Creating your own T5710 Flash Image
1. Download onto your desktop computer HP’s XPe factory image for T5710 (was
SP36064.EXE at the time)
2. Connect your USB disk-on-key (DOK) (I used a 2Gb “Kingston Data Travler R101”) to a USB port on your desktop computer.
3. Execute the file you just downloaded somewhere on your desktop system and when it asks select “USB Format” and your USB DOK as the destination.
4. After the transfer is complete navigate to the USB DOK and delete the AUTOEXEC.BAT file from the USB DOK
5. Copy the capture.bat and restore.bat files included here to the USB DOK (all the DOK files go into it's root directory) There is nothing wrong with HP's autoexec approach I just like to have more control over the process and by using seperate the capture and restore .bat files I know what is going to happen when.
6) Ok put the USB DOK aside for the time being. We'll get back to that later!
7) Now you need to gain control of the T5710 Administrator account and change the T5710's boot order so that it will attempt to boot first from the USB port and second from the ATA (the T5710's internal flash drive C:) Even though the T5710's, as far as I know, all have PS2 keyboard connectors the PS2 keyboard input may or may not work. If the previous owner has installed drivers for a USB keyboard then the T5710's will no longer respond to PS2 keyboards (even if you use a PS2 to USB adapter). Even removing the internal battery to cause the bios to return to it's default will not ket you out of having to have a USB keyboard if those drivers have previously been installed. So if you find that the PS2 keyboard doesn't work then you'll have to get a USB keyboard so that you can press F10 during power up and then go into the bios and change the boot order as described above.
8) Once you have the boot order set then your ready for the USB DOK again. Just power down the T5710 and insert the USB DOK into any USB port make sure it is the only USB DOK on the T5710. Then switch the power on on the T5710.
9) After a short delay the T5710 should go past the initial powerup screen and boot into free dos from the dongle. Just hit return a couple of time to accept the date and time and you should then be at a C:> prompt.
10) Once your at the C:> type restore to invoke the restore.bat which will flash the FLASH.IBR image data onto the T5710's internal flash drive. This will be the original full blown image you download from HP.
11) When this process is complete you'll be prompted to remove the USB DOK and reboot the T5710 by cycling the power. At this point I recommend that during this powerup you press the F10 key and change the boot order back so that the T5710 will boot first from the ATA. That way you can leave the USB DOK in place in case you want to save some of the unistall utilities temporarly there which we'll get to later down in step 18.
12) The T5710 will after some delay boot into Windows XP and log into a user account.
13) At this point we need to get into the Administrator account so we can make changes. To do this hold down the shift key while you go to the "Start" button and select "Log Out". Keep the shift key depressed! The T5710 will log out of the user account and then display a login box for you. Now you can release the shift key and login as User : Administrator Password: Administrator. The T5710 will then log you back into windows but this time as an administrator.
14) Next go into control panel andgo to the "HP Login Manager". Change the Default User Name to Administrator and the Default User Password to Administrator as well. Just leave the Default Domain blank for now and click OK
15) There are several ways to work with the EWF in commiting data and disabling it but I find it best to just get rid of it till we have the rest of the changes just the way we want them. So now insert the USB DOK and copy the three .bat files disableEWF, ebableEWF and StopEWFservice to C:\ directory. Once that is done then remove the USB DOK again.
16) Go to the "Start" button and select "Run" and type in disableEWF. This will commit any changes we have made so far and disable the EMF in prepreation for the next boot.
17) Now reboot. If all worked well you should be logged back on as Administrator. If not repeat steps 13 and 14. Observe the little pad lock down on the task bar near the clock. It should be yellow and indicating open at this point to aleart us that EWF is off.
18) If you have a eithernet cable cable connected to the internet at his point you can begin downloading the set of files to assist in removing several of the features which came with the HP image to make room for MJ. You can just install them by selecting run while downloading each one. This will install the uninstall feature but not execute it yet. Alternativly you could download them all to the USB DOK if it has room and then execute the installation of each of the uninstall utilites from the USB DOK after all have been download.
19) The list suggested by HolmanGT is good and all of these files can be found at:
HP's T5710 Support Page
20) Once all the uninstall utilites have been installed they must each be run inorder to uninstall the feature they are designed to uninstall. When the utilites are installed they are placed in the C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\RIPs directory. So navigate there and execute each one. If prompted to reboot first run the disableEWF.bat as described in step 16 again so that the change will be commited to memory and the EWF set to disable in prepration for the reboot. After you run run them all toy can then delete them from the C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\RIPs directory as well.
21) You can then make any other changes you like (create desktop shortcuts or add programs to the Program Files menu by locating them in c:\windows\system32 and creating a shortcut for them in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users for instance. You can repeate this process of making changes and then running disableEWF and rebooting as many times as you like until your happy with your setup.
22) Once you think you have every thing the way you want it then go once more to the "Start" button and selecting "Run" then typing in StopEWFservice in the box. This will remove the EWF service completly in prepration for creating your own image of the setup the way you like it.
23) Now you can go to the "Start" button and do a shutdown. During the powerup following this shutdown you'll need to once again depress the F10 key and go into the bios and change the boot order back so that the T5710 will boot first from the USB.
24) Once the boot order has been reset and accepted the bootup will continue and this time the T5710 will boot back into Free Dos from the USB DOK.
25) Again hit return a couple of times to accept the date and time and then once you get to the C:> prompt type in capture. The image of the T5710's internal flash drive will be copied to the USB DOK file FLASH.IBR.
26) When complete and it takes a while! You'll be prompted to remove the USB DOK and cycle the T5710's power to reboot it. Again I would suggest you intercept this power by again depressing the F10 key and going back into the bios and changing the boot order so that the T5710 will boot first from the ATA.
27) When the system boots back up you should be in widows and logged in as Administrator.
28) Go to the "Start" button and select run then type in enableEWF to create a new SID and reload EWF.
29) Now go to C:\ and delete the three .bat files we placed there in step 15.
30) Go into control panel to the "EWF Configuration" and select "Commit Data to Volume"
Congrats you just made your first image of your own custom T5710 setup!!!!!!!
Put the USB DOK in a safe place and I would also recommend you copy the files it contains to another place as well for safe keeping.
Now that you have your clean image on the USB DOK you can any time then just change the boot order to boot from USB first, insert the USB DOK, boot up into dos, hit the return key a couple of times, and type in restore; to reflash your T5710 back to your custom setup.
Create Your Own T5710 Flash Files