Getting Started

Having issues with your magicJack? Post here, and we'll try to help you out!

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Getting Started

Post by Bouldergolfer »

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I have had the Magic Jack since last week on the 30 day trial. Since I have had it I havn't been able to even get it started. Readers Digest version is that I get to the registration page, eneter email address twice, create password and confirm. I then get error message that email address already on file. Of course it is, I bought it over the internet where they sent my confirmation. I have spent at least 10 hours with 7-8 different techs that have had me: Switch USB ports. I have tried all 7 of my USB ports that are all working as other items are hooked to them. I have plugged and unplugged it so many times. I have followed their directions to reconfigure my internet security settings, format the Magic Jack, used a provide URL to recover the Magic Jack none of this works and I can't even get past the registration page without error messages concerning my e-mail. They confirm it is not registered. I have receieved: "Sorry for the inconvenience. Our technicians are upgrading the system for cutomer satisfaction. Please try again in 10-48 hours." The last chat with a tech ended when they told me that I need a new email address. I then just asked how to return the item. They REFUSED to tell me and continued to say I need to create a new email address and try in again in 10-48 hours. I must have asked at least 5 times how to return the product, no answers. I printed out the last chats so I have them in case anyone needs them. This is not as simple as they say. I am computer literate and if I wasn't I woould have been totally lost. I have high speed internet 500GB Hard sapce, 1 MB ram.....Not working off router. I just think its a bunk product. If it is that tough to just get started the reliability has to be extremely low.
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Post by lenagainster »

To return your MagicJack, go here

How do I return, exchange, or replace my magicJack?

For returns, exchanges, or replacements, visit this link
Select "I want to return my magicJack" from the drop down menu
In the comments, ask for an "RMA number"
Press "Submit"

Given that others indicated they returned their MJ and were charged anyway, be sure to certify with a return receipt signed by a MJ rep if and when you have to contest the charge.

It may be prudent to wait a while, if you have 30 days, and see if there is something you are overlooking regarding the setup. As frustrating as it is not being able to get MJ running, it will be even more so when MJ fails to credit your card, or keeps the shipping and after sending it back you realize it cost you $15 in shipping both ways just to try the thing out.
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Getting Started

Post by Bouldergolfer »


Thanks for the help. I tried one more time and they just gave me the run-around again. That made an even 10 attempts and no less then 12 hours of attempts. I have had to explain this problem each and every time to the techs as they don't seem to log anything to review at a later date. I have my RMA and I sent sopies of the transcripts of my last 4 chats to PC World and CNBC seeing as how they both boasted the products greatness. Being a 25+ year retired Police Detective, there is nothing a cop hates more then being lied to or given the run-around.

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