Party called hears periodic beeps

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Party called hears periodic beeps

Post by jlewis2444 »

Does anyone have a problem with the party being called stating that they hear "beeps" at their end, similiar to when a key on the phone is pressed? I finally got my MJ working consistently after about a month of trouble shooting, only to find out that I needed an a/c powered usb hub/port for MJ. That fixed all of my problems immediately. I was using an a/c powered hub, but after giving it some thought, it was ancient, probably 8 years old. So I purchased a new $20 usb hub, and as soon as I plugged it in, and plugged in MJ, the application loaded immediately, my system is no longer slowed, and I have had no problems, except this. It's not all the time, but often after I've been on a call for over 15 minutes. It seems to happen more often with some numbers that I call than others. I would really like to get this fixed. Any suggestions?

Thanks! :roll:
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Re: Party called hears periodic beeps

Post by gooney »

jlewis2444 wrote:Does anyone have a problem with the party being called stating that they hear "beeps" at their end, similiar to when a key on the phone is pressed? I finally got my MJ working consistently after about a month of trouble shooting, only to find out that I needed an a/c powered usb hub/port for MJ. That fixed all of my problems immediately. I was using an a/c powered hub, but after giving it some thought, it was ancient, probably 8 years old. So I purchased a new $20 usb hub, and as soon as I plugged it in, and plugged in MJ, the application loaded immediately, my system is no longer slowed, and I have had no problems, except this. It's not all the time, but often after I've been on a call for over 15 minutes. It seems to happen more often with some numbers that I call than others. I would really like to get this fixed. Any suggestions?

Thanks! :roll:
Someone trying to call the other party while he/she is on the phone?
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Post by LikeMagic »

Random beeps (DTMF tones) issue had been discussed here: ... light=beep
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Post by testing123 »

LikeMagic wrote:Random beeps (DTMF tones) issue had been discussed here: ... light=beep
Yup, happens all the time, all numbers here ... a bit annoying because it often trips Phone System features (i.e., GrandCentral "Call Recording" or makes an unintended choice in an IVR) ... the GC part is a pain because a woman's voice will then come on saying "Call Recording On" and people freak out like you are spying on them.

Weird thing is sometimes I don't hear the tones, only the called party (as you mention in your post). Other times we both hear it.

I have no way of solving this yet -- volume adjustments have done nothing for me. I think it has something to do with their system -- a call to the same number simultaneously via another voip provider does not have the same issue.
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Post by jlewis2444 »

Thanks! I've adjusted my headset/other volume down to min since I'm only using housephones with MJ at this point, and I realized my headset mic was up to maximum. I'll test it during the week and see if it helps. I used the recommendation from dukeomaha so thanks again for the fix, and for the reference to the fix. :)
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Post by jlewis2444 »

:x It didn't work. uuugggg.... I would love for MJ to work without the beeps! I'll keep checking to see if anyone else has found a fix, as it's quite annoying to the caller, and not very professional when on business calls. For the first time, I also heard the beeps today. Normally, I, the caller, have never heard them.
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what kind of phone are you using

Post by BryanChewy »

I get the same tones you are describing. i can't hear them , but the other end can hear them and they are very loud, not faint at all. I have LINGO voip as well and it does the same thing. I have tried tech support for both MJ nad LINGO nad none has a fix.

Lingo says its because i have the ATA box plugged into my PBX phone system and it is the phone system that is causing hte beeps. I have regular pots lines in this system as well and they never have any problems, so it must be something with the phone system and VOIP that is making the beeps. I gave up trying to fix it, maybe someone can shed some light on the subject as well.
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Post by Stewart »

Because the voice path on VoIP calls is often less than perfect, systems such as MJ and most ATAs are designed to recognize DTMF tones and transmit the numbers digitally to the far end, where the tones are recreated. This prevents errors caused by momentary dropouts in the speech path. Unfortunately, sometimes the device mistakes normal voice for a tone. This is called "talkoff". The common relay scheme is defined in RFC 2833. Many ATAs have adjustments to minimize the effect. If your Internet connection is good enough so that your outbound voice is rarely choppy, or you don't access IVR systems often, you can disable RFC 2833 altogether. On Linksys ATAs, set DTMF Tx Method to InBand. Or, you can make DTMF detection less sensitive by setting DTMF Tx Mode to Strict, increase the DTMF Tx Strict Hold Off Time, and/or decrease the outbound volume. All of these measures will increase the length of time that you will need to hold a number button for it to register.
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