have been blabbing here so long I don't remember your question if I didn't get it all throw something at me to get my attention and ask again.

PS - I now use TeamViewer for all my remote assistance work. No headaches about getting thru firewalls or the latest one I have run into where Vista doesn't like to talk to XP and Vise Versa.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
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Configure the USB drivers for use with the New MJ and T5710

Post by HolmanGT »

Make sure you don't have your Magic Jack plugged in during this procedure.

Your USB Controller entries will look like table #1 before you change anything:

Table #1

Universal Serial Bus Controllers
ALi PCI to USB Open Host Controller
ALi PCI to USB Open Host Controller
USB Composite Device
USB Root Hub
USB Root Hub

Universal Serial Bus Controller
ALi PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller
USB 2.0 Root Hub


ALi PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller

Select this item, right click and select Update Driver. Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) then select Next. Then select “don’t search, I will choose the driver to install”. Select Next. Leave the selection box for "Show compatible hardware” checked.

There should be two items in the Model box. Select the second item.

“Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller”.

Then select Next and after it is thru installing then Select Finish.
Your USB Controller entries will now look like the entries in Table #2:

Table #2

Universal Serial Bus Controllers
ALi PCI to USB Open Host Controller
ALi PCI to USB Open Host Controller

Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller
USB Composite Device
USB Root Hub
USB Root Hub
USB Root Hub

Right click on all three USB Root Hub entries one at a time and select Properties then the Power Tab and un-check the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power. This power saving must be turned off or you may experience things like the MagicJack failing to respond after it has been sitting idle for a time.

Now do a "commit" (if you fail to commit your work it will be gone the next time you reboot and you will be allowed to redo it all again) allow your machine time to implement all your changes and you should be good to go. Now plug in your Magicjack unit and it should boot up and look Mom, no more blue screen of death.
Last edited by HolmanGT on Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
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OOOOPS! now i Can't get into the second pc....

Post by dims24 »

Hi HolmanGT,
well thanks for your help! I installed Teamviewer on my pc and my wifes pc(I don't have a thin client yet)

Entered a password during installation. Everything was good.
I was able view my wifes pc and do stuff on it.

But, now whe I try to log in to her pc with Team viewer, I'm getting "invalid password" I tried reinstalling team viewer on both pcs and even with a different password during install and I'm still getting invalid password...... Any ideas?

It sure worked great when it worked....Much better than VNC.
Thanks again, Mike
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Post by HolmanGT »


That is one I have never heard of before. You know this question is coming so don't get insulted, but are you sure you are using the right password? Also you might check any or your software firewalls to make sure they have not decided to block TeamViewer.

I have never tried calling TeamViewer support or emailing them but they sound like a pretty cooperative bunch maybe they will be able to steer you in the right direction.

On the subject of you Thin Client and MagicJack. What type and size memory & flash did you get in the thin client and do you have the old or new version of MagicJack. If you have the new you will have to configure the USB drivers as I outline in one of my post. It is not big deal to do but if you don't you will spend a lot of time staring at Blue Screens of Death.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
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Re: Configure the USB drivers for use with the New MJ and T5

Post by sparkbox »

HolmanGT wrote: Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller
USB Composite Device
USB Root Hub
USB Root Hub
USB Root Hub

Right click on all three USB Root Hub entries one at a time and select Properties then the Power Tab and un-check the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power. This power saving must be turned off or you may experience things like the MagicJack failing to respond after it has been sitting idle for a time.

Now do a "commit" (if you fail to commit your work it will be gone the next time you reboot and you will be allowed to redo it all again) allow your machine time to implement all your changes and you should be good to go. Now plug in your Magicjack unit and it should boot up and look Mom, no more blue screen of death.
Bravo! I have performed this procedure already but most people may not have thought or known to do this. Great Job!

Something that I did that maybe of some benefit for those that have thin clients that have 256mb or less was:

system properties -> advanced tab -> Performance heading -> settings and select the "adjust for best performance" radio button -> then click the "apply" button.

Once done as HolmanGT has stated in previous posts is to make sure you "commit" the actions in the EWF Manager to save all settings performed.

ISP: AT&T DSL 768kb up / 6mb down
Router: D-Link DGL-4500 (ALG SIP=off)
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Post by dims24 »

Yea I tried 3 different passwords when I uninstalled/reinstalled.

Actually I don't yet have a Thin Client. looking on Ebay :-)

And my MJ is in the mail....

I have been reading EVERYTHING on here about ANYTHING, hehehe!
And will use your trick on the USB drivers.

In the meantime, I think I will try TeamViewer with my Spare pc and see if that will work. and I will turn off my firewalls.

Thanks, Mike
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Post by fryguy »

If you didn't want to put an HD inside that HP Thin Client, you could use this adapter.


Might save on some power usage. Let's you use Compact Flash Memory as a Hard Drive.
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Re: CF to IDE

Post by sparkbox »

fryguy wrote:If you didn't want to put an HD inside that HP Thin Client, you could use this adapter.


Might save on some power usage. Let's you use Compact Flash Memory as a Hard Drive.
Thin Clients don't use hard drives they run off of an internal flash card that attaches to a bus on the motherboard.
ISP: AT&T DSL 768kb up / 6mb down
Router: D-Link DGL-4500 (ALG SIP=off)
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- Revised magicJack on a HP T5710 512/512 thin client
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Set Up HP T5700 Thin Client 192MB/256MB XPe Magic Jack

Post by Nail*Head »

This is an outline to set up an HP T5700 1Ghz Thin Client 192MB/256MB XPe to work with a Magic Jack. There are some other outlines on this link, but I want to lay out my experience.

1. Format and reinstall XPe.
As “Guy on the Air” pointed out, you need to download the previous version of XPe from HP. You want version 5.1.113 B (14 Oct 2004) (sp28963.exe). If you use the current version, 5.1.212 A (3 Feb 2005) [sp29705.exe ] you will receive an error message that the “target” device does not have enough room.

2. Installing XPe on a USB flashdrive.
After downloading sp28963.exe I tried to install the new XPe operating system on a 512K USB flashdrive (using the USB Format). I received an error message not allowing me to do it. I then tried a 1GB and a 4GB flashdrive. I received the same error message. I then used a 1GB SD card in a USB card reader and the XPe software installed correctly on the SD card. I can not explain why.

3. Next install the new operating system on the Thin Client.
Place the flashdrive (or SD Card) in the USB port and reboot the Thin Client. If the Thin Client does not recognize and the flashdrive check the BIOS setting. Insure the first boot is set to the USB drive. When the Thin Client recognizes you are about to reload the operating system answer “yes” to the question(s), “Are you sure you want to do this.” After the software is reinstalled the Thin Client tells you to remove the USB drive and reboots. It takes an additional 20 minutes and several reboots before reload is completed.

4. Set the Thin Client to permanently boot as Administrator
After rebooting to the fresh Operating System, hold down the right shift key and log off. After logging off the computer, change the defaults to Administrator. Type user name to: Administrator and the Password as: Administrator. Log in. Go into the control panel, switch to classic view, open HP logon Manager, and change the login as Administrator with the password as Administrator. Insure “Enable Autologin” and “Clear Event Logs at Login” boxes are checked. After you are satisfied with the changes “right click” on the green lock icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Select commit and reboot the computer. If you fail to do this, any changes you made will not be saved.

5. Insure you can connect to the internet and have audio.
Install a network cable and insure you can connect to the internet. I also used the “Set Up a Home Office Network” wizard to connect to my main computer. This will come in handy when installing the Magic Jack’s drivers. Before the computer reboots click the lock icon, commit, and then allow the computer to reboot.

I made a rookie mistake. I did not have a network card showing up in device manager. It turned out that my audio and network card was turned off in the BIOS. Be sure to check the BIOS, under installed paraphernalia, to insure both the audio and network are enabled.

6. Reduce the hard drive space.
Download the following from HP’s web site:
Altiris XPe Add-on (Remove Multiple Components)
Altiris XPe Add-on (Remove TeemNT)
Altiris XPe Add-On (Remove Citrix ICA)
Altiris XPe Add-on (Remove .NET Messenger)
Create a new folder for each downloaded program on your USB device and move the program into individual folders. Extract each program into their individual folders. Insure that you did not extract the program into the USB’s root directory. After extraction, the program creates a folder called “RIPS”. With the Thin Client booted to XPe install the USB device. Run each program from the RIP folder. Right Click on the green pad lock, commit, and reboot.

After rebooting we still need to make more room on the hard drive. Under “My Computer”, Shared Documents, Shared Music, delete music.asx, music.bmp., music.wma. Under “C:\Windows” delete background.jpg and Regedit.exe. Under C\windows\system32\spool\ delete printers, under C\windows\system32\ delete atiprxx.exe, accwiz.exe, cliconfg.exe, cscript.exe, debug.exe, diant2.exe, dosx.exe, drwatson.exe, dplaysvr.exe, dpnsvr.exe, dpvsetup.exe, edit.com, edlin.exe, eventvwr.exe, eventvwr.msc, ewfmgr.exe, exe2bin.exe, expand.exe, mplay32.exe, mstsc.exe, regedit32, view channels.

Right click on “C” drive, select properties, and then select the box “Compress Drive.” Right Click on the green pad lock, commit, and reboot. This left 49.2 mb of free space on “C” drive after the reboot.

7. Install Drivers
Insert the Magic Jack in the USB slot into an alternate computer that has the XP operating system. After Magic Jacks loads and you are able to make a phone call, remove the Magic Jack. Copy and move the following folders to a shared folder that you can access from the Thin Client:
“c:\windows\system32\drivers” [Note: files named: fidbox.dat & fidbox.idx cannot be moved as they are in use. Unselect these files and do not copy them; you do not need them.]
After you have copied these files and verified they are accessible from the Thin Client, plug the Magic Jack into a USB port on the Thin Client. The Magic Jack will try to load but will stop when it can’t find some of drivers. Point the Driver Wizard to look for the missing drivers first in the folder named “inf”, then “driver”,and finally “i386”. The wizard will load each driver it needs. Right click the lock and commit and reboot.
After rebooting check if you have a dial-tone. If not go into the Thin Client’s device manager and check to see if there is a yellow “?” by “USB Internet Phone by Tiger Jet”. If so, right click on “USB Internet Phone by Tiger Jet “ and select “Properties”. Then select update drivers and repeat above. Once done right click the green lock, commit, and reboot. Hopefully you now have a dial-tone.

Good Luck
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