How do I make an international call ?

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Denver Dave
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How do I make an international call ?

Post by Denver Dave »

I purchased the $10 international option, but so far I've been unable to successfully dial any number in Europe form my MJ in the US. I've tried:

01144...and the number
44...and the number

I also tried dialing the above without the first 0 of the number with the same result - all I get is session in progress.

Should I try more numbers or am I approaching this incorrectly? Phone works fine to dial numbers in the US.

Last edited by Denver Dave on Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HolmanGT »

I don't remember where on their site, but they do tell you how to dial the correct numbers. Or God forbid call their Tech Chat.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
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Denver Dave
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Post by Denver Dave »

The FAQ seems to tell me everything except what I need to know - how to call from the US to Europe
Tried the number with Skype +44 ... and number without the leading 0 and did work
== = = ==
Tried again with MJ 44... and number without leading 0 .... session in process

Collapse International Calling

Collapse How do I make calls to locations outside the USA?

Call any person on their magicJack number in any country and the call is free.

Call back to the US from another country with your magicJack and it's free.

To dial directly from your magicJack number to an International number, registered magicJack users can purchase International minutes by logging in to their account at

Collapse If I call someone on a magicJack overseas, do I need to dial the country or city code?

No, you would dial as you would normally from the United States.

Collapse If I call back to the US or Canada from overseas, do I need to dial a country or city code?

No, you would dial as you would normally from the United States.

Collapse Can I make calls to countries besides the US and Canada on magicJack?

You can call other magicJack users anywhere in the world for free.

To dial directly from your magicJack number to an International number, registered magicJack users can purchase International minutes by logging in to their account at
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Post by HolmanGT »


That is why I suggested calling their Tech Chat, I read that shit also and it makes no sense to me but then I have never called to Europe on any phone in the last twenty years (back when it was two cans and a string).
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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Post by gary »

I call UK without any problems: 011 44 20 phone number ....... It announces the time you have left depending upon your balance and the location your are calling and connects your call. Excellent sound quality.

If you do not hear the announcement then there is a problem with your setup and you should definitely be talking to Tech Chat.
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Post by LAMrJack »

I'm also dial several countries without any problem starting with 011+country code.
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