Since March 8,2008 magicJack Been Shipping with New Hardware

Features that are coming "soon". Area Codes, Caller ID blocking, Follow me, etc.

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Since March 8,2008 magicJack Been Shipping with New Hardware

Post by AlaninKY »

"...there will be some major changes coming out in the software soon,which will lower bandwidth requirements and increase call quality,a very rare combination indeed.I am sure everybody knows since March 8th we have been shipping new hardware which improves noise,works with musicmatch and the like,has hardware echo control,works with dirty power,and a number of other improvements.We relocated servers out of a node of one of our underlying Carriers that was problematic and unreliable and will be finished with that move by the end of this week.Our customer service now has average wait times below 30 seconds.I would say,we get a B since we launched 100 days ago,but well on our way to a A now.If we are to be graded with Value the we bring,we are already at an A Plus.My goal is to be the best at any price though,and we will get there soon."

Source of Information Dan Borislow April 1, 2008 at ... s~start=20
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Re: Since March 8,2008 magicJack Been Shipping with New Hard

Post by LikeMagic »

AlaninKY wrote:"...there will be some major changes coming out in the software soon,which will lower bandwidth requirements and increase call quality,a very rare combination indeed.I am sure everybody knows since March 8th we have been shipping new hardware which improves noise,works with musicmatch and the like,has hardware echo control,works with dirty power,and a number of other improvements.We relocated servers out of a node of one of our underlying Carriers that was problematic and unreliable and will be finished with that move by the end of this week.Our customer service now has average wait times below 30 seconds.I would say,we get a B since we launched 100 days ago,but well on our way to a A now.If we are to be graded with Value the we bring,we are already at an A Plus.My goal is to be the best at any price though,and we will get there soon."

Source of Information Dan Borislow April 1, 2008 at ... s~start=20
I believe Dan is hinting that MJ might switch to G.729 codec from the current G.711 codec. If this is true: lower bandwidth requirements? Yes; Increasing call quality? It's yet to be heard!
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Post by strndedinalska »

I'd be interested to know what the new requirement will be. If it actually works, it would definitely help people who have lower speed lines. I also have to admit, the times I've been to their customer care chat have been pretty decent. At least they seem to be trying to do better, which is more than I can say for the local telco that keeps me hostage.
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New magicJack hardware

Post by SteveInWa »

I assume he means that the new version is based on this new chip from TigerJet:

I had to RMA return my MJ, which I had originally received back in January. I haven't received the replacement yet. Is there any marking on the new ones to indicate that it is a later version?
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It does not seem to be g729

Post by n3glv »

Ran a sniffer on it.
It looks to be ILBC-8 or ULAW-8khz.
I have also been able to "dial" it as an extension from my asterisk
as sip/E412*******[email protected] address
btw, it's just a soft phone, in fact, if I terminate the exe and then use
idefisk, zoiper or x-lite and assign the sound device as the Tiger usb phone
device. It works fine as a handset.

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Post by Denver Dave »

Can we or do we upgrade software or does this happen automatically? Is there a way to see the software version that we are running? There does not seem to be a standard help / about.
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Post by joecanadian »

long time ago I attempted to force gsm, iLBC, g729a on my magic jack through asterisk though have not been able to get it to accept.. has anyone played with it latly.. ?

All I need to know now is how to spoof with asterisks my main number.. that would be nice being canadian
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Post by Denver Dave »

Did this hardware and software upgrade happen? If so, what is the procedure for upgrading? Do we just buy another or is there a way to exchange and pay a fee? what is best?

It is great is the quality of the product is improving !

Still would like:
(1) 3 way calling
(2) built in call recording

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