To use this image you must have a T5710 with 512 flash and 512 ram, no more no less.
Create a bootable thumb drive using the ThinState Utility located in the control panel. Then download the image file from this link: ... _FLASH.rar
Unzip the file and place the file “FLASH.IBR” in the root of the thumb drive.
In the bios settings set your units first boot option to USB and all other boot options to disabled.
Insert the thumb drive into your unit and tell the bios to save and exit. The thin client will then go thru booting from the USB device routine install the image and then tell you to remove the thumb drive and power cycle your unit. When the unit starts its BIOS post procedure and you are give the opportunity to press the F10 key do it and then once back in the bios settings change the boot device from USB to ATA Flash (leave all other boot device disabled), then save and exit.
There is one more step and maybe somebody like Stroths has a better way of doing this but it is such a small inconvenience I have not attempted to figure out a better way. When the system finaly boots back up you will be already to use MagicJack with one exception and that is you will need to fix the EWF (commit lock). You will notice that it is amber, open and Xed out. To correct this simply put a thumb drive in a USB port (one that you don’t care if what is on it is lost) then run the HP ThinState utility and point it to the T.D. you just plugged in and tell it to do a capture. It is really not going to capture anything because you do not have anything in the bios set to boot off a USB drive – right? But what it will do is reboot your machine then convince windows this is a first boot and reset all the flags and EWF parameters to the correct state and then finally boot back into Windows and “Eureka” the little lock will be locked and green.
I don’t know what Stroths’ has removed from his image but he does get a little aggressive.
This image is just aggressive enough to get rid of memory hogs and add some memory hogs like DirectX and God help us JAVA. JAVA is huge but in the past most of the MagicJack WEB Site diagnostics required it, which is no longer true because they removed all of them i.e. MagicFIX. But I have left Java in to be more compatible with some WEB sites.
Anyway I was tired of Stroths getting all the accolades for his rather tremendously well written “how to” documents and doing all the work for the rest of us by posting his image files.
PS – Please remember that this image file is an HP ThinState image for an HP T5710 with 512 Megs of flash and 512 Megs of ram only. Also in this image the Bios and OS are the newest versions on the HP site. ThinState is still functional, and the Ethernet drivers have been updated with the newest XPe drivers from the manufacturers WEB site, dated 9/21/2007 Version And frosting on the cake, TeamViewer HOST is preinstalled. A tip on using Teamviewer is if you check the IP address of your thin client in your router I have set it to accept local LAN access so just enter the IP address of your thin client and use the password “314159” (or Pi if you haven’t already recognized it as such). Once connected you will be able to acquire the ID and login that way.