message: the number you have dialed is unallocated

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message: the number you have dialed is unallocated

Post by curiousgeorge »

I tried calling my folks new cell # and got this message saying "the number you have dialed is unallocated" and would not place the call so I did a search online and came up with this article. ... 48cb.shtml

so for the more technical folks here, yes you know who you are :wink: does this sound like a problem on magicjack servers or whatever they use for voip because this sounds like the people at MJ need to configure there equipment correctly, could be why you have droped calls,calls not going thru and all the other bugs that seem to have no cure or magically fix themselves. hopefully someone at MJ reads this post. peace out :)
help! I am running out of USB ports!!!!!!!!
Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?
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Post by LikeMagic »

If you could dial the new cell number from your cell phone and from landline phone then the problem is with MJ server not loading the latest NPA-NXX information. Tell them to reload the NPA-NXX table for the call server in your area then that should be fixed.
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Post by curiousgeorge »

Thank you like magic, I was almost 99% sure this was the issue, so when I told them to please reload the npa-nxx table they had no idea what I was talking about, so I told them that the number I was trying to dial (my moms number) works with my cell my neighbors landline and even with my v@nage voip just not with my MJ and they told me it was sprint. So I called sprint and they said all is good which I already knew because I call my mom with my cell and with my lanline and all is working good. :roll:

three diffrent tech chats later Brian told me he would give the engenieers my moms number so they will look at the problem aprox.24hrs. Hey I am just glad they did not say "soon" :o because you know what that means. I will wait patiently to see if they fix it and will post results a.s.a.p, very frustrating when you know the problem is with their servers not being updated. :roll:
help! I am running out of USB ports!!!!!!!!
Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?
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Post by curiousgeorge »

just checked and it works! :o they fixed it for me, wow!
help! I am running out of USB ports!!!!!!!!
Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?
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Post by LikeMagic »

Glad that MJ fixed that for you :lol: :lol: sometimes, they need a few pushes :lol: :lol:
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Post by testing123 »

curiousgeorge wrote:just checked and it works! :o they fixed it for me, wow!
Wow, since you have such good luck w/ them, please have them fix this ... -t424.html :P Thanks
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Post by curiousgeorge »

testing 123: I think all these types of problems are due to them not updating or configuring their servers with the correct info, because as you can see I just gave them the number that I could not reach and then was fixed. They are probably so busy with all these new customers that they will usually blame the other phone carrier just to get you off their back,but if you can call the number on any other phone(landline,cell,or voip) and it works then the problem has to be on MJ's end.

I think MJ will soon fix most of these types of problems as they begin to grow and as "likemagic" stated on his post they need a few pushes(3 in my case). :lol:
help! I am running out of USB ports!!!!!!!!
Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?
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