magicjack needs help

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MagicJack Newbie
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magicjack needs help

Post by robot »

no the police did not show up...i am a cop......the 911 service they promise is not working.....i had members of my family that have medical problems and 911 is far as not doing any thing on this forum you are mistaken....i have done everything magicjack said to do......and have no tech support worth a [email protected] tried alot of things on this i took it to work and plugged it into a massive computer used by the police force....same results
MagicJack Newbie
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Post by robot »

i strongly suggest having the local # to the cop station avalable to call instead of 911
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Post by dukeomaha »

911 probably doesn't work as promised, but the damn thing is cheap and I can bring it with me when I travel. Call quality is crappy at times, too, but hell, it gives me a cheap communication solution on the road, especially when I'm out of the country. You get what you pay for, dude.
Dan Should Pay Me
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Post by kumar »

robot wrote:i strongly suggest having the local # to the cop station avalable to call instead of 911
Hmm... you didn't need to create a new thread but i get what ya mean lol.... Ok as far as your family neednign medical attentions.... NEVER EVER EVER trust VOIP especially if your family frequently needs 911. You could possible make it so when you dial 911, it calls the local police number but I would not rely on it. Just find ANY old cell phone. All cell phones can call 911 if they have service or not. so just keep an old phone on and handy in the house. If there is a medical emergency just dial 911 from the cell phone and your good. As far as your issues with call quality, what kind of internet do you have, are you using Windows XP or Vista, and what kind of router you haev.
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Post by dukeomaha »

kumar wrote:...All cell phones can call 911 if they have service or not...
I heard about this years ago but was never sure if it's true. Time to dig up those old cell phones laying around the house.
Dan Should Pay Me
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Post by kumar »

dukeomaha wrote:
kumar wrote:...All cell phones can call 911 if they have service or not...
I heard about this years ago but was never sure if it's true. Time to dig up those old cell phones laying around the house.
Yep, I keep my phone always in my pocket and keep it charged always.... Also my whole family has cell phones always with them so no use keeping "911 phones" around the house.
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Post by LikeMagic »

That's not entirely true anymore. Most of the wireless carriers shut down older technologies (analog & TDMA) in favor of GSM 2G and UMTS 3G. AT&T wireless network officially discontinued analog & TDMA services on Feb 18, 2008: ... cation.jsp

So older analog & TDMA cell phones won't do you any good for free 911 calls on major wireless networks.
Dan Should Pay Me
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Post by kumar »

LikeMagic wrote:That's not entirely true anymore. Most of the wireless carriers shut down older technologies (analog & TDMA) in favor of GSM 2G and UMTS 3G. AT&T wireless network officially discontinued analog & TDMA services on Feb 18, 2008: ... cation.jsp

So older analog & TDMA cell phones won't do you any good for free 911 calls on major wireless networks.
Then get a prepaid phone from cingular for like $15 ;-)
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Re: magicjack needs help

Post by gooney »

robot wrote:no the police did not show up...i am a cop......the 911 service they promise is not working.....i had members of my family that have medical problems and 911 is far as not doing any thing on this forum you are mistaken....i have done everything magicjack said to do......and have no tech support worth a [email protected] tried alot of things on this i took it to work and plugged it into a massive computer used by the police force....same results
if youre a cop dont you have a city funded phone? just curious.
robot wrote:no the police did not show up...i am a cop......the 911 service they promise is not working.....i had members of my family that have medical problems and 911 is far as not doing any thing on this forum you are mistaken....i have done everything magicjack said to do......and have no tech support worth a [email protected] tried alot of things on this i took it to work and plugged it into a massive computer used by the police force....same results
who are you kidding?
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gooney - Salt lake City, UT (801)
Don't mind me grammar cuzz it sukks!!
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Post by kumar »

Agree with Gooney ^^^ :roll:
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Post by curiousgeorge » ... -t612.html

robot: read this post and stop complaining
help! I am running out of USB ports!!!!!!!!
Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?
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