
Having issues with your magicJack? Post here, and we'll try to help you out!

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(off topic?) 900 MHz phone...

Post by tb01 »

HolmanGT wrote:tb01,

Where did you find a 900 Mhz phone and why did you go for that frequency?...
I found two on ebay for about $6 shipped (still waiting for delivery). They both have ans machines.

I figured 900 MHz was best, in case I want to go 5.8 GHz later, for WiFi link (should there come a reason to). I'm piggy-backed onto a friend's cable connection (they only use wired) using my wireless router (and home-brew antenna reflector to solidify signal strength) - can't run wires across the property.

Whenever my friend's phone rings, the radio in it (2.4 GHz) stomps all over the WiFi link, and my connection goes down - for the duration of the call. Took a bit to diagnose this issue, but when I found cordless phones are about 6x signal strength of 54G wireless router, it all came clear. (smile)

Another reason for 900 MHz is to increase operating range of cordless for my friend (lower frequency = longer wavelength = fewer waves per distance = farther reach). Did I just verify my geekiness?? (smile)

Oh, I should probably mention that my magicJack connection goes over this 54G WiFi link (with no trouble).

Back to magicJack - it is SOOOoooo very nice to have had now ONE extremely good connection! No jitter, no choppiness, no stray buzzes, beeps, belches, hiccoughs, or audio drop-outs! I think I'm going to be MUCH happier now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I cannot tell you enough how pleased I am. I really hope it stays this way... and have a sneaky suspicion it will.

I'll post back as I'm able to make more calls... back to dialing!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Post by tb01 »

HolmanGT wrote:There must be some subliminal message in your post, I feel like running over to Taco Bell for lunch. :roll:
I'm not sure I understand... Could be I'm too overjoyed at my mJ working!!! (grin)

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Re: QoS & CPU Priority fix for mJ call quality issues

Post by tb01 »

tb01 wrote:...back to dialing! :D :D :D
Three hours to West Virginia - not one single problem!!! Far-end party reported a tiny bit of echo, very brief, and only three times during that call. But no drops, no loss of audio, no jitter, no choppiness -- I'm VERY pleased!

I hope this fix works for others, as I've been really frustrated with the poor call quality. Being a retired (landline) telecom engineer, I couldn't give up without finding -some- reason for the problems I was having.

I can't remember now who was the OP of the QoS & CPU Priority fix, but thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. Seems to have fixed me right up!

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Post by HolmanGT »


What a short memory you have. :lol:

The reference is to the movie:

Demolition Man is an American science fiction-action comedy film released in 1993.

Happy, Happy & Joy, Joy are used throughout the movie and (God help us) Taco Bell is the only restaurant left in Los Angeles.

"Taco Bell is the only restaurant available, because it won the Franchise Wars." (in the movie only of course).

OK maybe it was a little abstract, but then so are most of my free drifting thoughts. Where is Freud when you need him.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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Post by HolmanGT »


"Three hours to West Virginia - not one single problem!!! Far-end party reported a tiny bit of echo, very brief, and only three times during that call."

In a three hour call if that is the only anomalies you had, I would consider that damn near perfect.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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garbled voices

Post by Manchas »

Right now, about one in five calls is normal. The rest of the time, the person on the other end hears me fine, but they sound like 5 people talking at once. It seems that this started after I installed an upgrade to MJ. I'd never had a problem before that, that I can remember. Could the upgrade be the problem? Is there any way to uninstall it? It doesn't appear in the computer's installed programs list.
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Post by tb01 »

HolmanGT wrote:...The reference is to the movie: Demolition Man...
Well no wonder... I thought I was channelling 'Ren and Stimpy' from some years ago (Nickelodeon?). Never saw Demolition Man - thanks for the explanation (I was wondering if my meds were slipping again...). (grin)

I wish I -had- seen that movie - your reference was rather clever, and I'm sorry I missed it...
HolmanGT wrote:...I would consider that damn near perfect.
Oh, I do too! And I am SOOOooo glad it is SOOOooo much better. Thank you again, so VERY, very much! I'm now about as happy as I could be with my mJ service! (...well, there's that WinXP thing, but I"m working on that, too!)

Thanks again! :D :D :D

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Post by HolmanGT »


Have you tried the:

Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Performance ,Settings -> Advanced -> Processor Scheduling. Select the radio button for "Background Services". Thing and running it without the pigtail cable?

The foreground, background thing has worked pretty well for several people so far.

If you have give it a try it is easy and quick.
- George -

HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
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Post by Manchas »

Thanks for the suggestion. Changes made. I'll only know it has worked if I never have the problem again! Hopefully, that will be the case.

First, I'll try making calls without changing the pigtail (so I'll what, if anything, solves the problem). If I run into problems, then I'll plug the MJ directly into the computer. Unfortunately, I'm using a laptop with only 2 USB ports so it gets crowded with the MJ plugged in. I have an extension with 4 ports (mouse, printer and camera plugged in there). Since that never caused a problem in the past, I'm assuming it isn't contributing to the problem now.

With fingers crossed ..........
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Re: garbled voices

Post by tb01 »

Manchas wrote:Right now, about one in five calls is normal. The rest of the time, the person on the other end hears me fine, but they sound like 5 people talking at once. It seems that this started after I installed an upgrade to MJ. I'd never had a problem before that, that I can remember. Could the upgrade be the problem? Is there any way to uninstall it? It doesn't appear in the computer's installed programs list.
Sounds like you're hearing far-end echo (from several points), and it sounds like this issue was triggered by the recent upgrade.

I'm not sure how the Ymax network handles echo cancellation. Since you are connecting from outside US, your internet connection -TO- the Ymax network (the part which is -not- Ymax), is what I would suspect is creating this echo.

The recent upgrade may be revealing specific timing issues created by several different network 'segments' (or 'hops' in packet-routing lingo), which may not be properly (timing-) synchronized. Analog-to-digital (and back again) conversions, usually employed to connect different networks, can also cause echo issues, I believe.

The 1 of 5 'good' calls you experience are possibly across a single-provider's contiguous connection, or possibly a series of properly timed /synchronized 'hops', or somehow resolved by the Ymax voice servers. I would also expect that your far-end party doesn't hear the echo because it is being managed by the Ymax network end of things.

It -could- be that prior to the upgrade, your previous mJ software /firmware was (somehow) able to compensate for those timing issues, which have probably been there all along.

It's also possible that something in the firmware upgrade caused your call routing to prefer a different path than before - one which used to be properly timed, and now is not.

And it's possible everything VoIP is radically different from what I learned in my landline telecom days, but your report sounds familiar enough this may apply. I could be totally wrong - I'm just learning VoIP over the last several months.

As far as reverting your firmware, I do not have a means to do this. There are some really bright folk here who might have stashed copies of firmware they could possibly make available to you. I would think reversion would be a simple matter of applying the prior firmware by running the appropriate 'upgrade.exe' file on your computer with the mJ connected.

I remember once digging into the mJ logs and found data which -might- point to which was your prior version... just a thought. I -am- saving the different firmware 'upgrades' from this point forward!

Hope this maybe helps explain the problem, though it certainly doesn't resolve your issues. Surely someone more mJ-knowledgeable than I will chime in...

In the meantime, if you would like to trace your internet routing to see potential bottlenecks between you and the Ymax network, you could download and run Visual Route [ http://visualroute.visualware.com/ ]. They offer a 15-day trial, as well as a freeware Lite Edition for non-corporate use. You can also run a quick test on their web page, testing connection between their servers and your computer. These tests should show you the hops (different networks) your internet connection traverses on it's way to US and the Ymax voice servers, illuminating possible sources of the echo issue.

UPDATE - just visited magicJack support web site...


If you're feeling adventurous, and willing to try some stuff, you can download the following file and run it to see if it might help your situation.

Navigate your browser to the following web address:
[ http://www.magicjack.com/1/magicfix.asp ]

Look down list of issues, and click to expand:
"Blue Light is Not on/ I Cannot Click Telephone in Menu"

Click to expand "If that did not work, Click here"

The 2nd "Click here" link will let you download a file called mjrecover_setup.exe (choose Save instead of Run - this is how you can save 'upgrade' files to revert your firmware in the future).

After the file downloads, run it. It -might- get you back to your previous firmware level - I dunno. I don't know what this 'recover' file does, but I would think (from the name) that it might reinstall a firmware-backed-up copy of the previous software/ firmware, relieving you of the echo issue.


Post back with any developments - your feedback may help someone else!

Happy hacking!

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Post by Manchas »

Thank you for taking the time to write! Since I wrote about the problem earlier and implemented the change suggested there, I made 2 calls and received another with no problems. I hope that means that the previous fix did the trick. If not, I'll try a direct hook-up instead of the extension for MJ. If that doesn't work, I'll look into the suggestion you've made, which is a little more drastic.
If there is some risk in downloading and installing the update (presumed older version) and it could potentially make MJ unusable, I don't dare try it. I would do it only if the tech support at MJ were directing me step by step.
Living out of the US, I wouldn't even be able to get a new MJ if I messed this one up. I can't afford to risk it since I rely on it for my business, as well as family calls. I'll just have to make do with bad calls now and then.
Again, thanks for your suggestions.
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Post by Manchas »

Update: I did the "hops" test and there were 18 of them -- not a good number. The response time was good, but a couple of the hops responded erratically, which isn't good.
Thanks for telling me about the site to check connectivity.
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Post by tb01 »

Manchas wrote:...If there is some risk in downloading and installing the update...I would do it only if the tech support at MJ were directing me step by step.
Sorry - maybe my CYA disclaimer was a bit much. On forums, you never know who you might be messaging with, or how adept they are. Covering one's butt seems a handy thing to do - especially when offering such information. Not saying anything about you personally (as I don't know you), but I'd hate for you to think me responsible if you blew up your device by doing something stupid while trying to implement something I suggested. Again, I'm not saying anything bad or derogatory about you... just saying that I don't know you, and you (or anyone else reading,) could do something unintentional.

I don't think there'd be any risk at all in downloading and installing the mjrecover_setup.exe utility, as it comes directly from magicJack's web site. I'm certain if there were any danger, they would have their own disclaimer posted. I suggested it in the hope it would 'recover' your prior firmware (if it's stored in backup on the device itself - I really don't know).

I am REALLY pleased you are having good call quality with the CPU Priority and QoS tweaks in WinXP. That is what got my mJ running great, for the first time since I plugged it in almost two months(?) ago.

Sorry if I frightened you - that wasn't my intention at all. Just wanted to protect myself and this message forum. I love gaining and sharing knowledge - you just never know what someone else might do, and blame you if they hose it up!

Let us know if your call quality holds... mine is still doing great so far!

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Post by Manchas »

I understand that anytime I do anything to my computer, I'm responsible for whatever happens. I've learned the hard way many times. Sometimes I am even telling myself not to do things and that I'll be sorry if I do AS I'M DOING THEM! The challenge is too much to resist. I've also learned a lot by doing this.
I wouldn't blame you if something happened. I can choose to take or not take your advice (or anyone else's). I appreciate your sharing your information.
If things continue to work well, I won't bother with the update. If I have problems, I'll try it and report back.
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Post by curiousgeorge »

Manchas, I would really discurage the use of MJ for business use, it is not stable enough and will cause you headaches,use MJ mainly for family,friends and long distance,just my two cents.
help! I am running out of USB ports!!!!!!!!
Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?
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Post by Manchas »

Thanks for the advice re use of MJ for a business phone. We receive very few calls via MJ but it is listed on our website for US clients. Most of them send emails via our website. If traffic started picking up with calls, I'd get a line in the US.
The family can always call back or send an email!
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Post by Manchas »

To tb01:

Well, the garbled voices have come and gone, in spite of everything I've done as you suggested, except the new download. Today I tried to get the download and was unable to get it. I can't get to it. The help site always opens up the MagicFix Compatibility Test and it never finishes. It gets hung up on the network access to MagicJack servers. Thus, I can't get to the download.

In addition, here are the results today of the VOIP connection -- have never had this message before.
The test agent could not connect to Boston using the standard SIP port (5060), but was able to connect and run a test to another location via an alternate port (6000). This indicates that one of the following may be true:
* If you have a VoIP Service, your VoIP/Phone Adaptor may have reserved the standard SIP port and is filtering out our SIP packets. Consider temporarily removing the Adaptor from your configuration and re-running the test.
* Your Personal Firewall, if you are using Windows XP, may be filtering the SIP port used for communication.
* Either your home firewall or your broadband provider's firewall is blocking the SIP port used for communication.

However, I have received one and made one phone call with garbled voices today and made one call with the voice fine on the other end.

Any suggestions?

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Re: Jittery voice, QoS, Magicjack

Post by FreeRange »

alambro1 wrote:I have many years of experience with traditional VoIP telephony to include QoS over the LAN and WAN. I have a very robust network and use VoIP on it daily with no issues. However, I do have jittery voice with my new magicjack so I did a few tests. I have it plugged into my laptop which is clean and powerful so I know it is not a memory or hardware issue. I understand QoS enough to know that turning it of on the network adapter would have no affect on the jittery voice. My first choice was to change the default processor schedule setting from "programs" to "background services". Doing this got rid of the jitter. Switching it back made the jitter come back immediately. Soooooo....

Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Performance ,Settings -> Advanced -> Processor Scheduling. Select the radio button for "Background Services". This should take care of your jittery voice issues.

Also, if you have an extra 2gb of hard drive space to spare, I suggest you set the virtual memory (paging file) to a static 2048.
THANK YOU....THANK YOU....THANK YOU! You have saved my sanity. After having tried EVERYTHING suggested that I could find and at least 10 hours with "tech" un-support.....your suggestion has CURED my problem. I can now make clear calls. I had already replaced one MJ and had the same problems with this one. I was just getting ready to call it quits. You are to be commended! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE....make this suggestion a "STICKY" for this forum. :)
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Re: Jittery voice, QoS, Magicjack

Post by deltona_fl »

I have the jittery/garble *cussing under my breath* problem 75% of the time I use phone. (getting ready to throw it out.)
Anyway, I did the below on the control panel last week and still have garble.
So, I'd like to try the virtual memory. I can't find a 'static' to set at 2048.
What I do have is this:
Custom button - Initial size 720, Max size 1440
I don't see where I can choose 'static'


Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Performance ,Settings -> Advanced -> Processor Scheduling. Select the radio button for "Background Services". This should take care of your jittery voice issues.

Also, if you have an extra 2gb of hard drive space to spare, I suggest you set the virtual memory (paging file) to a static 2048.[/quote]
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Re: Jittery voice, QoS, Magicjack

Post by deltona_fl »

I have the jittery/garble *cussing under my breath* problem 75% of the time I use phone. (getting ready to throw it out.)
Anyway, I did the below on the control panel last week and still have garble.
So, I'd like to try the virtual memory. I can't find a 'static' to set at 2048.
What I do have is this:
Custom button - Initial size 720, Max size 1440
I don't see where I can choose 'static'


Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Performance ,Settings -> Advanced -> Processor Scheduling. Select the radio button for "Background Services". This should take care of your jittery voice issues.

Also, if you have an extra 2gb of hard drive space to spare, I suggest you set the virtual memory (paging file) to a static 2048.[/quote]
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Re: Jittery voice, QoS, Magicjack

Post by couch-potato »

alambro1 wrote: Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Performance ,Settings -> Advanced -> Processor Scheduling. Select the radio button for "Background Services". This should take care of your jittery voice issues.

Also, if you have an extra 2gb of hard drive space to spare, I suggest you set the virtual memory (paging file) to a static 2048.
I have "jittery" sound on about half my calls. (I have also heard it described as sounding like stuttering, underwater sound, or Max Headroom). My MJ is area code 224, but I am in Canada.

Does the above "fix" have anything to do with running MJ as a service or running MJ in the background? Or will that fix work regardless of how I am running MJ?

I made the change, and will see how it works. My first call was better, but I'll see if it stays that way.

I don't understand the QoS instructions, and I don't have a router, so I assume those instructions won't apply to me.
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