Internet connection lost when trying to use headset
Moderators: Pilot, Bill Smith
Internet connection lost when trying to use headset
I got my MJ working at home finally. Now I have other issues. First, I have a dial tone. I ran Magic Fix and found no problems. I am using Windows XP at home with Verizon FiOS. I get a dial tone on my headset. I called my cell phone for a trial. When I use the softphone, my cell phone rings but I cannot hear anything. When I try to call anyone with the headset, my Internet connection gets disconnected. When I call the MJ through my cell phone, I can hear the headset ring, but once again can't hear anything. I even had one of my friends call me up. When he called me, the headset rang for me..but he did not hear any ringing. Neither of us could hear anything. When I tried calling him using the headset, my Internet connection got disconnected. Also, when I use my headset to call..I cannot hear any ringing after I punch in the numbers.
Can someone help?
Can someone help?
Do you have the Actiontec router? If so, try setting the firewall to the minimum value, sometimes called 'NAT only'.
All references in your post are to 'headset'. Have you tried with a telephone plugged into MJ?
What do you mean by "Internet connection gets disconnected"? Does this affect just the MJ application, other apps on your PC, other PCs on your router? What did you have to do to get it reconnected?
All references in your post are to 'headset'. Have you tried with a telephone plugged into MJ?
What do you mean by "Internet connection gets disconnected"? Does this affect just the MJ application, other apps on your PC, other PCs on your router? What did you have to do to get it reconnected?
Yes, I have the Actiontec Router. I went into Control Panel and disabled my firewall. I then tried calling my cell phone and could actually hear a ring. When I refer to headset, it's the phone that's connected to the MJ. Sorry for the confusion. As for Internet connection being disconnected, it's exactly that. I lose my Internet connection when I try to use the headset (phone connected to MJ). As soon as I hang up the phone...the Internet connection comes on again. It affects other apps on my PC, eg., GTalk. To get it reconnected, I simply hung up the phone.Stewart wrote:Do you have the Actiontec router? If so, try setting the firewall to the minimum value, sometimes called 'NAT only'.
All references in your post are to 'headset'. Have you tried with a telephone plugged into MJ?
What do you mean by "Internet connection gets disconnected"? Does this affect just the MJ application, other apps on your PC, other PCs on your router? What did you have to do to get it reconnected?
I have downloaded the Tiger Jet SDK Memo. All the tests were fine, except the audio. When I recorded audio through the phone..nothing played back. Even the time I heard the ring when I called the cell phone..I could not hear my voicemail. I called back the MJ using my cell phone and let it ring. The headset (phone connected to MJ) rang and rang and rang..would not stop ringing. I even left a voicemail on the MJ..but the MJ headset would still not stop ringing. I had to click on "reject" on the softphone to make it stop ringing.
If the audio test won't record and play back, MJ certainly won't work using a telephone. I suspect a USB power problem, because it's also killing your Internet access. How are you connected to the Actiontec (Ethernet, USB or wireless)? Using an external adapter, or one built into the motherboard? Do you have a powered USB hub to try? If not, try another USB port on the PC.
After you changed the Actiotec setting, have you tried calling using the softphone with a computer headset (or mic and speakers)? When the called phone is answered, does the softphone show "operational"? Does outbound audio work? Inbound? Test calling 866-692-6447. You should hear two rings, then your MJ number. If that works, try 909-390-0003. You won't hear a ring, but when it shows operational, talk and you should hear your voice echoed back.
After you changed the Actiotec setting, have you tried calling using the softphone with a computer headset (or mic and speakers)? When the called phone is answered, does the softphone show "operational"? Does outbound audio work? Inbound? Test calling 866-692-6447. You should hear two rings, then your MJ number. If that works, try 909-390-0003. You won't hear a ring, but when it shows operational, talk and you should hear your voice echoed back.
First, I found the word I was looking's HANDset..not headset. So, sorry for the confusion. Here's what I found. When I use the softphone to dial a number..and then pick up the handset, everyone once in a while if the spot is good, I'll hear a ring and maybe part of my voicemail. I tried to leave a message on my cell phone twice this way..but nothing came on the other end. I am connected to the Actiontec wirelessly. I don't have a USB hub..just my laptop.
I didn't change anything on the Actiontec. All I did was went to the Control Panel and disabled my firewall. I don't have mic and speakers, so no I have not tried calling the computer. When I used the softphone to call my cell phone, MJ screen does show as operational with the seconds for the call. If I try using my handset, MJ screen will show the number and operational..but then as soon as I lose the Internet connection, it will show me Error 1. Outbound audio does not work. I called the 866-692-6647 number and I got what souded like a fax. No two rings, no MJ number. The interesting thing, however, is that I called it using the handset and I did not lose my Internet connection. The I tried calling the same number using the softphone. I picked up the handset and heard a stuttering I have previously. I could not hear the complete ring..just parts of it. But I lost my Internet connection!!
Then I tried calling 909-390-0003 using the handset. Once again, I lost my Internet connection..but this time I got an Error 4. I put in my username and password and MJ was ready again. I tried calling the number using the softphone and I could hear some static depending on how I moved the handset..sort of like an radio antenna trying to catch a signal.
I also noticed that on the left side of the MJ screen, where there used to be an ad..I am getting an HTTP 404 error..that is..the page will not load.
Finally, I disconnected the MJ from my first USB port and connected it to 2 different ones on my laptop. Here's what I found. When I used the handset to dial the numbers...the MJ got disconnected right away. When I used the softphone to dial my cell cell phone would ring, but I could not hear anything in the handset. Also, as soon as my voicemail came on, the Internet connection would get disconnected
I didn't change anything on the Actiontec. All I did was went to the Control Panel and disabled my firewall. I don't have mic and speakers, so no I have not tried calling the computer. When I used the softphone to call my cell phone, MJ screen does show as operational with the seconds for the call. If I try using my handset, MJ screen will show the number and operational..but then as soon as I lose the Internet connection, it will show me Error 1. Outbound audio does not work. I called the 866-692-6647 number and I got what souded like a fax. No two rings, no MJ number. The interesting thing, however, is that I called it using the handset and I did not lose my Internet connection. The I tried calling the same number using the softphone. I picked up the handset and heard a stuttering I have previously. I could not hear the complete ring..just parts of it. But I lost my Internet connection!!
Then I tried calling 909-390-0003 using the handset. Once again, I lost my Internet connection..but this time I got an Error 4. I put in my username and password and MJ was ready again. I tried calling the number using the softphone and I could hear some static depending on how I moved the handset..sort of like an radio antenna trying to catch a signal.
I also noticed that on the left side of the MJ screen, where there used to be an ad..I am getting an HTTP 404 error..that is..the page will not load.
Finally, I disconnected the MJ from my first USB port and connected it to 2 different ones on my laptop. Here's what I found. When I used the handset to dial the numbers...the MJ got disconnected right away. When I used the softphone to dial my cell cell phone would ring, but I could not hear anything in the handset. Also, as soon as my voicemail came on, the Internet connection would get disconnected
Are you using a 2.4 GHz cordless phone with MJ? If so, it is probably interference that is knocking out the Internet connection. Confirm this by testing with a corded phone, or using an Ethernet connection from PC to Actiontec. If you don't have a way to do either, try putting the cordless base as far from your PC and from the Actiontec as possible, by running the cord between cordless base and MJ to its full length in a straight line. If needed, use an AC extension cord to power the base. When testing, hold the cordless handset so it is at least 10 feet from your PC and from the Actiontec.
I just called 866-692-6647 and also got a fax. But that's not the number I asked you to call -- try 866-692-6447.
I just called 866-692-6647 and also got a fax. But that's not the number I asked you to call -- try 866-692-6447.
First thank you for the test numbers, pretty damn handy.
Then the OP beat me to Handset, you you beat me to the 2.4 GHz phone. I was always told the early bird... etc. Well that may be true for birds but not "Stewarts".
First thank you for the test numbers, pretty damn handy.

Then the OP beat me to Handset, you you beat me to the 2.4 GHz phone. I was always told the early bird... etc. Well that may be true for birds but not "Stewarts".

- George -
HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
HolmanGT - St. George, UT MJ-Area/Prefix 435-275
ooma-Area/Prefix 435-579
Baja Broadband, up-1mb dn-10mb, on days with a good tail wind.
MJ on HP T5730 2GBF/2GBR Thin Client XPe SP2 Router Dlink Dir-655
Stewart, you're a genius! I was using a 2.4Ghz cordless phone. Picked up a cheap Uniden at Wally world for test purposes. I did 2 things..first, I connected the laptop directly to the Actiontec via Ethernet. Then I placed the laptop and the cordless base as far as they would go (3ft). At that point it didn't matter if I stayed next to the laptop or moved away from both the laptop and calls worked. Secondly, I connected wirelessly again, leaving the phone base 3ft from the laptop. I sat next to the laptop and did a test call. It went through!! Calling the 866 number, correctly this time, worked. I heard my ANI on the other line! Awesome..
Now that I have this setup, I would like to send this overseas to my parents. Do you think they might run into the same issues as I did or would it be easier for them? I mean we know the MJ works, it's just all the laptop unknowns, right?
Now that I have this setup, I would like to send this overseas to my parents. Do you think they might run into the same issues as I did or would it be easier for them? I mean we know the MJ works, it's just all the laptop unknowns, right?
One of my machines has a similar setup (XP, actiontec router, wireless internet, cordless HANDset). The actiontec advanced setup (usually accessible at does not appear to have any affect on MJ. Nor do most windows generic firewall level settings, which you adjusted from the control panel.
Your family may run into different installation issues, however, if their setup is similar to yours it shouldn't be an issue.
From what I've read, it appears the only problem you were having was with the handset itself, which would have disrupted your wireless network regardless of where it was located in your home, how close to your notebook or router, or of MJ .
I've never really heard of anyone using a 5.8GHz (analog or digital) cordless having conflict issues with a wireless 802.11g network, however, some 2.4's may work out of the box, or may work by simply switching the phone channel. If in doubt, try a POTS.
Your family may run into different installation issues, however, if their setup is similar to yours it shouldn't be an issue.
From what I've read, it appears the only problem you were having was with the handset itself, which would have disrupted your wireless network regardless of where it was located in your home, how close to your notebook or router, or of MJ .
I've never really heard of anyone using a 5.8GHz (analog or digital) cordless having conflict issues with a wireless 802.11g network, however, some 2.4's may work out of the box, or may work by simply switching the phone channel. If in doubt, try a POTS.
Some so-called 5.8 GHz phones use 5.8 GHz only from base to handset; the upstream is 2.4 GHz! See ... 031903.asp . To avoid interference, read the fine print, or use a DECT phone.TMikk wrote:I've never really heard of anyone using a 5.8GHz (analog or digital) cordless having conflict issues with a wireless 802.11g network, ...
So I sent my MJ to my parents overseas. They were able to set it up and all was good. Then my mom tried calling me on my cell phone. I could not hear a word she was saying, but she could hear me very clearly. Any suggestions as to why this might be?? I have Verizon Wireless and Sprint as my carriers, if that makes any difference.
Do they have enough upstream bandwidth (100 kbps minimum)? Test to San Jose at .spgdxb wrote:So I sent my MJ to my parents overseas. They were able to set it up and all was good. Then my mom tried calling me on my cell phone. I could not hear a word she was saying, but she could hear me very clearly.