
Post your reviews of magicJack. Include items such as call quality, feature usage, fax sucess, EULA thoughts, price considerations, support issues, etc.

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Post by leighann »

In the sales pitch, it was made clear there would be no charge for the magicjack unless it was not returned within the 30 day trial period. 5 days after I placed my order, by bank account was charged and I was then overdrawn. I have not even recieved the product and am already paying more charges. I am angry and will find a way to contact this company no matter how long it takes. You can rest assured I will be returning their product unopened. Any company that has no customer service and makes it impossible to speak with a live person, not to mention outright lying about their billing practices is no company I want to do business with. If there is some way you can help me please reply...

leigh ann
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Re: billing

Post by gooney »

leighann wrote:In the sales pitch, it was made clear there would be no charge for the magicjack unless it was not returned within the 30 day trial period. 5 days after I placed my order, by bank account was charged and I was then overdrawn. I have not even recieved the product and am already paying more charges. I am angry and will find a way to contact this company no matter how long it takes. You can rest assured I will be returning their product unopened. Any company that has no customer service and makes it impossible to speak with a live person, not to mention outright lying about their billing practices is no company I want to do business with. If there is some way you can help me please reply...

leigh ann
Send it back then... you will get your refund.
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gooney - Salt lake City, UT (801)
Don't mind me grammar cuzz it sukks!!
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Post by paulc21269 »

If $40 plus shipping made you overdrawn I would think about keeping mj. It will save you about $50 each month. Once you use it you will end up keeping it anyways. I had the same thing happen to me 4 day they put a pending charge on your card. you have a month to pay it.

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Post by strndedinalska »

Got hit with the soft overdraft fees banks are now charging on "available balance" instead of actual charges. The website clearly states that the amount will be authorized, but not charged and that's where your bank got you. Used to, you either had the money or you didn't. Now, they're into all sorts of kinky rules to make you pay up for free checking.
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Already billed for "free" trial - AND my one year

Post by lakotabrown »

Well, I do have to admit that "so far - so good" in terms of being able to install and use the thing. Good thing, too, because I've already been billed for my one year (I read the fine print - didn't buy the extra magicjacks or extended service plan and it definitely states:
"You will not be billed during your trial period. You credit card secures the order and will be charged when the trial period is over.

The FREE trial is only available for 2 magicJacks maximum and standard shipping and handling.

Additional magicJacks, extra years of service, and rush shipping will be charged immediately." didn't make sense to buy anything extra until I was even sure the thing would work...

The way I read it (and again, yes, I did read all the fine print) you really don't even need an 'extra' unless you intend to give to friends/family. Your pc/magicjack have to be running in order for the various service(s) to work, no? Since I travel with my laptop I have to figure the one is all I need... I'm keeping my 'economy' Verizon service at $.10 a call outgoing and the DSL ($14.95) so for $30 a month I'm assured 911 service and any incoming calls and hoping this new gadget will allow me my long distance and outgoing calls. But it's early yet.

Speaking of early - I did get suckered into paying the $3.95 express shipping. Again, that fine print indicated to expect up to 14 day delivery and yet your 30-day free trial started at the time of order. Didn't want to 'lose' 2 weeks of service. My package arrived in 3 days - but so did my sister's and she didn't pay the extra shipping. Doh!

I went ahead and registered (do NOT use the tab key to move fields or your ENTER key to select drop downs or you'll be starting over entering all your information repeatedly to make it through the registration process). I never did get the 'activation email' that was supposed to arrive within 2 hours - however, I was immediately able to make a call so that didn't seems to matter.

Since I don't intend to 'receive' calls I just went ahead and picked a local area code (I'm lucky, my area code is one of the ones available) and since there are no roaming charges I should be able to hook up anywhere in the country and that selection is irrelevant. They also indicate that you get a one time 'free' change of area/phone # selection, so if they ever do get my mother's area code activated I may try that. I figured at least that way she'd be able to call me 'local' vs. long distance (got her a cell but she still hasn't quite figured out how to use it!).

The biggie that's leaving me feeling a little scammed is I checked my bank account tonight and I have already been debited the full charge. In addition, my 'one year of service' has been marked as 12 months from registration. So, where I would have presumed (darn that fine print) the free 30-days was in addition to the one year of service, not so, apparently. Still, if it continues to work as well as it has so far (3 hours and 5 phone calls and counting!) it's still going to be a great deal for me. I have the advantage of making local/long distance calls at the one year rate and anyone that needs to call me back can just call me on my home phone #!

I telecommute but work for the Federal gov't - so I pick up my own internet and phone charges (yeah, policy states that's reimbursable but standard is more that I'm so lucky to be telecommuting we don't push it by asking for reimbursement of costs associated with actually working from home! <grin>)

Anyway, overall and so far - it's looking good! But the 'extra' magicjack's are potentially an issue (no refund/return?) and I have found absolutely NO way to link to the live person, a working phone # or any other valid contact information. I'm going to speak with my credit union on Monday and see if there is a way they will 'hold' on the charges. Probably my bad for using a check card instead of an actual credit card but I expected there to be a 'hold' placed and did not expect to see the full billing.

All this said - if ANYONE has an idea of a viable way of contacting these folks - let me know! I don't have technical issues, at least not yet, but I definitely have a question about the billing and service period. Thanks!
(p.s. direct USB install of magicjack had it lighting up by not triggering - I'm using the USB extension cord and it worked as advertised)
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Re: billing

Post by JJLUTHER »

leighann wrote:In the sales pitch, it was made clear there would be no charge for the magicjack unless it was not returned within the 30 day trial period. 5 days after I placed my order, by bank account was charged and I was then overdrawn. I have not even recieved the product and am already paying more charges. I am angry and will find a way to contact this company no matter how long it takes. You can rest assured I will be returning their product unopened. Any company that has no customer service and makes it impossible to speak with a live person, not to mention outright lying about their billing practices is no company I want to do business with. If there is some way you can help me please reply...

leigh ann
This is exacly what I had happen to me, you can go to the website and file a complaint like I am as well.
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Next day Billing is in the fine print IF!

Post by design4 »

When I ordered my MJ from the WebSite, about the 2nd or 3rd page of the form, it asked me if I would like to make sure that my MJ shipped out next day. It said if you said YES that they would also bill you the next day and not wait till the end of the 30 day trial. That was 1 or 2 pages before they asked me if I would like to pay 3.95 for priority shipping. So i'm sure many people said YES with out reading the full disclosure on that page. :roll: Got my reciept and said to be billed next day for full amount. Was not surprised because they said that they would if I clicked YES on that page.
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Post by JJLUTHER »

I do not know anything about what you are talking about, there was no "Click yes" on ANY of the pages that I read and at this time do not care. This is NOT a FREE trial if you use debit card, they take your money IMMEDIATELY out of your account, if it said that ANYWHERE on the website I would have used my credit card,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,It Didn't.

Therefore UNAUTHORIZED charge and therefore Mail Fraud, Sorry....
Mess with the Bull, You GET THE HORNS....
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Re: wow

Post by WCMencken »

paulc21269 wrote:If $40 plus shipping made you overdrawn I would think about keeping mj. It will save you about $50 each month. Once you use it you will end up keeping it anyways. I had the same thing happen to me 4 day they put a pending charge on your card. you have a month to pay it.

That's kind of a nasty response. A person buys something and expects to pay a month later and gets socked with overdraft fees that avalanche the money away like an avalanche.
norml jack
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Post by norml jack »

Ditto on the nasty response. It makes an arrogant insinuation, does it not? 40 dollars might make me overdrawn if I weren't expecting it, and I have enough wealth to last me to the end of days and comfortably so. It's about being prudent with your financial resources and not taking chances. They can't steal it if it isn't there to steal in the first place, right?

I would strongly suggest the use of a prepaid VISA such as the one issued by Walmart. It's just like a checking account without the checks. There are no overdraft fees, zero balance fees and is the absolute best way I have ever found to prevent getting screwed. Simple, effective, and cheap financial protection so easy a caveman can do it.
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I was charged within 3 days too

Post by noshutdown »

i was billed on my credit card within 3 days just like everyone else.
So lets everyone get even with MJ because they wouldn't refund my return shipping charges either.
here is the magic jack phone number for billing and the palm springs fax number....



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Post by jkcdlm »

I ordered my MJ last month and just got charged for it (30 days later). I have a good bank though. They don't soft charge my account and they stick me with fees. I guess it depends on the bank that you use and their policies regarding soft charging your account. Either way, if you are that strapped and don't have $50 available in your account at the time of purchase, maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't have bought it to begin with.
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Post by WCMencken »

What is it with this maybe you shouldn't crapola? We're talking a $1 gadget with software in it associated with that gadget. You don't pay your bill and MagicJack disables the software and the gadget is worthless. On the other hand if you're on a budget, no matter whether you're in the chips or not, you are justified in keeping however much or as little as you want in a low or non interest bearing checking account that may or may not double as a debit account.

An unexpected charge of $50 can lead to numerous overdraft charges at $60 a pop.

Try and resolve those overdrafts with you bank. Try and resolve the bad credit hits on your credit rating by businesses that want their $5 payment(s).

What if the charge had been $500? How many people could take an unexpected hit like that on a well managed, cost effective checking account?

I am steamin!!!
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